About this Chuck hate

I see a lot of Chuck hate here and I find it a bit surprising. Especially when the Chuck haters are Jimmy Lovers.

I guess Jimmy is a fun and charismatic guy and that gives him an edge. But I feel that many people are missing an important and inconvenient factor: Chuck is right about Jimmy.

Chuck has every reason to think Jimmy is unfit to practice law. As much as we may like Jimmy, it is true.

When Jimmy was a kid, he began screwing over his father. He screwed him over so badly that it contributed to his business falling a part. Yes, his father was naive. But you just don’t do that to your father. Chuck was right to be angry at Jimmy since then.

Then Chuck saw how Jimmy kept causing havoc everywhere he goes.

Chuck was a proud lawyer. I understand where he comes from being an attorney myself. He knew there were boundaries and how the law could be a very dangerous tool. He knew since the begining that a law license in Jimmy’s hand is very dangerous.

And time proved him right. Jimmy hurt a lot of people using his law license and he would never stop. Jimmy hurt Chuck pretty badly over mesa verde and he certainly did nothing unethical or illegal by trying to retain them. Jimmy deserved to get disbarred over his actions. Unfortunately, Chuck’s own issues made it difficult to get the job done.

But Karma eventually visited Jimmy and drove him out of the legal profession for good.

So, let’s be objective here. Chuck is not charismatic and very self-righteous, but he had every reason go against Jimmy.


Absolutely correct.
Jimmy is fun. And Chuck is stuffy, as well as a bit of a coward for not facing Jimmy like a man and telling him that he refuses to back his law career (relying instead on his partner to do it for him).

But to pretend that Jimmy has any sort of moral or ethical edge over Chuck? No way. It is obvious who Jimmy was, who he is and who he will become. The man is fun and loyal to those he happens to care about at any given time. But if he has no personal connection to you... look out. He will con your ass and leave you broke and broken.



I don't hate Chuck, but I just posted a question about his condition with all of his problems, with electricity, etc. And what is the wearing of aluminum all about?


Chuck was an arrogant prick. No matter how hard Jimmy tried Chuck always tried to put Jimmy down as he didn't think that Jimmy was worthy enough to be at his level. Chuck didn't care at all about Jimmy, he was jealous that everyone loved him more and just wanted to keep him in the mail room. Chuck didn't respect the law one bit, again it was all about keeping Jimmy down so he could feel good about himself.


I don't think either brother is a very good person when it comes down to it. Let's not forget the sort of shenanigans Chuck pulled over the first few seasons that only seemed to drive Jimmy further toward his Saul persona. I think people like Jimmy because he is charismatic, yes, but he also seems to know what sort of person he is. Chuck comes off as a very arrogant and self-righteous jerk who ultimately lacks Jimmy's self-awareness.


Exactly, Chuck was jealous that despite Jimmy's faults everyone liked him more because Jimmy was so easy to get along with. Chuck enjoyed being a big time lawyer while Jimmy worked in the mail room but when Jimmy got his law degree and legitimately wanted to turn his life around Chuck just couldn't take the jealousy so he sabotaged him every chance he got. What is so ironic is it was Chuck himself that sent Jimmy into Saul Goodman mode.

By the way I love the line "no wonder Rebecca left you, what took her so long", LOL


I don’t think that many people truly hate Chuck as they hate how he’s the symbol of how dragged out the show is. They’ve been dragging out the chuck storyline forever
