SpaceAce2001's Replies

He said that there were fine people in the crowd (referring to the people who weren't Nazis). You are being dishonest. Your average, every day Christian doesn't go out into the public arena and claim that they are able to turn all of science on its head with evidence that only proves that they don't know what they're talking about. The difference between science and religion is science has evidence to back it up and there is a reason to believe it, religion has no evidence to back it up and the only reason to believe it is because it makes you feel good. Actually it isn't, The Crocoduck argument that Kirk believes that scientists believe says that a Crocidile will give birth to Crocoduck which will then give birth to duck, there is not a single scientist who thinks that, Punctuated Equilibrium still takes hundreds to thousands of years (punctuated equilibrium in no way shape or form suggested a "crockoduck"). You and Kirk both seem to think that an organism will give birth to a completely new species and it takes a lot longer than that. I don't think you quite understand the scope of Earth's History, when we say short amounts of time that can still be millions of years which is a drop in the bucket in comparison to the actual age of the Earth. I never said that Evolution and scientific theory was based off the statement of one scientist, it has to be repeatedly tested, repeatedly confirmed and universally accepted by people who actually know what they're talking about (not people like Kirk). OK in science there really isn't any such thing as "fact", we go where the evidence takes us and the evidence is so strong for evolution and an old Earth (billions of years) that it is as close to fact as it can possibly get but we still leave the door open for new evidence and when that evidence arrives we will modify our way of thinking. That is a lot different from the radical Christian view which says "what we thought thousands of years ago is fact no question about it, if you even dare to question it it is blasphemous and you're going to hell" (I realize that's an extreme view of Christianity but there are people out there who think that). Um you do realize that the Miocene was a relatively recent span of geologic time right? Evolution is a lot like continental drift, from year to year the Earth's landmasses look the same (much like how from generation to generation parents and offspring look like the same organism) but in reality there is a very small difference and when that difference is compounded over millions of years it changes everything. Of course it's Kirk Cameron's choice to believe in God and that is fine, I realize it's the dominant world religion but Kirk Cameron claims to be able to turn all of science on its head and again he doesn't understand it and my guess is he doesn't want to understand it. Kirk has started with his conclusion and he just cherry picks the evidence he wants to count and just discard all of the evidence that refutes his world view. He has a pompous, arrogant attitude and that is why he gets so much criticism. Go back and watch the first two films and again pay attention. Bruce initially didn't intend to be Batman for his entire life (he says this when Alfred picks him up from Bhutan), he wanted to be able to put Batman behind him so he could be with Rachel (and Rachel says at the end of the film that they can try to be together when Bruce is able to leave Batman behind). Then in The Dark Knight Rachel begins to suspect that Bruce is slipping into an obsession and thinks "the day won't come where you (Bruce) no longer needs Batman" (written in her letter). Then when Rachel died he attempted to move away from Batman and made the reactor his main focus but after he read Dr. Pavel's paper he had to decommission and by that point he lost Rachel, he lost the energy project and he felt he had nothing more to live for than to wait hoping things would go bad again so he'd have a reason to be Batman once more (Alfred says this when Bruce is searching Selina on the Batcomputer). It isn't until he "rises" from the pit that he has now learned the value his life and begins to hope for a life beyond Batman (that was the point of regaining his "fear of death") which he fullfills at the end when he goes off with Selina (evidenced by the second to last scene of the film). I know I kind of just spoonfed this to you but go back and watch all three films again and actually pay attention. Put the subtitles on if you have to. Exactly, Chuck was jealous that despite Jimmy's faults everyone liked him more because Jimmy was so easy to get along with. Chuck enjoyed being a big time lawyer while Jimmy worked in the mail room but when Jimmy got his law degree and legitimately wanted to turn his life around Chuck just couldn't take the jealousy so he sabotaged him every chance he got. What is so ironic is it was Chuck himself that sent Jimmy into Saul Goodman mode. By the way I love the line "no wonder Rebecca left you, what took her so long", LOL Chuck was an arrogant prick. No matter how hard Jimmy tried Chuck always tried to put Jimmy down as he didn't think that Jimmy was worthy enough to be at his level. Chuck didn't care at all about Jimmy, he was jealous that everyone loved him more and just wanted to keep him in the mail room. Chuck didn't respect the law one bit, again it was all about keeping Jimmy down so he could feel good about himself. I doubt they bring back Walt, Jesse is a definite possibility though because it was established that Jesse already knew Saul before his first appearance in Breaking Bad. Apparently you didn't because you didn't even understand that it was Bruce's goal from the beginning to be able to have a life from himself, only to slip into a Batman obsession which he then has to spend the second half of the second film and the entire third film trying to overcome. TDKR is a good movie but it seems you didn’t pay attention. "But now I'm sure the day won't come when YOU no longer need Batman" Rachel was afraid in the second film that Bruce could never let go of his obsession of being Batman, apparently you would prefer that she was right. Try watching the first two movies again and actually pay attention, as far back as Batman Begins he stated that he only intended to be Batman long enough for the people of Gotham to take their city back from the criminals and the corrupt and then he would go his own way and have a life for himself. Are you seriously suggesting that you'd rather Bruce fail at completely the journey he set out on from the very beginning? ANYTHING is better than Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Again if he died it would completely contradict everything the trilogy had been building up to. Nolan confirmed that he wasn't dreaming and there is no evidence within the film to suggest otherwise. You have no basis for believing that it was a dream. There is radiometric dating evidence that suggests that the world is 4.56 billion years old. Since that is what the evidence is telling us at this point that is the number we are going with. When more evidence becomes available we will modify our position. There is no evidence suggesting the world is 4000 years old. And it’s not up to nonbelievers is disprove religion. They aren’t the ones making the claim. It’s not logical to say “Christianity must be true until it’s disproven” Considering it's never been demonstrated that even one religion is true I don't see what your problem is??? To be perfectly honest this movie was so stupid I never really cared. Kind of like how I don't care that the knight is speaking modern English for some reason. The Grail just rejuvenates you, in order to remain immortal you have to keep drinking. Henry obviously didn't. Hillary Clinton joked about a child rapist getting off scott free and the left wanted to elect her president. No I am not suggesting that the rapist didn't deserve a lawyer, what was deplorable however is that she thought the situation was funny. "If you are Scottish Lord then I am Mickey Mouse" Yes Crusade did have a Mickey Mouse joke, Raiders and Temple did not. Also I never said that Spectre was one of the best Bond films ever, it's middle of the road for me.