MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Does it matter how other countries view ...

Does it matter how other countries view the U.S.aka Trump?



of course, most governments have realized that he is a complete clown, they know how to handle him now


This defies basic observations about human nature.

Trump was a clown throughout the election when they said the same thing about learning how to handle him. The truth is that you are defending the most arrogant entrenched politicians in the world. They are stubborn and will never change their methods and Trump will continue to successfully provoke them easily.

The other point is that you are American and hate America and want other countries to rule over America, yet you also want us to believe these are our allies. Our greatest ally is even the one telling us to start all our wars.


I am not American, I think the global geopolitical situation is tense, trump just make things worse.



Reported like your comrade 3-10years old


I think they must be amazed that we haven't gotten rid of Orange Head by now. Russia, China, No. Korea must be laughing their heads off.
