MovieChat Forums > TheEngineer > Replies
TheEngineer's Replies
Completely expected, there was a year and a half gap last time too. Following this show is the media equivalent of having a tooth slowly pulled without anesthesia.
And lol at the notion that season 3 was anything but the worst. It's all been downhill since the first which was perfectly constructed television. Wheel spinning and meandering isn't prime anything.
Dunno what you mean bro. They're all going to retire very comfortably in Belize.
One of the biggest faults with this film was that 90% of the film was Charlie drama and the Transformers took a back seat. For the past 11 years I've heard criticism of that nature of the Transformers films, that the Transformers don't get enough spotlight, yet the worst offender is praised. The irony is much of what critics falsely claimed about Bay's films is actually true of Bumblebee, and they now all seem to love what they spent the past 11 years hating.
I disagree completely. I didn't feel any genuine heart in this. Seemed more like ready made cliches intended to appear like heart to undiscerning viewers. An example would be how they harp on Charlie's dad but the only example of their relationship we ever see is a few seconds on one of her diving tapes. Why would we be compelled by her fixation on her father when we're never shown what was so special about their relationship that she can't move past it?
It was forced melodrama and felt like something an AI would formulate to attempt to appeal to human emotion. Charlie-bot is executing sadness program, unable to perform function after loss of parental unit.
Compare this to say Age of Extinction where they spend a good chunk of time developing Wahlberg's relationship with his daughter. The idea that the Bay films didn't have heart is silly and untrue, they definitely did it better than this film.
I agree with you. I saw it last night and thought it was awful. First time in years I felt upset I wasted money on a ticket. It was less a Transformers movie and more a contrived teenage melodrama with amateur attempts at humor disguised as a Transformers movie. It was like a bad two hour episode of Degrassi. Even the Bay films at their worst were more interesting and entertaining than this.
Right you are, Ken.
This is the 4th worst thread of all time.
A long looong time ago. Colby was pretty awesome.
Jesus Christ would be a lifetime member of the NRA.
Critics rarely fairly or honestly review a film because they view them through ideological and (pseudo) intellectual biases. The scores have nothing to do with the actual quality of the film in question, it's more the critic wanting to feel intellectually superior by saying how much they hate a film they deem stupid or love films they deem smart or line with their dogma.
The Transformers films are a good example of this. The scores for the five Bay films are much lower than they should be simply because Bay directed them and Bay can't be allowed to be reviewed well because in their eyes Bay is the 'big stupid action guy'. Meanwhile they bend over backwards to praise Bumblebee despite very little change in production or quality simply because a different person was put behind the camera.
Same can be said for their utter adulation of incredibly mediocre Marvel films like Black Panther and Thor Ragnarok.
Unfortunately most people are unable or unwilling to form unique opinions of their own and instead look to arbitrary cultural authorities like self proclaimed critics to be assigned a position. Which is really the sad thing here. People live their lives less for the joy of personal experience and more for pursuit of adherence to a social or cultural body. We may shed the pomp and rituals of religion but the mentality and behaviors of religion are conjoined to us.
Critics in that light aren't much more than street preachers offering constant assurance to the flock that they're part of the smart group, they're part of the good group.
Women were never kept down. They simply aren't as interested in or talented at the great pursuits of man. For every Jane Austen there are ten Hemmingways. For every Thatcher there are ten Churchills. For every Kate Bush there ten Bowies. It's just how things are. Men and women serve different but complimentary roles in the world.
By the same token every great man had a woman to serve as their rock. JFK needed Jackie. Shakespeare needed Anne. Dante needed Beatrice.
If you actually believe this please consult a mental health professional before you harm yourself or others.
I'm sure there was plenty of a few other C words as well.
Who gives a flying fuck about story in a film about battle cities? Absolute pretension. I didn't even know this existed until yesterday but you folks are making me want to see it.
It was pretty weak but it had its moments. Like Larry freaking out at the funeral and becoming the Burr (a personal hero of mine) to Miranda's (fruitbowl) Hamilton.
I doubt he'll ever top seasons 4 and 7.
"Write it off what? You don't know do you?"
"But they do and they're the ones writing it off!"
The suit actor was a gifted man.
Leon is the funniest character on the show, he's the heart to Larry's void. You're probably just mad he Duberstein'd the fuck out of you.
Everyone who came into contact with them had their lives destroyed so I'd have to pass. Worst case scenario you end up like Susan. Absolute best case scenario you still get your toothbrush in the toilet.
Doesn't make sense to skip it. The last scene of the finale bookends with the first scene of the pilot. The Stake Out is great and is the birth of Art Vandelay.
Personally I enjoy the tone of the earlier episodes.