Titans would be a landmark in superhero tv Series
Mark my words and oh it will be more critically acclaimed and better than all marvel netflix shows lol
shareMark my words and oh it will be more critically acclaimed and better than all marvel netflix shows lol
share Mark my words and oh it will be more critically acclaimed and better than all marvel netflix shows lol
Daredevil 88%
Titans 84%
lol like usual you LOSE.....
and More Like Usual....Marvel Beats DC....
but nice try!
You made that same statement about Teen Titans Go to the Movies.
As a matter of fact you make similar statements about EVERY DC movie. Why?
Recommendation for you: Just enjoy what you like. Promote what you like and stop worrying about what some other franchise is doing or not doing?
You've never been right about your Marvel bashing.
Stick with your Snyder love as that is the best place to spend your time and energy.
Zack doesn't know you exist so he can't reject your undying love for him so it is a Win Win for the both of you.