MovieChat Forums > DceuFanticArmy > Posts
DceuFanticArmy's Posts
This film sucks it is a garbage crap and poor man's under the red hood
If you think this film is the best batman film then don't even consider yourself as batman fan
Which one was worse overrated crap boring lame ass film iron man or dark knight ??
Disney casting department is idiot
Remember one thing all marveltard
What if ant man and wasp flops hard ??
After 100 years Snyder's films like bvs man of steel would be shown in film school as an example of a artistic masterpi
I'm going to send my screenplay of batman beyond film to wb by mailing them
Just imagine Andrew Garfield in venom
Batman portrayal (best to worst )
Which one was worse dark knight rises or avengers ?? worst death scene ever lol
This man screwed and destroyed batman salute to him
Top 10 greatest cbm of all time (Rank wise)
She could be great talia but nolan totally screwd talia's character
Baby kids are waiting for avengers 4 | men's are waiting for venom | and real comic book fans waiting for snyder cut
Avengers 4 sucks this is the real film comic book fans are waiting for
My prediction
Brace yourself marvel first big flop is coming