Betamax66's Replies

English victories cont's... 944 campaign in Northumbria: "King Edmund overcame all Northumbrian lands in his power, and drove out the two kings Olaf and Raegnald": Anglo-Saxons won. 945 campaign in Cumberland: "King Edmund ravaged all Cumberland": Anglo-Saxons won. Battle of Stainmoor (954) Erik Bloodaxe and his men were slain here by Earl Oswulf of Northumbria. 994 Siege of London: king Aethelred vs Olaf and king Swein of Denmark; Anglo-Saxons won. Battle at Thetford (1004). the Danes broke the truce and marched to Thetford where a part of the East Anglian fyrd engaged them. The Danes managed to escape. 1009 London besieged (often): Anglo-Saxons won. Battle of Mortlach (1010) Malcolm II defeated the Vikings Battle of Cambuston (1010) Malcolm II defeated the Vikings Battles of Cruden (1012) The 'Battle of Cruden Bay occurred in the summer of 1012 in the North East of Scotland between Malcolm II and King Canute. 1013 siege of London: king Aethelred vs king Swein of Denmark: Anglo-Saxons won (but later submitted, and Aethelred fled to Normandy). 1016 siege of London: "force" dug a ditch and dike around town and attacked repeatedly: Anglo-Saxons won. 1016: Battle of Penselwood; Edmund Ironside defeated the Danes Battle of Sherston; Edmund Ironside defeated the Danes Battle of Tottenham; Edmund Ironside defeated the Danes Battle of Brentford; Edmund Ironside defeated the Danes Battle of Otford (all in 1016). Edmund Ironside defeated the Danes Battle of Stamford Bridge (1066) King Harold II massacred the Norse invasion army under Harald Hardrada. Out of 300 ships, the survivors only needed 24 to sail away God, you need to grow up, get help with the racial agenda trolling and stop reading Mein Kampf, moron. I still hold out on point 1, even another great Templar/Hospitaller would have struggled against three other elite warriors such as these, fully armed- let alone with rocks? Sharpe's Regiment And Niall O'Brien, he played the sgt who asked Edward [i]''Beg pardon, sire, wouldn't we hit our own troops?''[/i] He also co-starred in Boorman's 1981 film [b]Excalibur [/b]as Sir Kay. Yes, I do realise. Obviously in melee's it would be awkward, but it's not as crazy as it sounds, if Hollywood can do Robin Hood type accuracy, then pre-battle potshots aren't beyond the realm? [quote]Is a complete utter f**king moron.[/quote] Says more about you than it does about the murderous Clintons and equally slimy perve, Trump Pathetic...abuse forcing a kid to be sexualised. Sick fucker Completely agree with the OP's observations. It's clear. In Aliens they hover above the complex in case of nasties, but here they simply land on an unknown and potentially a hostile planet? What exploration or military craft would do that? Not even a scout drone? This film, and others, pander to latent racism stereotypes in the audience's minds and conjures up single instances. US and UK history ignores many intelligent, talented black people who struggled to get a chance, and some who succeeded only to be airbrushed out. But the racist west? Ignore it all and substitute with cr4p. I'd say that such royal arse-kickings won't be in the upcoming series of Vikings? Expect a few embittered, bored feminazis to make it so Lol, it'd be different for sure! Or just flood the planet with lethal gases/Nuclear radiation, etc ''Elite'', organised paedo rings, protected by- and blackmailed by- various Intelligence agencies (CIA, MI5, Mossad)- according to former Intelligence agents. Another sad, mental old grannie...desperate Good theories, but the door to Mother made a very audible 'swish' noise for Ripley, and that was a quiet room. Good for him, lack of female characters doesn't mean we have to panic and suck up to any talentless women just to make up fuckin quotas? Do women get their breaks these days because modern men are spineless? No, I was interested in people's [i]opinions[/i] about this? I don't know who killed JFK either, but this is a FILM board, to discuss things? Jeez What's not true about what he stated?