MovieChat Forums > silencewrites
silencewrites (13)
Minion historical artifacts
Not a thriller! Great horror
WoW though partially lost on me
The ending
My poor heart
Well that was something
Why So Flat???
Was Interesting
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Truthfully? I liked parts of it. I went in knowing nothing of the comics it’s based on. It drags on in parts, primary characters seem to disappear and come back. The aging make up is a bit of an odd choice(from what I gather they age slower but why did they have to go with the Santa look?) but it had some interesting moments. Enough that I continued to watch.
It’s nothing new, but when it comes to super hero shows you kind of can’t do new anymore(the boys was a good new spin) id like to see it take the old and new generation fighting against each other’s code thing father as it didn’t happen in this season.
I’m Canadian I should have said sorry!
I so badly wanted to throw her into the lake, the father as well but more so her. It got to the point where I felt like they deserved to have their child missing? She was so annoying, not at all how a mother in this situation would act I felt? It was just a bizarre movie
From what I got Radcliffe character made him feel like -he- wanted to walk out and force the glasses wearing character to take the raft with the other man who for most of the walk in the jungle was belittling him and mocking him. The glasses wearing man decided the best course of action for him would be going with the hunter who was “papa” as he nicknamed him even though at the end of the movie we find out that did not end well for him
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