MovieChat Forums > G1102 > Replies
G1102's Replies
:) nice one bro .
sorry but i'm only here to know more about your racism against white people.
any updates on the issue?
sam gerard here is another loon who has gone against the tide.
was a Hungarian physician and scientist, now known as an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures. Described as the "saviour of mothers",[2] Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever (also known as "childbed fever") could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection in obstetrical clinics.
Despite various publications of results where hand washing reduced mortality to below 1%, Semmelweis's observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community. Semmelweis could offer no acceptable scientific explanation for his findings, and some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and mocked him for it. In 1865, Semmelweis supposedly suffered a nervous breakdown and was treacherously committed to an asylum by his colleague, where he died at age 47 after being beaten by the guards, from a gangrenous wound, due to an infection on his right hand which might have been caused by the beating (officially of pyaemia), only 14 days after he was committed. Semmelweis's practice earned widespread acceptance only years after his death, when Louis Pasteur confirmed the germ theory, and Joseph Lister, acting on the French microbiologist's research, practised and operated, using hygienic methods, with great success.
You see those 97% can't be wrong , can they?
Ok stupid.That's the most inteligent thing you said ,till now.Your brain must be frying from all that thinking.
Am I?
Please enlighten me with your 3rd grade wisdom, my lord.
Didn't know she hired an attorney. Lucky for me you don't seem so bright so I think I am going to be ok.
didn't you know that guys like him are too tolerant.But sadly not with other people opinions.
name calling in response is a sign of his low iq.
the real point should be .Are they entitled to be film critics? Do they have the knowledge ,expertise and whatnot
if the answer is yes, what's the point of of this quote '"I don't need no 40 year old white dude to tell me what didn't work with a wrinkle in time, it wasn't made for you". Next time the studio should just warn the wrong people to stay away.
Is she stupid or what?
"Because she wasn't saying a 40 year old white male movie reviewer's opinion was invalid. She was saying the vast majority of film critics were outside A Wrinkle in Time's target demographic. "
Do you have a low iq or what or are you just trolling.
You know what is the job of a movie critic? That's right to say if a movie is good or bad regardless of gender politics and what not, as long as they are not some kind of shills .
To say that 'the vast majority of film critics were outside A Wrinkle in Time's target demographic ' would be like me saying to a doctor that i don't believe his diagnostic because i am white and he is black.
Fair enough. I apparently misunderstood your point.
Thanks for pointing that out.
Sorry if my comment seemed harsh.
If you want, I will delete it.
My god."Equal rights for droids (male, female or other)".I never laughed so hard at some random post.
Hope they don't get mad and blow their fuse box. :))
I hope that was sarcasm.
Next star wars movie."Droid f*** another droid (male, female or other)".
Please stop feeding the sammy.
The guy uses "incel" (don't care what it means) thinking he is a grown up man.
He is just a propaganda tool.Please don't take him seriously.
It has a 63 user rating on rottentomatoes and 59 user score on metacritic.
Most people agree it is mediocre.
Apparently you don't know stupid. I amazed you know how to type. Do you pay someone for that.
Maybe you can learn something from this stupid. Do not interfere with other people business. Who am I kidding. You are too dumb for that.
Apparently you do mind stupid shit.
If you didn't give a shit you wouldn't be answering questions for some one else like a butthurt boyfriend.
I care about star wars stupid or I wouldn't be here arguing with a dumb person like you.
Do you want me to pull the definition of the word from Google.
Are you to stupid to search for it.
Google is your friend.
Talk about narcissist. Lol good one. Get off your high horse bitch.
Lol fucker troll This one made my day :)). I mean talk about kids. Did mommy forgot to change your diaper.
Aww did I hurt your baby feelings. This is the real world boy, if you can't take it shut your mouth stupid fuck.
LOL I am being civil. You act like a monkey with someone who didn't have nothing against you.
You had to say something when no one even asked you for an opinion fool.
You do know that there are 159 countries on this earth. So you are understanding what I am saying stupid fool, than why are you grammatically correct lol someone who English is not his first language.
The conclusion is that your just dumb, or you act like your dumb, you fit the role perfectly :))
9.Still playing the lawyer part. Just let it go boy. Don't you have some toys to play with.
Should trow you a banana to go away dumb fuck.
And for my English you seem to understand very well so don't act stupid if you are not. Scratch that already know you are stupid.
You being civil. My God I almost believed you stupid.
1 So tasteless. I get it. You don't have any taste from all that ass licking.
10 wasn't addressed to you shit bag. So you can stay on your high horse.
9 did I call you something stupid?
Didn't bother to read all your shit. Must be proud of it. A shit producing shit. Keep up the good work.
You've been watching him 24/7 and you know that?
Are you a stalker?
Stop whining man and accept that the movie isn't doing to well because it has a poor script and no one asked for after another weak script by rj.
Now take your pay check for your posts on this board and go home.I'm surprised anybody is reading your blablabla whine blalblabla whine some more.
I'm surprised the internet is infested by you.
Are you stupid boy, or you like to lick his ass for some reason. Are you his lawyer or something or some butthurt boyfriend?
Let him say that to me or are you some shit crusader or something. Mind your business retard.
Be civil asshole. Get down from your high horse dumb fuck.
In my country the corect spelling is "comunist" stupid.
Are you running for some kind of election and you need popular votes?
Let the man explain that to me.
I still think people are using too easy the word "fascist" these days. Probably don't even know the meaning.
And the sad part is that your probably right and I misunderstood him. That still doesn't make you less of a shit person.
All you needed was some nice words. You see I am actually mature enough to recognize when I am wrong.
CriticalCatalist I apologize for my comment. I am sorry and I misunderstood you.
Fair enough. I understand now.
I actually agree with you.
Bad people are on either side of the fence.