mav100000's Replies

Funny that this was a year ago. I actually recall many of my dreams, though they fade out of memory quickly. Here is my biggest issue: would Bond treat a former 00 that way? NO! But she needs to be a "strong woman" type... True veterans appreciate their elder vets. Meh, doesn't bother me. First off, have we had a masked villain in the Bond series? I can't remember any. So I'm OK with that. Plus, the actor is good enough that hopefully we get something good and creepy out of him! I agree, but I think he meant A View to a Kill. Never liked that movie myself. One of the few Bond films I do not own. Sorry, two different actors. Yaphet Kotto was not in Raiders, but was in Live and Let Die, The Running Man, Alien, and Nightmare on Elm Street 6, among other things. Brofeld! Love it! Totally agree, I hated that! Still, Spectre has two amazing moments in the Bond series, so I don't hate the movie. 1: The opening scene and long take is great all the way through. Love it! 2: Train fight was probably top 3 hand-to-hand fights in the series, right up there with Russia w/ Love train fight and 007 v. 006 at the end of Goldeneye. Hoping we get something as good in the new one! I agree with everything you said in that, and you are right, he was Royal Navy. I'd forgotten that. However, I do wonder if SAS or SBS could recruit from the navy. In fact, the SBS is within the Royal Navy (yay google!). That point stands. I'm also ok, in this case, with the connection crap, as you put it. I would never have done it myself, and totally agree that we need to go back to standalone, but because of the way Craig's series has gone, we might as well continue it in some way. Though personally I still HATE the whole "I am the architect of your pain" angle. They should NOT be related in any way! I THINK that was in For Your Eyes Only, and pretty sure M was "on leave" and that was someone else. Pretty sure Bernard Lee did not appear in that film. I know Lee didn't speak that line, and I know he was in Moonraker, so I think it was in Eyes Only. Edit: aaand after posting, I see that I was beaten to the punch and didn't even do as good of a job explaining it as my predecessor! After watching it the first time, I was stoked, gotta admit! Looked mostly great! Second watch-through, I see many things I like, some I definitely don't. I agree with a post below that the "stay in your lane" line better get cut from the final film. I understand the push for female empowerment, but I don't really like that we see two women kicking ass in the trailer, but only one man. We need to remember that Bond was clearly recruited from SAS or SBS. From there, he needs to pass recruitment of some sort to become 00. This suggests, if one looks at real life scenarios, that some or many SAS or SBS persons would fail the tests, both physical and combat-related. How does a woman pass these when it is common knowledge that they are not allowed into these types of service (ie: SAS and SBS)? However, I know one or two pretty badass women, and a few can actually fight a bit, just not at the level this film shows. I don't like that she is 007 now and I never will, but I get it. They needed to fill the spot and he left. I don't like the continued connection to Bond's past somehow (with emotional content), but it does fit Craig's series enough that I won't complain too much. Plus, they had to get rid of the prior Bond girl somehow. I like the cinematography so far. I like that the trailer appears to show more action than the somewhat dull (by comparison to other Bond films) Spectre, I liked some of the stunts featured, and I like Rami Malek enough to be intrigued by his villain (yes, Phantom of the Opera comparisons aside, could be interesting). Also glad they brought Blofeld back (not because I enjoyed his performance / character in Spectre, but because to not bring him back somehow would play out like Dark Knight Rises not mentioning the Joker in any way - just felt wrong and actually hurt the plot). Also, as a gun guy, loving that they appear to have brought back the HK 416! Overall, with second viewing, still excited, but cautious. I'll see it! Yeah, and I miss him! I hear that he was sexually harassed by some producer and he really backed out of the scene after that. Pretty sad, really! Happy F13 y'all! Definitely cool news, though I honestly would have been fine ending the series on this note. However, the other bit of new news is that the soundtrack is going to be re-released with over 28 min of new music! I'm mad that they didn't just release the full thing originally, but still, "shut up and take my money!" Depends... did the dark clone get more than zero seconds of training? As a fan of the film, I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Let us know how you felt about the movie after seeing it again! I'm a big fan, but I also accept it as the second half of the first movie instead of a sequel! I would argue that it felt that this was the best case for two reasons: assimilating the men spread itself around (aka biological urge to pro-create) and if the men were burning the imitations so quickly, wouldn't it have a better chance of winning if the men were preoccupied with the assimilations instead of instantly burning the main Thing and winning with a first round KO? I was probably a freshman in high school when I saw it (I saw the original on Halloween night in 8th grade). I liked it but, at the time, hated the remade score and hated some of the ending (MM being shot in both eyes and not being completely dead as a fuckin pile of trash!). However, with repeat viewings, I started to love it. I love the score now (and almost all of Carpenter's music, especially Halloween 2018), and while the shot in the eyes part still bugs me a bit, I can forgive it as I love the movie and its dark atmosphere! Fun theory, but he was not the son. There is a picture of their squad on the mantle (shown very early in the film). Allegedly they are both in the photo. Yeah, I'd say it is my favorite, though I love part 1 and like part 3. This was my first Alien movie, as a 5th grader or so (maybe 4th, can't remember anymore) and I always loved the series. Tons of fun and great film! Predator was my first R-rated movie. I think I saw it when I was 7 or 8 (somewhere in there) at my neighbor's house. He had it on either VHS or Beta (I know his house had both) and I've always loved it since.