raymondoz2007's Replies

you are right Picard in trek has a English accent. Get ready for 2025 and hope your not on the list. Good question. its nothing like they did with the irish. why doews everthing have to be part of the multiverse story line?....its not working. bo hoo, cry me some tears, he is gay. she likes to get naked in everything she does this case is a joke ....and after 911 he let more muslims in the country then b4 911. she voted Trump you are right but why mention FOX when MSNBC is 10 times worse ...and the jury found the killers of Emmett Till not guilty There is a good chance that Chauvin save future lives! its stupid and fun.....just a popcorn movie. it was the United Nations. Marlo Thomas is a racist. easy...see "three days of the Condor" is this based on Heinleins Puppet Masters? is this based on Heinleins Puppet Masters?