MovieChat Forums > PresidentJoffrey > Replies
PresidentJoffrey's Replies
Lol fox news = "you can't trust the big news outlets!!!" Next commercial break "fox news the #1 news in Merica"
So you "can't trust big news outlets" but they are the biggest and should be trusted🤔🤔.
The cognitive dissonance is hugely bigly in that crowd
Typical oversimplification because it's hard to discuss complex issues for some people.
Unlike some people I can differentiate between foreign policy and a population of citizens. I actually feel bad for the average american.
Please stop projecting your unabashed hatred onto me. Byyyyyeee
There's very little that I actually hate, I may dislike something but not hate. As for the US troops, just like any large demographic there's probably a good percentage that I would like on an individual level as well as smaller percentages that are really likeable as well as unlikable.
What I do hate is Merican foreign policy, wether under an orange megalomaniac or the average politician. The world is not yours to police, you do not provide me with any more freedoms than I would have without your world police force.
You give yourselves far too much credit.
I guess the Dutch aren't a bunch of scared wannabee tough guys like the US.
"Land of the brave" my bunghole. More like land of the overly prepared wimps. How else do you explain not only having the world's largest airforce, but also the world's second largest (naval planes are separate). Who is the second largest airforce "defending" you from? Yourselves?
It's a good thing the Dutch aren't controlled by a bunch of hegemonic warmongering plutocrats willing to spend all their taxes on systems of violence instead of increasing the standard of living of their citizens.
No it's not about Russia "controlling" elections, it's about Russia manipulating the election.
There's a difference between controlling and manipulating.
Sad that this needs to be clarified. Sad, just hugley bigly sad stuff!
Lolol good point, would probably taste like good ole home cookin'! 😂🤣
Reported like your comrade 3-10years old
Honestly all his reporting is ruining these forums. When someone says something stupid you should be able to call a spade a spade. But some snowflakes are super soft of special.
I think individuals wearing Drumpf hats should be stopped at the border like we do to the Westboro Baptist psychos
Ya I would have wiped the inside of the staff toilet with toilet paper and the smeared it all over his plate. If there was any salad I would have wiped the inside of the salad spinner with it 😂
The "chaos" in central and south america is mostly due to US foreign policy that had the Mericans insisting that they(central/south america)are part of the US's "backyard".
Merica meddled in their internal politics and supported violent insurgents.
Ever hear of the Iran-Contra scandal?
So you only have yourselves to blame really.
Just a caveat, there is a direct negative correlation between Merican involvement and development in the developing world that they exploit for the benefit of the plutocrats.
That's rich, a
disciple of supreme leader
drumpf is calling other people bias. Pot calling the kettle there
No you are making assumptions in regard to other people's motives.
Maybe they want to be heard themselves. That's why most people talk.
But in your reality people only talk to plug their ears and go "la-la-la-la-la"
Thanks for proving the highest level of hypocrisy drumpf followers have achieved. Gold Star snowflake!
I didn't deflect you added a qualifier and tried to deflect yourself.
I replied to "shouting down" and then you moved the goal posts to "sole intention..."
My original reply stands please discuss that and not your own version of what I said.
(Geez I hope the moderators don't remove this because one individual likes to play internet Sherrif cause their life is sad and empty)
Reported, I'm so cool