AmeriGirl26's Replies

I say, fire the wicked bitch who's running ABC. She's just one of several idiots that has allowed that station to go downhill in quality. She's the one who seethed and gnashed her teeth over Roseanne's pro-Trump show, and despite its ratings, she and her cronies were looking for ANY excuse to dump Roseanne. The fact that the boss of ABC is black and from Sacramento tells you everything you need to know about why she pressed the Dump button without hesitation over firing Roseanne. The Knights of the Old Republic game also did a good job expanding on the canon without ruining anything, as well as The Old Republic MMO. Of any Star Wars game I've played, none is more fascinating than "Star Wars the Old Republic." I'm not an Ivy League expert, so I wouldn't know. It depends on who you ask. The term "liberal" has many definitions. Liberals in Europe typically stand up for the working man, as do classic Liberals here in America. But the problem is, the Democratic party was hijacked in recent decades by socialists, who hide behind the label "liberal" to keep people in the party and get votes. The problem with liberals is vast here in the US. Many think the government should solve all our problems, and that the states and the people have no business making those decisions. They also think taxing the living daylights out of everyone, particularly the working middle class, is going to solve all our problems. They also believe over-regulating everything will keep businesses here in America, and that they can spend their way out of any recession. Democratic Senators' favorite thing to do (particularly in California), instead of doing their jobs, is to create all sorts of useless laws that supposedly combat pollution and poverty, when in fact it does nothing to help the situation, and makes things worse. They completely ignore the real issues, and trick people into thinking they're actually doing something for the good of the country or state, when in fact, everything they do is for their own self-interests, including staying in office. Now I'm not gonna say that all Republicans are better. We have plenty of RINOs here (Republican In Name Only), but at least real Republicans let the power go back to the states when they're in office. And they don't laugh at, step on, or ignore people who try to stand up for a good cause. She went to Harvard Law School and did nothing with that education. Need I say more? They didn't just incarcerate homosexuals under this fictional, totalitarian government. You'll recall that they made all sorts of different people "disappear," including dissidents. I don't believe he was gay. I think he was attracted to Evey, but knew they could have no future together, so he kept the relationship platonic. She, on the other hand, became emotionally attached to him, despite all the creepy stuff he did to her. I can understand why some people might think he's gay, because he doesn't actively try to jump Evey's bones, he's very theatrical in personality and how he conducts himself. But frankly, he shows more of the personality traits of a Gay Ally, a straight person who empathizes with homosexuals and supports them as friends. After all, when he was incarcerated, he had no communication with anyone at all but the gay woman in the prison cell next door, blindly giving him notes written on toilet paper, telling her story to anybody who might be willing to read it and learn the truth. So the final verdict is, I vote 2. I think, if you want to view it from a different standpoint, it's more of a "What if?" kind of story, not a realistic look at what could happen to the UK, because frankly, I doubt they would ever get that way either. You must also remember that it was the Wachowskis who wrote this, who are very weird, and very liberal. This film basically illustrates all their fears of what they THINK a conservative government could turn into, rather than how it would work in reality. They get points for creativity, but lose points for no grasp on reality. Funny you should mention conservative housewives, although it isn't them who is in an uproar about this show right now. (Conservative Housewives just shut the thing off and go watch something better). Netflix is getting sued by the most ironic source: the Temple of Satan. Can you believe that? A chapter of THOSE kinds of people are actually upset about this show! They didn't like the people who made the show supposedly "stealing" the likeness of their favorite pagan god statue for the school Sabrina was going to. The 90s show was better. Corny, but at least you could have kids watch it, and there was no Satan worship. All right, since your obviously scored an F in Reading Comprehension on grade school, I'll post the link to this YouTube video. It explains the ire fans of Star Wars have about this wreck of a film in more detail: I think it blew up with the nuke that was stuck into the asteroid's core. Well, Armageddon was more fantastical than realistic. It was more of an action film than a serious look at what a rogue comet would do to the earth. Deep Impact was more of a drama and a look at how humanity would react to such an incoming disaster, and what would realistically happen as a result. Plus, Armageddon was about an asteroid, not a comet, heading for earth. I would have to agree. I haven't liked this or The Force Awakens at all. I didn't like seeing all these new people I don't like much or can't identify with, I didn't like seeing all our favorite characters as old farts, I REALLY didn't like seeing the old relationships downplayed, I missed Yoda, the way the Force is being portrayed is not accurate to how Jedi (especially untrained ones) use it when not trained, and a bunch of other issues. Frankly, the Prequels, lousy as they are, are way better than this wreck. Lucas made a huge mistake, selling the franchise. If he'd known it would come to this, he would have turned down the $4.6 billion Disney was offering him. Oh, and Kathleen Kennedy should be shot for turning the franchise into an SJW festival. Believe me, most Americans do not want to lectured on how to be a good stupid Liberal drone and bow to the PC cult. It's not enough to be a Star Wars film. This movie is a prime example of "the good name can't hide the shit behind it" scenario. It has to be a GOOD story, and have continuity that makes sense. This film had neither, and it's no surprise that the extremely unlikeable person [I would put another name, but this comment might get deleted] who wrote and directed this pile of crap got no less than 3 million death threats on opening day for this film. For those of you who STILL do not get it, I'll post a link to this video to provide details of why this film sucks so bad: It would have been better to have an original story, or one of those "pass-the-torch" stories. Doesn't matter if it was filmed by a woman or not. Thank you! The idiots involved in this film have NO IDEA that it had nothing to do with gender. It had to do with the fact that a.) they recycled the original script, b.) they did not add anything new to the story at all, and c.) all the jokes were old, recycled, and executed poorly by the women involved. That, and the entire cast was very unattractive. The people in Hollywood really don't have a clue what appeals to audiences anymore. All they see is what THEY like in the bubble, not what's outside of it. Doesn't help that the Writer's Strike of '08 robbed them of a lot of creative talent, and it's really showing after 10 years. Wow, she's really tone-deaf, isn't she? It wasn't the fact that the cast was all-female. It was the fact that the film sucked so bad, nobody in their right mind would buy the dvd's to do anything but keep the garbage bonfire going in their backyard. It was NOTHING like this film, and was weapons-grade crap. Oh! I see.