BurningSun's Replies

The thing you hate when a man of color walks down your street. Lol Tarantino is VERY woke. Acts black in half of his interviews and claims to be a “brotha”. How can he be woke yet un-PC? Because his movies are violent? This is the hypocrisy of the anti-SJW. The Great Straight White Holocaust of 2031 will be terrifying. Blacks, transgenders, and women will round up all straight white men. Trump supporters will typically be executed on site, while average straight white men will be hearded like cattle and sent to concentration camps. Here, the straight white men will be given three choices: cut their peepees off and become transgender, be execute via gullitine (since guns are banned), or endure 90 days of gay sex. In the world following 2031, minorities will be automatically granted $1,000,000 just for being minorities. White men who took the gay sex option but are still technically straight men are the lowest class citizen and live in squallar and disease with the rats. All movies must star a black or female actor or it wont be made. Who else thinks this will happen? Thanks, Disney, for starting the SJW wars. Leftists didn’t cancel anything. Poor screenwriting is what cancelled itself. Good. Maybe audiences are finally wising up to just how bland and lifeless these Illumination films are. They’ve all been just about this bad, it’s just taken the masses a while to realize it. If you want to see what a Tarantino horror film would be like, check The Devil’s Rejects or Red State. Two films that blatantly copy Tarantino’s style but paste it into a horror environment. A few years ago, Tarantino said he was heavily considering remaking one of the movies he wrote but didnt direct, like True Romance, Natural Born Killers, or Killing Zoe. He also said he was working throuroughly on a science fiction movie but not a “spaceship” movie, which may have just turned into Star Trek. I think he said he also tried writing a horror film but it didn’t work out. Years ago he said teased that he’d love to make a Friends movie too. To list all the plot holes and inconsistencies in this disaster would be like listing every individual verse from the bible. For starters, the cop character has aged 20 years in five minutes. I also love how placing this film between the events of 1 and 2 completely ignores the continuity of how the first two films worked. I thought they took 5 days apart, but this movie implies they took just 2 days apart. Wow, a shit human being who pretends to be aloof criticizing a shit human being who pretends to be aloof! He calls the kettle black so you don’t have too. I’ve always considered my gaydar to be of above average quality, and it’s never beeped for Tarantino. If anything, he just comes off as a high IQ autist who sees no importance for marriage or children. He’s definitely attracted to women. The dude is open about all of his shocking and unsual opinions, even calling Vladimir Putin a bad person TO HIS FACE, so I don’t think he’d be afraid to say he’s gay. These are really the two final choices? Not trying to be a snob but jeezus. I go JAWS. Aliens has not aged well at all, whereas Jaws is just as exciting as it was in 1975. I’ve heard Will Ferrell is a nice guy but he’s always been one of the worst comedians working, ESPECIALLY in unscripted improv. I’m not sure why he demands to do so much unscripted work when he is atrocious at it. How many times can he do the “shouting while being confused” shtick? Director: Okay Will, this is the scene about shoes. Will: WAIT. I have an improv ruitine that’s way funnier than the script! Director: Okay. Ready?...and action! Will: Oh! Uh, shoes! Shoes? Shoes! They go on your feet! Shoes! Oh my god, shoes! There are shoes! Shoes exist! Shoes!? I’m shouting while being confused about shoes! Director: Cut! Brilliant, Will. The acting is pretty flat, but I think it’s more of an issue with bad directing than bad acting. A shame, because I love Cabin Fever and have always tried to defend Eli Roth as being misunderstood, but there’s really no defense here. His directing seems really careless here. Like the scene where Alejandro is trying to save the blonde chick with the spear thru her throat, only for her to get stabbed thru the head. He gives this subpar “no!” that sounds more like somebody sat in his reserved seat than his friend dying. Both were excellent here, but Brad Pitt was just Brad Pitt. Meanwhile, Leo was Rick Dalton. You’re thinking of Todd Lincoln’s remake, which was announced in 2003. Lincoln was, like, 25 and had never made a movie at the time, and it makes me wonder how even landed a gig with 20th Century Fox in the first place. Judging by concept art which can be seen on the interwebs, Seth would’ve turned into something very closely resembling a fully formed fly and not a 50/50 human/fly fusion, with big red eyes, six arms, and wings. I think it was also rumored that the first half would be a shot-for-shot remake but the second half would be some sort of action thriller. Lincoln later went on to do VHS 3 and The Apparition, both terrible. Then why would they recycle his iconic scream? I guess they thought nobody would notice and instantly recogizable sound effect? And is there a reason why you’re an asshole on every response you type? Guess you’re pretty miserable. No, I’m talking about the 1982 film. The ending involved no helicopter or anything from the 2011. This ending also had some lame narration about “watching the skies” as a reference to the 1951 film. I’m sure it’s on YouTube somewhere. Literally nobody thinks this. Nobody. That one liberal with blue lipstick doesn’t count. THE 40-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN - I just read a film magazine list that called this the 25th best film of the century, up there with some modern classics. Is this film really that good? I don’t care for it at all. I’m sick of the long winded bro humor spurts of people bragging about their sex lives or spouting foul language. Someone being called a “chodesmoker” or a “cockgoblin” isn’t a joke, even if it’s being shouted by an asian/middle eastern man. There are funny moments in this movie, but theyre overshadowed by typical frat house bro douche jokes where people just sit around and talk about nasty sex stories, mostly purpetuated by Rogen, Lynch, the token indian guy, and the token black guy. “This one time she farted on my dick!” Wow, hilarious...if you’re 9. The Dark Knight is great but not among cinema’s finest achievements like most people claim it be. It’s not even the best Batman.