MovieChat Forums > abigolcwock > Replies
abigolcwock's Replies
People usually don't adapt bad books. More examples of decent books made into awesome movies like Children of Men and Shawshank.
What did she say or do? Kinda interested but not interested enough to find out myself.
I've heard that it's common among spiders
It was literally good for one season. Before the retards running AMC fired Darabont, cut the budget in half, and doubled the number of episodes per season out of greed.
That's what I've been saying. The premise is fucking awesome but the execution is just awful. Really disappointing. And the main guy? What's his name again? Oh yeah, Discount Discount Tom Hardy. Quite a mouthful, but I'm pretty sure that that is what they call him. He sucks. He's by far the worst part of the movie and the script doesn't make it any better for the poor guy. I think just about everything other than the premise is a letdown soo I can definitely see a remake working out. Or a sequel. A sequel would probably be more realistic.
hilarious dude! Must be proud to be the first person to think of that one
I should have been more clear. What I meant was that it is the most expensive film in the series because of reshoots. The extra money wasn't going towards the film's quality or lighting (though technically it was because they were probably (hopefully) reshooting bad scenes).
Why it was shot so poorly in the first place is beyond me though. Probably just bad direction or my personal 100% serious theory which was to mask how he didn't look like Harrison Ford at all so they kept him in darkness for a large part of the movie.
that is mostly because of reshoots
I'd be okay with it staying if it didn't appear on latest posts. So people who don't give a shit about American politics don't have to see this stuff but people who do want to keep discussing can still come here to talk to their fellow mates.
Those were different times. It would be R rated if it was released today
Huh, I thought it'd be a lot higher
What formula was used? You would think that The Dark Knight was somewhere up there if audience reviews, box office numbers, and all that stuff came into play.
It's obviously gonna be Children of Men. It's simply never gonna be topped, nothing is as close to perfection as that beautiful piece of art.
Holy shit, I'm currently watching The Bourne Identity. And guess who shows up as I'm writing this fucking post? CLIVE OWEN! I think this movie is trying to tell me something. Perhaps that it truly the bestest movie of them all (Children of Men, that is. Bourne is hardly even a competent film).
Because it takes time to put prosthetics on. A needless amount of time when there is absolutely no point to it. As I said, they could've gotten another actor or just keep him the same age in the movie.
What I'm asking for is like a quote from one of the makers or something, not a "why not". Because, before I get their side of the story, I can definitely find reasons for why it wouldn't be the best idea
I was more referring to you thinking that your way of watching movies is the correct one and anyone that doesn't go to the theater hasn't "experienced" it correctly.
Also you going out of your way to change the topic entirely off of one single word when this discussion has nothing to do with pirating. He wanted to discuss the movie and how a sequel released 10+ years later just doesn't feel the same, and wanted to see other people's opinions. Not some guy's opinion on pirating.
What a self righteous prick