KnowsMore's Replies

Nah, I did message him though but it all came to nothing. I didn't know he was in Kent though, I was thinking about that jellied eel place he was on about on the South Bank of central London. Kent's pretty big. I only lived in Rochester for a few weeks and so didn't get out to see much of it (Apart from Dover of course!). They'll get me until they don't Dazed. I know I'm harmless and well-intentioned but I can't put that trust out there willy-nilly to strangers on the Internet and not expect it to be used against me by someone at some point. Early days here too, the ride is only just getting started on the long games. I think I'm more the triggering type rather than the being triggered sort Dazed. But I'm sure I have my days like anyone else does. [quote]At least if you didn't get to vote you can just stay out of it![/quote] And I'm much happier for it! I think I did a short spell in Kent around the time of the Brexit referendum. Who knows, we could have bumped into each other without knowing it. You seen it yet? He had a brainfart. I went with the Gary Oldman Dracula leaning of it all and found out DW is now Lara's dad or something in that new movie. Have you ever seen The Hour? That was a good show, very nicely done. I don't know if she would want to. He'd probably like it! You know my response to that. It goes as follows. Spanners, explain yourself to me please. Hilarity ensues! That's the least of it. The massive gaping sinkhole that I had to clamber up while zombified ex-fiances and undead dogs were clawing at my feet and a gypo was firing BB-gun pellets at me while shouting about tombs and crops failing that year. Thankfully on my way out I picked up a laptop that was in their outgoing mail by way of atonement. I've not been resident enough in Scotland to have a say in its referendum (Glad to say too! What a polarising issue it has been between friends and family alike!). I think we're better together, but the Welsh can at least sing a bit more to pay for their supper! I thought the casting against type was the perfect way to do this movie. I also agree that it is an underrated gem. What will the dogs eat then? And an axe. Wasn't there a girl whose number he didn't get at the wedding? That might have triggered him or something. I'm not down with the lingo these days but people get triggered a lot apparently now. I was once called out to a small rural farm in Eastern Europe to deal with an apparent domestic. Oh, it was ghastly. I was lucky to get out of there alive. It's a pleasure to meet you ITTY. I'm sure you'll fit in quite nicely around here. No Wombles fans I see! Or give them a pork chop (But make sure it's cooked!) I chuckled well at that one. As long as she doesn't sing Roar she should be OK.