Top 10 greatest cbm of all time (Rank wise)
2:-Man of steel
4:-Wonder woman
5:- Superman returns
6:-Batman forever
7:- Batman and robin
8:-The amazing spiderman 2
9:-Suicide squad
10:- Logan
2:-Man of steel
4:-Wonder woman
5:- Superman returns
6:-Batman forever
7:- Batman and robin
8:-The amazing spiderman 2
9:-Suicide squad
10:- Logan
Shock Horror, DCEU fans top 10 consists of DCEU movies, stupid pointless bullshit list, where is The Crow, Road to perdition , Nolans Batman? Batman and Robin above Logan, are you fucking serious ?
share1. Batman Begins
2. The Avengers
3. Captain America: The First Avenger
4. Iron Man
5. Spiderman 2
6. Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice
7. Avengers: Infinity War
8. X-Men First Class
9. Wonder Woman
10. The Lone Ranger (2013)
If we're talking superhero-type comics, I've got my own favourites below. If you're including any comic (ie: Ghost World or Road to Perdition), that would be a different list. If you're including adaptations of Japanese comics, that's a very different list, too.
But, here's the superhero(ish) one:
1. Logan
2. Batman & Batman Returns
3. Dick Tracy
4. The Avengers
5. The Crow
6. Batman Begins
7. Watchmen
8. The Dark Knight
9. Dredd
10. Deadpool
So, I felt like 300 was probably good enough to make the list, but they didn't seem like quite the same thing as "Superheroes" for some reason.
Yes, I cheated by putting two Batman films at the number two slot. It's my list; I don't care.
I want to honourably mention Mystery Men, which *just* didn't make the cut, and also I wish I found room on there for the first Iron Man.
And for the curious, Infinity War was nowhere near the top ten. It's garbage.
Finally, I haven't seen every superhero movie, so my list isn't exhaustive, but I still feel like that's a pretty good ranking. I would like to see the new Spiderman movies with Tom Holland, and I would be curious to watch those and see if they're good/great.
DceuFanticArmy has a YouTube channel!
shareOP clearly trolling Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttt
1. The Avengers 10/10
1. The Dark Knight-10/10
1. Logan-10/10
^3 way Tie for #1
4 Joker-9.5/10
5. Captain America The Winter Soldier-9.5/10
6. Avengers Infinity War-9.4/10
7. Captain America Civil War-9.3/10
8. Avengers Endgame-9.2/10
9. Deadpool-9/10
10. Guardians Of The Galaxy-9/10