MovieChat Forums > abigolcwock > Replies
abigolcwock's Replies
I think it's between this one or Infinity War on who's the definitive comic book movie, but they sorta both are just on different ends of the spectrum
The site's vibe has just gone down. Sure, I've had some decent discussions, but a majority of the time to even get a response you gotta be a bit controversial. Like the most discussing I've done is when I shit on the SW prequels or TDKR and some lunatic defends them to no end. Contrast that to the past where I spent paragraphs discussing Children of Men with someone, we both loved the movie and were just kinda discussing the themes and such.
But now you gotta wade through so much shit to get to the good stuff that I'm sure the decent people have mostly given up on this site just like me. And I'm not only shitting on the politics board here, general discussion is just as cancerous if not more, and I think if both were removed along with some other problem boards, the site would be better for it.
I share the same sentiments as OP, and yeah, I have been coming here a lot less and found alternatives to discuss movies. But that doesn't mean it isn't a lil sad to lose this site, as I really like the no censorship and moderation aspect of it, but that sadly had the negative consequence of making it a congregation between the misfits of the internet.
And the alternatives just don't hit the same as the early days of this site tbh. But thus is the internet, either you get over moderated echo chambers or Trump supporting lunatics. And honestly, the former is somehow the better choice, even though the latter can be fun in bursts.
yeah, the problem really is the no time serving, although that argument would be even stronger if the US justice system wasn't a joke. If it was in a Nordic country, he'd have been sent to jail for a reasonable amount of time and at least normal people wouldn't really care about his past deeds anymore
you're retarded
Thanks for the level headed reply
I don't know where to even start with this one. Do you also watch movies like Suicide Squad, Transformers, Jupiter Ascending, and such stuff and think to yourself "well the execution wasn't very good, the acting was awful, the production looks disgusting, the writing is nonexistent, the characters have no chemistry, but at least there were some good ideas so ultimately these movies are good ideas with some poor execution"? Good ideas and lore don't make movies, and there are enough examples of bad book to movie adaptations to show you that. Not that the prequels' lore is anything to write home about, in fact I feel like most of it is overall detrimental to the originals like everything to do with Yoda is embarrassing, and all the jedi stuff like them reusing the desert robes that were obviously just the norm in Tatooine, or them being battle commanders for some reason. Maybe it's just because I've read some incredible worldbuilding like in ASOIAF or Dune, and have higher standards, but the planets and alien races introduced by the prequels are nothing special. George Lucas' magnum opus was Star Wars, and creating that world from scratch in the 70's. Adding shit onto that is not all that impressive imo, and especially not when it's shit like the gungans.
Music is good of course. The fight scenes however? So of the ones that come to mind: Maul fight (cool music, boring characters, sterile environment, maul should've lived to be Obi Wan's rival, overly choreographed), Dooku vs Anakin and Obi Wan (worst fight in the entire series), vs Yoda (embarrassing, can't believe Lucas did this), Yoda vs Emperor (even worse, although Ian McDiarmid hacky performance is the highlight of the trilogy), and finally Anakin fight (too long). To me fight scenes are so much more than the action itself, and the prequel fight scenes just feel like they're overcompensating for a bad story with flashy lights, as opposed to doing something special like the Luke vs Vader fight.
jesus, how bad do you think TPM and RotS are then?
I ain't kidding with you here mate, every single reply of yours is funnier than the last. You're like the biggest stereotype that I have ever encountered on any forum, and at this point I don't think you're trolling and I'm genuinely curious what kinda person is behind these comments of yours. Like someone out there wrote that last reply and put it out into the world for everybody to see.
Even for Moviechat users you're an extreme case and that's fascinating. Keep on doing you man, as it's what makes me come to this site over shit like Reddit and such.
I still ain't sure if you're for real or not, but either way you're pretty damn entertaining. I'll give you that much
I like how we both just did the "take a chill pill" thing, not sure if it was intentional on your part or not as you don't seem very self aware
calling them a poor man's RLM is an insult to RLM. He straight up just doesn't know how to review movies and I suppose instead of rewriting all this bs I'll just copy and paste an old comment of mine:
"This guy must be the laziest reviewer on YT. All he does is recite the plot with way too much detail, and stopping occasionally either to make a comment that has been endlessly recycled or making some joke that is usually about his drinking. Seriously, if you've watched one of his videos and seen the movie he's reviewing then you've seen the video.
Plus, as little as I like them, his hate for anything that even resembles SJW's is tired. He has yet to make a smart comment about a movie and is just really shallow with his reviews. And while someone like Jeremy Jahns is maybe equally as shallow, at least he's shallow in a reasonable amount of time. Drinker's reviews can sometimes be 20 minutes long with 0 substance."
Don't know how to do the fancy quote stuff. Or is that even a feature on this site?
you call everyone sequel fans who dare call objectively bad movies bad, and then you get upset when someone calls you a prequel fan after you seem to have every single prequel fan talking point down to a tee
alright maybe you're not retarded, or at least not in the sense I originally thought. It seems you're just someone trolling sequel fans or something and have almost become a method actor at this point, because there is no way that a person like you exists out in the world
Man, prequel fans are such an enigma. And the exact point of my post was how do people defend movies like AotC and then turn around and shit on something like Rogue One? Even if Rogue One was the worst movie ever made, I just don't see how that has any impact on AotC or RotS's quality? Those two things are completely independent, whether the Disney stuff exists or not is irrelevant, the prequels are still really poorly constructed movies that were made to sell toys. It's like saying that Batman v Superman is good because Thor: The Dark World is bad, it just doesn't make any sense, their quality is completely independent of eachother.
I've only seen Force Awakens, and while I don't think it was anything special, it's still a well crafted movie and feels like it's made by a human being with human actors with at least decent writing. Meanwhile the prequels are Transformers level
my post is 2 months old, and the first reply is from a literal retard and I don't think any other response would've felt right
you are a retard
Good response except for that last thing about the time travel and alien shit. One of the most offensively bad arguments that I consistently see
Why do you care then? If it has been officially recognized, shouldn't that be the end of it? I personally don't think it's a sport, but I'm all for it being categorized as such, same with golf or esports. I think this Vsauce video is pretty relevant to this discussion, definitely recommend it. Chess is maybe a sport, but it's not a sport sport.