MovieChat Forums > asom > Replies

asom's Replies

I read the article. And it actually approves what i was saying, although making the term a bit more broad but with the same general meaning. But as it has been seen in this thread you don't understand what you read. Even what you quoted actually supported my version and was against your version. Nowhere in that article it's said that was a term made by anti feminist men. You fail. Again. I presented you facts. Facts that you cannot accept. Like a true extreme leftist :D Moroooooon, do you even bother to read what you post? I quote from what YOU quoted, imbecile. "The name "Mary Sue" comes from the 1974 Star Trek fanfic A Trekkie's Tale. Originally written as a parody of the standard Self-Insert Fic of the time (as opposed to any particular traits)" That was written by a woman, imbecile. WOOOOOOMAN. So, no, again, it's not "made by men". And read what they say in the first proposition that you quoted: "TV Tropes doesn't get to set what the term means; the best we can do is capture the way it is used." And the ending of what you quoted: "The prototypical Mary Sue is an original female character in a fanfic who obviously serves as an idealized version of the author mainly for the purpose of Wish Fulfillment. She's exotically beautiful, often having an unusual hair or eye color, and has a similarly cool and exotic name. She's exceptionally talented in an implausibly wide variety of areas, and may possess skills that are rare or nonexistent in the canon setting." Exactly what i said: Mary Sue Marvel, exceptionally talented and without any flaws or weakness. Are you that fucking stupid that you don't even understand what you read??? And you even quote it ... geeee you are such a Moron. I read the articles you imbecile. Chad is in Africa? In Chad fgm is not illegal so you can do it and not go to jail. Yes, in Africa you imbecile. And who does it in America? Look in that article and see who's doing it. But we were not talking about america here. We are talking about Africa. In which although in some countries is illegal still in those countries 98% are mutilated. You know what else is illegal: driving while drunk. Did that ever stopped people from doing it? Guess what: NOT. You know what is illegal? To cross the borders without proper documents. Do you know how many undocumented immigrants are in US? So, yeah, being illegal or not is not that important. Important is that it is done. On a large scale. In Africa. And i stop here as well, you're too stupid to understand basic things. Geee, you are so stupid that you cannot even read what is written on that page you posted Let me help you. "The name "Mary Sue" comes from the 1974 Star Trek fanfic A Trekkie's Tale. " Which was written not by a man but by a woman, Paula Smith. So NO, it's not made by "men". You are so stupid that you contradict any fact, any written fact just to prove an ignorant point. Again, i'm quoting from YOUR link. Moron. And i end here because you are denying basic facts. Lady, do you know the difference between a continent and a country? Uganda is a country. Africa is a continent. There are countries on the African continent in which fgm is legal. So, no, fgm is not illegal in Africa. It is illegal in parts of Africa. Plus: if it's illegal in Somalia explain the 98% of women with fgm. It's illegal but still it's done by everyone. I don't care if it's legal or not, fact is: women are forced to go through the procedure. Gee lady, do you even know how to read? The article you just posted just enforces what i said. Damn :D Let me quote from the article you linked, since it might be too much for you to read a whole page ... "Mary Sue as Infallible Character Related to the above, this is when the idea is that Mary Sue is a character that simply never fails." A lot of things are illegal in a lot of places. People still do them. Did you even read that article you posted? Did you see that graphic with the percentages? 98% of the females in Somalia are mutilated. Do you even know how to read? That article that you posted is an argument against all you stated so far. As usual you are ignorant. Not all countries in Africa (which is not a single country, did you know that?) have laws against fgm. "Chad, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Sudan, which are home to 16 million girls, have no law, meaning FGM is still effectively legal." Haha, everyone got it wrong but you. It's not just wikipedia - which i know it's not wrong. It's google. It's urban dictionary. It's everyone BUT you. No, it's not me who changes the language, but crazy extreme leftists ;) And btw, it's not your language. English is language of european origins, don't act like it's yours. Mary sue is a very well known trope and you have the source of the expression. If you have another source present it. But you don't. Stop being ignorant and educate yourself. The world is not as you want it to be just because you want it to be like that ;) And what is the "Stepford definition"? Link? As for mary sue definition: "The term "Mary Sue" comes from the name of a character created by Paula Smith in 1973 for her parody story "A Trekkie's Tale"[2]:15 published in her fanzine Menagerie #2.[3] The story starred Lieutenant Mary Sue ("the youngest Lieutenant in the fleet — only fifteen and a half years old"), and satirized unrealistic characters in Star Trek fan fiction" Or per google: "Mar·y Sue noun (originally in fan fiction) a type of female character who is depicted as unrealistically lacking in flaws or weaknesses." You lack knowledge and you are quite ignorant I would say. Or just a leftist eager to redefine the usual terms in a way to suit HER view of the world. And have the nerve to talk about facts. There is no Mark Sue :P Agree, stick to facts. Plus it was banned just few years ago. But that's beside the point. The point is that yeah, Africa is not quite the best continent for women like you are trying to imply with your examples. So please follow your advice and stick to facts: women are way worse treated in ME and Africa than in USA. Read the definition of a Barbie doll. Keeping its mouth shut is not a trait.barbie doll. Barbie doll is by definition blonde (gal gaddot is not), has blue eyes (unlike gal) and represents the American “beauty” plus void of emotions, again not gal. Rather Mary Sue marvel fits the bill. Banned but ~40% of the women over 35years are mutilated. Banned but it’s still done on large scale, ~20% of the women around 20 years old are mutilated. So, no, i’m Not wrong. And Ghana? Was that supposed to help your case? Take a map and check wher Ghana is ... Oh, but a barbie doll can play cpt marvel? :D Kenya, the center of fgm ... Pakistan, the center of honor killings and where women are 20% of the workforce. ISIS is still in Syria, and not going anywhere too soon. Women could not drive in SA. With few positive examples you cannot contradict the general discrimination in that area. Fact is: women in USA are way less discriminated against than in ME or Africa. Oh yeah, because Iron Man was Downey's first movie ... and Chris Evans never acted before Captain America ... If Affleck wouldn't have been so greedy. If all wouldn't have been so greedy it would have. Just throw more millions out of the chopper, mark the map and maybe come latter ... coming from a socialism supporter (or capitalism detractor, same shit) that's a pretty good thing ;) tbh i hope your dreams will come true one day and you will get to live the socialist "utopia" :D gnight. Yeah, so? Have you worked in a socialist society in a "people's owned" factory? I bet not. Have you ever lived in a socialist country? I bet not. I had lived both under the socialists and in capitalists countries. You have no idea what you're talking about. Socialism is MUCH worse. In capitalism you get screwed once, twice, several times but you still have a good life. In socialism you get screwed everyday, over and over, and you have a miserable life. Don't trust me, try it. Try to live 10 years in Cuba, or Venezuela or North Korea then come back and talk about being screwed over. Of course, not using your hard american cash but live on the 1$/day median cuban wage. Btw, i'm not right wing, i'm center-left (yeah, i'm for universal health care, state sponsored education, etc). But for someone with rotten brains that chews on void socialism that might sound like extreme right. Neah no danger here, but you should never do it. "to certain degree" - yeah, but not to the degree where my employer has to wipe the shit off my ass, or hold my weenie while i pee. And btw, think about that degree in a socialist society, when state is your employer, your brother, your mother, your everything. And has a huge repression system (secret police, nkvd, securitatea, stasi - you can call it how you want) that will know every little thing that you do, even when you take a shit.