MovieChat Forums > G1102 > Replies
G1102's Replies
Nope. Just wanted to point out your double standard.
So how about it? Do you like my idea with the native South American superhero, that fights those Latino supremacists in Argentina?
We can call it watchmen 4.
When you got nothing to say on the matter just call the person a troll.
Also what's with the racism against white people?
You, the other guy and exatera are perfect examples of how not to be in life. Full of double standards to the core. One thinks she's a good person, but calls those that don't like this political show, stupid. You know what others like, all the while showing your inner racism, while the other guy simply doesn't understand the concept of double standard.
I am just showing you the mirror so you can admire yourselfs in your full splendor.
In South Africa it happens now.
There are more demeaning quotes, but I didn't bother to search for them.
As I said a white girl superhero fighting all this black supremacists in South Africa doesn't sound so bad anymore does it? We can call it watchmen 3
I didn't said anything about jews and Germany.
As I said maybe lindelof, next time, can make a show about a Palestinian woman superhero, who fights jew supremacists, in Israel and call that show watchmen 2.
Or we can put this sh*t politics to bed and make a show that caters to all audiences and call it watchmen.
We have this option which is the smart one.
So you want a medal because your female?
G1102 sounds transgender so how can I take you seriously when you don't even address me properly.
Please correct your last sentence before you superiorly tell me how I don't know how to read and write.
Says the guy who considers all those that don't like this political sh*t stupid. Maybe you should look in the mirror before you share all your wisdom with us mere mortals.
Agree. Even 3 Gina Carano would struggle to come alive from fighting against some of those guys, but we are supposed to belive that some 45 50 kg women could beat them so easily.
The only way to circumvent this is to make the movie goofy and just roll with it.
Maybe in your double standard universe. In real life it is called critical thinking, something totally different from your drone behavior.You actually need some kind of brain, the ability to think for yourself and the ability to self reflect on your flaws to understand the concept.
You come of as a guy who in real life considers those who wronged him enemies, but when you do the wronging is just "colateral damage".
As I said a terrible person. No one likes your double standard kind.
You should have done that from my first reply.
That drone circuitry finally overloaded with all that thinking.
So if I say the show is "black and shallow" I am a racist, but if you say is "white and shallow" it is not?
Still going with the double standard I see. As I said, a terrible person in real life.
Still waiting to acknowledge that you aren't smart enough to see all the analogys I put forth.
Some of your peers probably recognized where I am heading with this, but you are just thick in the head.
What does a white show even mean?
There are TV shows that have people in it. Since when does skin matter.
By your double standard should I consider the madea movies "black movies"? Can I say that those are "black and shallow"? By your double standard I can't because that would mean I am a racist.
Good response, racist.
Now tell us what you have against white people and why you find them shallow.
Lindelof should make a show about a native South American superhero, beating all those Latino supremacists in Argentina and call it watchmen too.
That would be great.
Think about the ratings. Every Argentinian would get behind it. It's almost like seeing a documentary about the Falkland islands war every week.
You must be some unlikeble person in real life with all this double standard that you cary with you all the time. Reflect on that, drone.
If that's your world class answer I am just going to assume that your not smart enough to provide any.
I'm sorry you wasted my time, drone.
How about lindelof checks his anti-white racist views when making a show about watchmen that didn't had anything to do with the issue or that isn't so progressive right now.
How about for his next show he makes a Palestinian woman superhero beat some jew supremacists in Israel, to show us he doesn't have some double standard and how enlightened he is.
I'm sorry you wasted my time also, drone.
Also I saw some comment where you called those that don't like the show stupid.
How about we change the narative of the first episode and see how it goes :
Instead of a black superhero beating white people we get to see :
- a Muslim superhero beating jews supremacists;
- a jew superhero beating Muslim supremascists;
- a turk superhero beating kurds supremacists and the reverse;
- a Uyghurs superhero beating chinese supremacists;
How about we set the show in South Africa and make a white girl superhero beat all those black supremacists.
That would be progressive wouldn't it.
Do you think this show gets grenlit in any one of those scenarios?
Don't bother commenting I already know the answer.
Your opinion of him is that he is a white supremacist so my opinion of you is that you are probably dumb.
The guy has a theory that you don't like, deal with it.
Finally, the dumb reply award goes to @exatera. Good job, bro. Keep it up.
IP - intellectual property. Ex. Matrix, Alien , Terminator , Star wars etc. are all IP's
Spot on, bro!
Well metacritic has a 3.9 user rating from almost 300 reviews.
Never saw this discrepancy before between the two sites.Something Is fishy.
Some "supposed" French agents, probably hired by henric's advisor that he kills at the end of the movie, approach them and instead of going to the king like you are supposed to, they withheld the information and talk to the advisor(the one who hired the agents in the firstplsce), who then proceeds to tell the king about the whole deal.
Their refusal to tell king henric make them look that they where plotting with the French king( that could still have been their intention all along in the context of the movie) and henric beheads them.
Ruin the industry huh? Stupid scripts, driven agendas, boring characters , directors that talk crap about his potential customers doesn't ruin the industry?
You can just be a nice little drone and pay this guys your hard earned money, if you don't leave in your parents basement , don't assume that the industry doesn't give a fu*k about you, like you should, if you had a brain.
And all those brands that you use , and defend, also doesn't give a sh*t about you. Their slogan is "pay us, fu*k you."