MovieChat Forums > Roguemail > Replies
Roguemail's Replies
Of course it's production means the filming is finished and they are probably working on the special effects, CGI etc.
Empire magazine ran an article showing stills from the movie, and other publications will probably do the same.
From the look of it, it seems to emphasise flying craft/hybrid creatures of some sort, as well as fiery forests.
Can't say I am psyched for it...I was extremely bored by the last one.
Yeah...but does he know that?
It's a teaser trailer. Many of the effects will still need refining, as it looks with the Thing costume.
And there are a few action scenes shown, albeit briefly.
But you're not going to get much in the way of major action and effects at this stage.
None, and no one is saying that the burglars were justified in what they did. But that does not mean you are justified in shooting them in the back. As was proven in this case.
You still can't grasp the fact that what he did was not justified in the eyes of the law, and he was convicted of manslaughter by the courts. It does not matter that you think Martin was right.
Whether you think that's right or wrong, it does not matter. That's just your opinion. Martin had his day in court and he lost.
Oh dear. It obviously needs saying again...shooting a person in the back with a shotgun is a premeditated act intended to seriously wound or kill. And a person who was outside the property and running away.
I support any persons right to defend themselves and their property, but you can't just shoot someone blindly when they are clearly not a threat to you.
You are probably one of those people who think if you catch a person inside your property you can pretty much do what you want to them.
Newsflash - you have to be able to prove the person was a threat to your life, and you had no choice but to kill to defend yourself.
Martin had no such defence and the courts rightly found him guilty. Also, Martin had been spoken to before about having illegal guns by police.
And frankly, if he had not let his property get into such a ruinous state and made an effort to make his property secure, he would not have been in that situation.
But no...he left his windows open, sat in the dark with a shotgun and shot a burglar in the back while running away. No jury in the world is going to pass a not guilty verdict on that one.
He shot him in the back as he was running away, with an illegal shotgun.
That's not the act of a "hero".
Also, Martin kept his farmhouse in a rundown state, and as such attracted burglars who were easily able to get into it.
On the night in question, Martin sat at the top of the stairs in the with the gun, when the boys entered he shot. One escaped, the other jumped out of the window and was running away...but Martin shot him in the back, killing him.
No justification for self defense whatsoever.
I know many think he was right, but there was no justification for what he was not self defence. The old "English man's home is his castle" is not ans never has been a defence.
What someone thinks they can do and what the law says is legal are two different things. Each case like this is taken on its own merit.
The guy was wrong, and he was rightly convicted.
Maybe , maybe not. But either way it does not mean the director was right to allow him to go so over the top.
Guitarking, you need to go lookup the definition of woke. I never said I was offended or outraged by Benny Hill, only that to me his style of humour is outdated and unfunny.
Ridiculous...not all films are superior to TV shows simply because they are films. There are millions of bad films, and plenty of good TV series.
It's a show that was never destined to survive past the 70s.
Though Benny Hill was a vaudeville artist and had talent for writing and making up innuendo laden songs, his TV series usually primarily featured women in their underwear being chased, and a little bald man being slapped on the head.
You see, this comes from an era where bald men were considered people to be made fun of.
Sadly, Hills other talents and sketches in the show tended to take a back seat to the nearly naked ladies and the slapping.
I maybe found that funny 40 years ago, but not anymore. To me it's a show that's best forgotten.
A Star Wars tv series is considered lower quality? Are you serious?
I thought he was excellent in it.
Well going with the original "stunning" ending post, I will say...
Electraglide In Blue.
If you know, you know.
Also, considering he is from Leeds, West Yorkshire his accents are pretty decent.
I think he had an Irish accent in The first Omen, and an American one in Ready Player One.
He also did an awful lot of TV work early in his career, but seems to be transitioning to movies of late.
It's true though...I heard that a lot growing up, Stepmother's were always least in fairy tales etc.
Another one was Swedish Au Pair. They were always Swedish, and as portrayed in 70s comedy and soft porn movies, always blonde and naive.
Hardly great. It should have been, but with the streets lined with hundreds of onlookers ruining the mood, a very obvious conveniently placed ramp in the car park, and the silly editing error with the car going up on two wheels, I think its very lack lustre.
Chase set pieces in Bond movies usually have a 'moment' to make them memorable or cool...such as the car flip in Golden Gun, the boat jump in Live and let die, the car flip in Casino Royale. This movie had none of that.
It probably never did resonate. It was nothing more than a cheap ET cash-in, plus with a lot of McDonald's product placement.
It made a bit of money on release, largely because the young audience it was aimed at are not discerning and lapped it up.
But beyond that...I see no reason to ever watch it again.
Can't help thinking that this man should not have said anything to the police. He does not have to account for his actions, and anyway he was standing there silently. Police had no reason or evidence to question him.
But because he said he was praying, that changes things due to the aforementioned law.
This is not a stop and search state, you don't have to give your name to police unless they can articulate a crime, state the statute for it and read you your rights.
Bottom line is, don't talk to police unless you have to.
Does not seem to be working...I don't see any responses.
A couple of things...
A lot of people are wary of clicking links, in case they are fake and take you somewhere you don't want to go.
Also some people don't click because you are adding to the hit rate of the video, and ultimately the person who posted the video benefits financially.
If you post a link with little description, as in no opinion of yours to go with it then few people are likely to click on it. Foe example, the title of this thread...are you saying its awesome or it's ridiculous that Seagal brings down a chopper with a handgun.
You will probably get more response if you add some of your own comments.
Can you not actually write? You just post video links.
You have nothing to say about these videos.