MovieChat Forums > snepts > Replies

snepts's Replies

You do the things you propose to dislike. Your delusions are legion and you cling to them like you are invoking Satan to save your sorry ass when the Good People descend on you with stones. And look at your own fucking user name. You are a pos, anti-Christian, unrepentant, diabolical sinner. And you're proud of it. So lie, distort, provoke, pull all your ugly tricks out of your ugly ass and continue to be the shit head we all despise here. Fucking grow up and try to use proper language. The Baby Talk forum is somewhere else. Just make up stupid stuff and say it out loud just to show everyone how dumb you are. Keep it up. Lucky And that's the only way to empathize with people? I guess if you never had kids, you must hate the little bastards, right? Sure seems like it, you effing creep. While we are treated with such an average American like you talking needless shit? Then your average American is a jealous and spiteful idiot with nothing good to offer society. Does that matter? Of course not. Any genuinely good person who gets wealthy gets labelled a hypocrite because that's what these jerks are told to say. In their eyes, good people are bad and bad people are good. Just another troll pretending to have a genuine concern. Yes, we understand the moment a conservative makes a lot of money they will become unrepentant snobs, creeps and jerks. That's the inherent nature of a shithead conservative. Oh no ! I heard the tail end of "Fame" on the radio and figured it was used for some other purpose. I came here to say I had sort of crush on her back then, which was unusual as I wouldn't usually think of her as "my type." Gosh, now I'm bummed. I didn't follow her career but I see she had to pursue some legal issues. Awww .... I didn't expect to hear this. One of my favorites when I was first getting into Fellini and Kurosawa and all kinds of foreign films. Still a favorite but it reminds me of that wonderful time of discovery. I think that's completely fair. If a movie is just one elongated scene, it's going to get a little tedious unless that's something you are willing to put up with. And watching just Keanu, Bullock and Hopper the whole time isn't exactly an acting tour de force either. It's a pretty shallow film, but fun, I guess. I suppose you are referring to the Monkees HEAD film, but I'm not sure what that has to do with MMT. A few years ago I was dating a woman and we spent three years in a row (I think it was three) having T-giving with her brother and their family together with her own mother and father. Here, they had only a modest television silently playing AMC Rocky marathons that no one was watching. While I kind of wished they'd have the football game on, people were also expected to talk with one another and the TV wasn't that much of a distraction. The meal and the serving of it was very traditional in the best sense. This was the last time I genuinely felt part of a family in a warm and appropriate setting. So many other times I was just someone people felt a little sorry for and had me over like it was a charitable act. Or I was at home alone. This woman's father passed away while we were seeing each other, and the woman herself died almost two years ago, and I only heard of it recently. I have no idea what happened and I may never learn this. Very disturbing. Mostly I was wondering if anyone had any personal anecdotes to share, not movies. The movie were supposed to illustrate how people's holiday can be eventful or memorable. I had been mulling over last year's visit and it felt so odd to feel this is what my Thanksgiving had become, seeing these movies with absolutely no warmth while my adult friends seem to think it's perfectly normal. Especially when Kevin Hart makes some wise crack and the woman glances over at me and smiles like it's actually funny. Ugh. No Thanksgiving stories? Anyone see Home For The Holidays with Holly Hunter, Robert Downey Jr and Anne Bancroft? Or Pieces Of April with Katie Holmes? Something that makes you recall a moment or scenario that made a Thanksgiving gathering a little more worth remarking upon? I know my little tale isn't uplifting, and I wasn't in the best of humors to start with, but I thought it illustrated how these holidays can be something less than desired. Or perhaps they can be better than expected? That sounds fun. Please share ! Opening a car door is creepy? Let's take a poll ! People have made a sport out of accusing others of having improper feelings toward children. They believe they occupy some sanctified place where they can judge and accuse whoever they want, whenever they want, for whatever whim that crosses their own sick imaginations. It's simply amusing to take some self created moral high position and feel superior to others. It's truly sick and disgusting, far more than the rest of us who just want to relax and nurture our community of youngsters in a warm and rational manner, not suspicious and creating ugliness for no reason. But haters are gonna hate, so what can you do? Some people want to think in a market labelled as FREE we are all capable of boundless creativity and innovation and industriousness, and the world would be deprived of so much if we gave our citizens some semblance of security and compassion. That's all it is - a LABEL with FREEDOM written on it, but it's just a different sort of regulation that benefits those with the means to exploit it. It's an utter fiction to justify a very small few profiting mightily on the effort of poorly compensated masses. Regulation gets pilloried for being inefficient, and obviously the efficiency being sought is quick maximum profit for the top of the pyramid where money provides insulation from the consequences of poor stewardship. We live in Society, as a Group, and we should be striving to keep our fellow citizens warm and clothed and fed and healthy, and good intelligent people will see that as the goal for a well-functioning society, not stepping on others to get things others can't have. Sure, we can have millionaires in a functioning society and there may be some resentment, but enough is enough. I haven't read any responses so my comment is off-the-cuff. Seems like whatever conception a child acquires about Santa has it's own arc. Believing in Santa doesn't seem to serve any purpose other than what we ascribe to it, as in the famous letter to little Virginia ("Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus"). I have no children either, and I suppose I would engage in the same behavior most adults do concerning Santa Claus and would also feel a small sense of loss when a child reaches the natural conclusion that such a person cannot possibly exist. But in a different culture I doubt this figure would emerge like some immutable archetype, and I don't quite see the purpose for it. I may be mistaken about this. I've lugged around a copy of The History of Western Philosophy for my whole adult life, thinking I'd delve into Bertand's wisdom and insight. But I'm less intellectually curious than I'd always assumed, so I guess it's Archie comics for me. Not that I'm a complete dullard when it comes to larger topics and concepts, but I would be fibbing if I sounded like I've been terribly academic concerning my interior life.