MovieChat Forums > sema4dogz > Replies
sema4dogz's Replies
Well, I guess we don't watch the same sorts of films then as I have seen many Hollywood films that do not rely on 'stunts' and where the actors do display talent .
Apart from that , I don't in any case believe that judging an actor on her body is acceptable or valid so let's stop talking to each other about it ,hey?
I don't really know what you mean by her body being "weird" but no need to tell me. I really, really hope boards are not going to get into the body shaming and misogyny which marred the otherwise inestimable imDb boards of late memory.
Can we please judge actors - of any sex - according to their talents, not some supposed fault of their body or face not meeting Hollywood plastic standards.
I do agree, very good. Just to be picky though , its an English accent , British takes in Scottish, Welsh, N Irish.
Really ? Glad I don't live there. The move was very restrained I thought, and my audience of Australian straight (probably) , middle aged persons were completed unbothered by it .
Not wishing to derail the thread, but I think you misunderstand the term 'general'. What you have posted is of extremely limited interest and best posted on your family Facebook page or whatever.
Yes, exactly.
Well, good, but not sure how you think this advances a discussion of the movie ….
Oh thank you for this , knowing nothing about Mah Jong, the nuances completely passed me by.
Oh good, I was beginning to think I'd made it up ! Pitt's Earlye Grace was more frightening I thought , and had some nasty little personal habits too, IRRC . The open shirted swagger is a bit reminiscent of Pitt's bad boy character - I forget the name - who initiated Thelma into orgasmic country in Thelma and Louise too, come to think of it ( no pun intended)
Not rambling at all!
You know , I don't think she did it out of selfless all-consuming love , even in the beginning when she certainly did love and even revere him. She knew very early on he had 'feet of clay'. She was, in those early days very unsure of herself though, and was convinced by the Elizabeth McGovern character ( sorry I forget the name ) that it was going to be an uphill, hopeless struggle to get published at all, no matter how good she was.
The vicarious fame and fortune became a sort of daily reality , and yes I agree he actually pretty much convinced himself that it was really him who was the great author , and she was merely his private editor.
The Helsinki prize affair was as you say , the final straw and she knew she could no longer go on with the charade particularly after his doing the elaborate thank you she had begged him not to do . Which he did, of course, not because he really wanted to honour her but because people would think badly of him if he didn't do it . In the book she has decided to leave him before even getting to Helsinki.
I think asking why he did it/what were his reasons displays , sorry, a certain naïveté about addiction and emotional trauma generally . As a pp suggests, he was a damaged person from way back , and in any case alcoholism is not about a simple choice to drink or not.
In addition, he believed he might ruin her life and he loved her too much to risk that. And finally, he was getting inoperably deafer at an increasing rate .
I hope she will feel able to drop the Gaga persona and be able to transition to being a more serious actor. She is so talented .
Gaga is a bit akin to Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust , except he managed to do both himself and ZS.
He did think he was derailing her career, but that was because the agent ( the obligatory Evil English Guy) told him so .
The book does, I think, a better , or at least more layered job of explaining why Joan Castleman spent all those years doing what she did. It suggests that at first , it was sort of fun for them both to be fooling everyone.
It also explores more aspects of the the cultural straightjacket women writers were in at that time, and the small but crucial role played by Elizabeth McGovern is given more focus.
"random cool things pasted together" I like that , good description And I enjoyed those random things too .
I liked too that the character died lying exactly on the state line , neither in one nor the other
Yes, 'He's A Rebel' and done really, really well. As was everything she sang actually.
By the way "She went full retard" is a fairly insensitive phrase is it not ? And not terribly informative.....