MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder Discussion > Zack snyder is the greatest director

Zack snyder is the greatest director

and the most underrated his films like watchmen sucker punch bvs is masterpiece .But people failed to understand the films because they love lazy lame ass one liner jokes film like mcu.Zack snyder is modern day alfred hitchcock /stanley kubrick .Zack snyder makes film for intelligent peoples not for every people


Called Zack, Dawn of the Dead was very good though.


hahahahhahaahhaha hahahahahahahaha dawn of the dead good , the rest are awful, bet you never heard of him before Man of steel hahahahaha idiot


Shut up marveltard no one can come close to zack snyder you need brain to understand his film


You need oral sex to understand his films?



If you are primarily interested in visuals and stylistic presentation then Zack Snyder is your guy. Me, I'm not a fan of his.


You are a marveltard gtfo !!


I don’t know what a “marveltard” is. I imagine it’s something you call people you disagree with for lack of a better response.


Look, I liked Dawn of the Dead a lot and even like Watchmen.

That being said, you're an idiot.

Look at Wonder woman. THAT was a DCEU film done right. Look at the Nolan trilogy.

What don't they have? Zack Snyder.


Nolan trilogy is trash only non comic book fans will love it .Nolan trilogy sucks for many reason one of the reason is there is no batgirl robin nightwing etc characters .Nolan trilogy is worst thing happened to batman


Wow you are a special kind of stupid.

The best reviewed, most widely received DC movies since 1989 and you think they're bad. You know what? You deserve the DCEU as it stands. You're just not bright enough to deserve better.


Batman 1989 was average for me jack Nicholson joker was only the good thing batman returns was mediocre .Batman forever is better than two also batman forever has robin lol


Okay, please tell me you're an only child. Your bloodline just needs to end and we know YOU'RE never going to have sex, so.....


Truth is truth batman forever is better van Kilmer is the second best Bruce Wayne/Batman


That's opinion, not fact. Reviews, box office and general audience reaction indicate otherwise.

But you know this. This is you trying to be kewl and edgy and get noticed on the internet by saying patently stupid things. Since I enjoy calling you a moron, I'll indulge you Martha.


Batman forever is the second biggest blockbuster of 1995 lol


Because of Batman and Batman Returns. Obviously.

Geez, Martha, wake up and smell the guano.
