MovieChat Forums > millsey72 > Replies
millsey72's Replies
Oh no, I hope you're kidding
More will be revealed for the Palpatine movie coming out. Palpatine brutally raped Reys mom and she was too ashamed to raise a daughter from Palpatines bloodline, so they deserted her to Jakuu. Palpatine had Reys mom and her boyfriend executed. I also heard that Palpatine agreed to do a full frontal nude scene during the rape.
The top 2 are easy.
1. Attack of the Clones
2. Return of the Jedi
3. Phantom Menance
4. The Force Awakens
5. Empire Strikes Back
6. Revenge of the Sith
7. A New Hope
8. The Rise of Skywalker
9. The Last Jedi
There would be 1 problem I just realized. In the Winter Soldier, near the beginning, The character Falcon, tells Captain America about things to catch up on while he was asleep for 70 years. And one of them was to watch Star Wars
Why do more people from other countries come to the USA for procedures than anywhere else in the world? Face it, being a left winger means one is a dirt bag and most likely a welfare deadbeat who wants to live off the backs of the working person. I am trying to help you here. Please take my advice and become a conservative. That will mean you believe in self reliable and accountable for yourself, rather than the govt control you
Yes, you are a horrible person if you want govt to be in charge of your own health. Whenever the govt gets involved, costs go up and service goes down. However maybe in those countries you mention, govt can do a decent job on healthcare. In the USA, they cannot. Stop being a left winger. That makes you look really bad
Please have some consideration for others and mark your post with a spoiler alert. Now because of you, I know eventually Anakin would become Darth Vadar
I still can't believe that you actually seem proud to be a massive left winger. So you are a welfare deadbeat who wants to live off the backs of the working class person. You should really consider changing to become a better human being. Its really low of you to proudly admit you are a massive left winger
Please have consideration for others and make a point to say spoilers in your heading
This might be the silliest topic on this site for any film. You are looking way too into that scene
She couldn't keep her real surname of Palpatine. Especially after she killed him
Yea, how quickly the force ghost of Ben Solo is forgiven by Luke and Leia, after murdering his father in episode 7.
They were more shocked. But the fact that she is quickly revived back to life by Kylo, the faithful audiences felt relieved
I saw it already. Rey and Kylo team up to fight her evil grandfather, Palpatine. Rey sacrifices herself to kill Palpatine, only to have Kylo then sacrifice himself using force powers to revive her. Rey proudly states she is a Skywalker
You are a proud, honorable human being. However I disagree with you that Star Wars these days are still great. And a big part of it is because of Disney forcing the entire lowlife liberal agenda on us
Why would you admit that you are a massive left winger? Basically you are proud of being a dirt bag. You are either a wealthy special interest elitist or someone who wants to free load from the govt off the backs of working class people. That info should be kept to yourself. You should feel embarrassed
What about the 30 mile runway depicted in the film?
Actually the 6th film has that scene near the end where Dom jumps out of a speeding car and catches Letty, while flying over the bridge only to land a cars windshield. That scene was nuts
Nah, FF 8 is based on a true story and the events depicted in the film actually did happen
Wrong! They are 3 stand lone action films