MovieChat Forums > wrlord > Replies

wrlord's Replies

"terrible first season" ummm.... the first two seasons were the best of the bunch. All of them? All arabs? The hell they were. Since 9/11 you don't dare make an arab the bad guy. Her orgasms in Killing Me Softly. oh that's cute. I see what you did there. What's wrong with you? Yep. What a pussy JS is. Second-silliest thing I've read today. Absolute nonsense. No one reviewing movies today has his depth of cinema knowledge and analysis. Thanks! White is the only intellectually-oriented movie critic writing today. Yeah, good observation. They also broke the fourth wall frequently. Banderas is the ONLY one who could carry Montalban's jockstrap. Yeah, I meant to mention the whole Iron Man dead mentor thing. Spider-man is not a joiner and has no mentor. That's an integral part of the character. So tired of this BS. God forbid a primitive culture be black. After the second season, the characters became much more juvenile. It was like high school in space. Everyone knew everyone's business, and every b-plot had to be some silly first world neurotic hang-up that got resolved in 40 minutes. Look at the writing of the first season; it treated the characters as much more mature, much more fully formed. Cameo?? He got top billing! "Homage" is not a verb. Mariana Trench. Duh. What do you mean "he returned to the proper timeline?" How and when did he do that? I suggest you look again. 3a: violating approved patterns of speaking or writing b: showing or marked by a lack of familiarity with language and literature This Killmonger was illiterate in both senses.