MovieChat Forums > tsrts > Replies

tsrts's Replies

makes no sense Willis. While they could have picked a cooler song than Donna Summer's, the trailer is just the promo. At any rate, if the song is 7 years previous, it is still relatively current. It would not be out of place in a modern film of today to use a song from 2012 in the trailer. From your examples, a film maker would have no problem using Rock Around The Clock in a 1962 movie, or Smells Like Teen Spirit in a 1998 movie. Good soundtrack. The music during the fight with Scobie was a little odd though. Seems like it was out of place. It was a gooden, yes. but is it better than Perfect Storm? In the words of Sayid....."no" It is a generic track on the score. It's probably best not being available. It has made around 50 M in 4 weeks. That is not a flop Sir. I laugh when I hear people say "I lost 6 years watching this show" There were a hundred plus episodes, that only amounts to a few days, not 6 years. And if you liked the show, but didn't like the last episode, you've only wasted a couple hours. In the words of Sayid Jirah.....Nope I can see where people may find this movie rushed, but on the other hand, you could say that it doesn't waste any time, or drag too slow.