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Bolchevik's Replies
Well Jasira was actually being bullied because of her ethnicity but yeah, the movie took an other tangent too.
The most uncomfortable moment for me was when I realized Vuoso lied to Jasira to have sex by pretending being deployed the next day in Irak. He even had the guts to casually say hello to her the next morning.
It makes me wonder that this lie has probably been used many times in history.
Don't forget Thomas himself was showing racist behavior. The movie was pretty interesting in that sense that it wasn't "black and white" and many people of different "races" showed racist behaviors.
She couldn't have babies ?
There was some kind of spleen but all in all it wasnt that sad. Love, friendhisp, loyalty, lots of positive situations. You Don't see it for blindful joy though.
Yeah, the idea was implemented by his brother who showed explicit material + the fact she was angry against Lucas who rejected her love.
The examination by Grete and his friend was a complete travesty considering they were literally giving her all the answers and she had no choice to agree if she wanted to end it. Same thing with her mom, when Clara said she lied her mom try to convinced her she had simply forgot ...
Biggest surprise was to see there is still deer in Denmark! US firearms problem is more that you can get some crazy weapon by FedEx and then wipe out half the city. Probably the reason why there is so much mass murder in US compared to other places.
Funny cause with all the guns, the hunting, the christianity, could have been easily in United-States.
@Zombie55 I like your analysis except I dont think we can say that in "rare cases like this, the accused is innocent". As far as I am concerned, an accusation might as well be true as false. I would need a strong demonstration that proves people are usually more guilty than not.
I also thought it was unrealistic as I would have sued the whole town and call the cops. The only way I could make sense out of it was that he would have to live with these people after so he did not want to begin to sue everyone and get all his acquaintances in prison. In other words, he wanted to handle the matter by himself as much as possible, which he did.
I took it as a optimistic message : despite everything that happened to him, the lie, the treatment, the risks, he was still willing to help the little girl.
The film was great but I didn't find the ending very realistic. Every people who turned their back on him, killed his dog, made threats, treated him like a scumbag, etc. There is no coming back from that. You can't erase all that.
It's no excuse but if Mike wasn't there, someone would have taken his place and things would have been probably worst.
Just take Werner for example. Without Mike, Werner's wife would have been killed too. Werner's death would have been probably much painful (bag of plastic on the head for example). Maybe even the whole construction team would have been killed at the end.
They are legally bound by their decision and yes you can go in Court to control any illegalities if they try to reverse it.
But like Rogue said, she was just a clerk, she probably didn't understand/care. Still, it wasn't very clever cause if the committee learns that quick that he played them, they would probably find a way or another to reverse their decision, even if it's not legal.
However, bragging in the building in front of employees/passerbyes wasn't clever at all. Decision wasn't taken a that point and nothing was secured. If I would have been around seeing a lawyer bragging like that I can tell you I would know what's going on or at least I would have enquired.
Decision has be rendered so he can do as he wishes now.
Don't know why, and especially why she was shocked. They were playing a very serious games for weeks. The fact he didn't stick to the script shouldn't have been something she could not predict or at least wondering. Sshe shouldn't be surprised of it.
I was not sure either but I could not forget what they did so, no surprise there really.
My theory is the officer was probably one of the guy watching the rape/murder and simply provided the "out of country in action" alibi to avoid any further investigation.
I guess that was the "comedy" part
That movie was clearly not a comedy but a drama. I only saw it was a so-called comedy at the end of the movie and I thought there was a mistake in the description.
@angelosdaughter : i really like your analysis concerning the last interaction with the mother and the daughter before the daughter gets killed and the mother starts acting weird.
That was a good movie (subject, actors, directing) but the too obvious PC unfortunately made it look (at least to me) like Hollywood's propaganda.
I was under the same impression at first but in the end I had to admit I found her pretty attractive.
I think we have this impression at first because she is very quiet and plain and the lifestyle in sparte seems pretty … spartan! Well they sure give it a very down to earth look.
I disagree with you op, Jimmy/Saul did not ask or even suggest to Kim that she should act this way. All he asked from her was that she did her lawyer's job : defend a person who was accused. When Jimmy/Saul knew there was nothing more she could do legally, he was about to handle the matter by himself. It is Kim who used her brain suggesting the campaign of support that would however go against her ethical obligations.
It's funny cause I agree there was a continuance problem there but not for the same reason.
In my understanding, the policemen simply had better things do to. At first, Lou's goal was to secure Ed out of the assaulted precinct. But since that goal was achieved, in Lou's mind, the precinct was still under siege so they had to go back there. Plus his stepfather needed some medical attention. Ed was not a big deal since they knew he was going back to check on Peggy so he would be at the house, no urgency.
The real problem 2 minutes after Ed ran, we see Hanvee chasing Ed. Hanvee starts running. I know Ed was also running but Ed his fat and does not seem to be a jogger. So all in all, Hansee would have reached so soon. No way the couple would have had enough time to leave their house before Hanvee reached them.
I thought the artsy side was well done though I need to admit I did not believe in the happy ending too much.