Snoopy828's Replies

Spike has always been a turd. The actors salaries which grows each and every year. The crew, they have crew members that have been there since day one. I agree I miss the classic rock songs as well. The special effects. I don't know how much their budget is, but budget gets bigger every year. Yeah I agree the bunker was created to save money, which is awesome. But we did just get the guess who- no time in last weeks episode. Hopefully more are on the way. I could not have said it better, agree 100%. It's a shame too, because love Michael B Jordan....but the character of Adonis just doesn't do it for me as well. My primary interest of the Creed films was, and always will be Rocky. Rocky is my favorite cinematic character of all time. If Creed III happens, and Stallone does indeed bow out, I might as well. Or at the very least it'll be a wait for dvd kind of movie. Precisely. I mean it's smart of fox's part. They are like "this debate is great. we can make more money because of it." For money you stooge. Why else would they release that cover 30 years later? All hype. Severely underwhelming ^^ what he said As for Carpenter I think it's an age thing. I think his stance softened with age. I mean a lot of actors who were head strong about doing sequels eventually hit an age where they were like "ehhh maybe it'll be fun to go back and revisit that." Either that or maybe he needed the money. He hasn't directed since 2010 the Ward, which wasn't that good to be honest. Also in 98 when they did H20, he was still very much an active working director, which sadly he is not anymore. So I don't know. Like I said I like me some nostalgia. But more subtle is my preference. When the nostalgia starts taking over the film, and acts as fan service, or studio mandated it becomes annoying and distracting. You can pay homage to something with a subtle stroke or a paint brush, as opposed to splattering it across a canvas Jackson Pollack style. As a hardcore Halloween fan I wanted to love this movie. However I didn't like the approach. For a film that tried to distance itself from the sequels, and retcon them, it really stole and borrowed from all the films they were trying to get away from. Scenes that mirrored parts 2, 4 ,6, H20, and even Season of the witch. I'm sorry but this new craze with nostalgia really needs to stop. Nostalgia alone is not enough to make a good movie. I love nostalgia as much as the next, but nostalgia is served best as a side dish, not a main course. The new Halloween film had no mood, no atmosphere, stupid comedy, not enough tension, and awful characters. As far as the retcon goes, making Michael/Laurie not brother/sister really didn't service the story one way or another. I felt this film was on par with the new predator film that came out earlier this year. I wouldn't recommend it but I'm sure it'll make a ton of money, and prob get a sequel. As for people being hard to please. I mean can studios just give us a better product? Put out a better product instead of half fast, generic crap all the time. After watching this trash I agree whole heartedly. Trash