MovieChat Forums > DceuFanticArmy > Posts
DceuFanticArmy's Posts
This film will be a huge flop
Watched this film just few hours ago
Titans would be a landmark in superhero tv Series
True comic book fans will support shazam and wonder woman 1984
This will be the real epic masterpiece film of 2019 alongside shazam and dark Phoenix
This film would be flop in both critically and commercially
My world my everything love you so much snyder
Im madly love with her
Watched this film again
Brace yourself marveltards this film is going to flop badly
Boycott this film it promotes violence against elder peoples
Ant man and wasp failed to beat bvs and wonder woman record
Please sign these petition I'm begging you guys we need to stop Disney fox merger
I fell in love with her ever since I saw her in Batman and robin
He is so sexy and good looking boy
Buhaaaa ant man and the wasp grossed only 453 million a huge flop
Crap mcu can't make a film like Logan ever
I hope fox shareholder refused to give fox to Disney
Ever since I saw him in high school musical I'm a huge fan of him
Olicity is the best ship ever take it haters