ZaphodBeeblebrox's Replies

I'd be surprised if it was a big retcon. I think it's more likely an alternate timeline/universe thing. I thought the Judoon episode was _finally_ a return to some of the fun that I remember from older seasons of the show. I'm hoping they can keep this going and avoid the awkward virtue signaling that spoiled past episodes. I'm not sure I understand your post. Scorsese is not glorifying the mafia or Sheeran. The murders in the film are brutal and shocking. Several people in the film that were associated with the mafia met ugly, violent ends (as the subtitles showed). Sheeran died a lonely old man because his daughters despised what he did. I personally think Scorsese is one of our greatest directors and I'm happy he's still making powerful films like The Irishman. I hope you are correct about this. The Last Jedi ruined any interest I might have in future Star Wars films. The flag "controversy" has nothing to do with the film's poor performance - it's just a bad film. Very slow with zero likable characters. The shaky cam is overdone. The camera can't stay focused on anything for more than a minute or two. The actual moon launch and exploration doesn't occur until the very end of the extremely long film. Very disappointing.