DceuFanticArmy's Replies

Nolan trilogy is trash only non comic book fans will love it .Nolan trilogy sucks for many reason one of the reason is there is no batgirl robin nightwing etc characters .Nolan trilogy is worst thing happened to batman You are a marveltard gtfo !! Shut up marveltard no one can come close to zack snyder you need brain to understand his film Lol if anyone likes batman and robin he/she is andre hahaha what a joke The movie was comic accurate the movie was like a1950s batman comic book .The movie had loved by everyone in 1997 i hmself present on the screenings in 1997 Nolan films sucks becuase they are not comic accurate and nolan batman is ooc also there was no robin batman without robin is bullshit crap critics have been paid by disney and crappy mcu bvs was for intelligent peoples not for everyone specially marveltards . He is a true dc fan not a fake ass marveltard dc fans who loves shitty nolan films .He exposes marveltards #AndreRocks you are a marveltard bvs was dark batman -superman-lex luthor everyone had dark personality the movie was dark and brooding not a lazy kid jokes marvel film. dceu is films is dark and true superhero film mcu films are a kid friendly lazy lame ass jokes lol I'm not andre hahah he is a true dc fan not a fake ass one you think bvs is bad because bvs is a masterpiece and kid friendly mcu tards can't understand the deep meaning behind it . lol i'm not andre i'm just a true dc fan not fake marvel lickers dc fans why you mcutards scare of andre ? cause he expose you lol andre is a true dc fan just like me he rocks Shut up it is best film of 2016 you must be an mcutard lol it did 980 million in worldwide take it haters lol Dceu first 5 film did more than mcu #McuSuckDceuRulesLol Superman was way goofe superman was not like this .Zack snyder totally portrayed the true superman It is because of marveltard josh whedon zack vision was completely different .Wb backstabbed out beloved zack snyder but still dceu will be back in 2019 .Wonder woman 2 would be a huge blockbuster than avengers 4 or homecoming 2 Dceu is true superhero film because it is dark and superhero should be dark not a lame crack jokers like mcu superheroes Henry cavill portrayed the true superman the dark and loner reeve portrayed a goofy superman (Totally ooc for superman ) Henry cavil is the best superman we got ever It is awesome masterpiece film better than infinity bore #FoxXmenrocks I hope deadpool 2 collects nearly 1 billion at box office so fox will never give the rights of xmen to crappy mcu