PhatButtttBear42's Replies

Who is she? She’s watching the ballet from a private mezzanine box in the theatre. Right after she is sworn in as SVR. If we’re talking about JL. Also. Her mother says something along the lines of “the way your uncle looked at you when you were a little girl - I did whatever I could to keep him away from you.” Maybe he’s not a pedo, but I have a feeling he couldn’t wait until she grew up and matured. And black will never get better if he’s only praised for being a certain color. It’s an issue all around. Come on bonerman. TDKR is literally gods gifts to mankind. He absolutely has an agenda. I agree. But doesn’t everybody? I appreciate his new Twilight Zone series. He did a really good job. I don’t care what color he is, and I’m just gonna be honest even if the mf’er is racist I would still watch it lol. Just sayin’. It’s hard to find anything else to watch nowadays. There are going to be black people beating up white people, who’re people beating up black people. Maybe a Chinese person doing some ninja shit on a Russian mobster. Maybe a green alien wouldn’t appreciate a movie about yellow aliens f*kin up only green aliens. It’s 2019. It frikin sucks that race is brought into *everything*. Does it piss me off when a movie is picking on white people? Hell yeah. But I got enough shit going on in the real world. I’m a woman in American. I identify as white, even tho I’m mixed w/ African. I’ve always been the “white girl” blah blah blah. “Jenny from the block” bullshsz. I get where you’re coming from but if a black guy wants to hire all black ppl to beat up so white ppl in a movie and the movie is good than I’ll watch it - if it comes off as some racist dialogue then I’m gonna open my mouth about it. I’ll do the same if it sucks. Just sayin’ we’re all being discriminated against in one way or another. Let ppl shine n do what they wanna do as long as it’s not hurting someone else. [quote]Imagine Sex(weed) being laced with cocaine...getting a brand new high. You won't like that you are doing cocaine but it's in there.[/quote] YATZEEEE! Please share. I just finished. Came here for offset Krystal usually got to the motels before the rest of the crew. This was mentioned at least twice, where her and jake went ahead before the rest. It could have been a few hours or a a whole day/night. Either way, plenty of time for her to make a damn mess. Correct. I had to stop watching this movie three different times bc I was getting anxiety from the van scenes. What kept me coming back to watch this movie was how well the cinematography got Me feeling claustrophobic. Lmfao I’m from jersey and anyone south of Trenton (central Jersey) could be considered “redneck” or southern. Damn, to New Yorkers I’m considered “southern” as far as “south of NYC” and I get shit for my accent all of the time. I’m as Jersey as they come, and I still get “are you from Texas!?!” More than I can count. Weird. She had vibes about her. Plus shia’s character would f*k anything in this movie, and pretty much did (Krystal’s words). And the oil workers didn’t have much, if any, action in a loooong time. Plus did you see dude that paid her? He was a dirty dog. Available on Amazon prime. You can get the 7-day free trial “shudder subscription” and watch season 1-3 for free. Just Incase anyone is wondering :) About to start season1 ep1 right now! Can’t believe I just heard about this - especially being a true horror fan and even bigger anthology fan. I feel like this is what the horror movie treasure hunting is all about! Agreed. Usually “the last one” isn’t so great, well except for the dark knight rises”... but that was a trilogy movie so maybe it doesn’t count. But this is deff one of his best imo and I would okay with it being his last as well I’m watching :) I have seen a few movies with this idea. One of them “anti social” and “antisocial II”. Although CAM was way better than both. Oh as “NURSE” said it best: he was an ex-hippie who traded his beads for bullets.. or something like that. Yes he was a boss, but he took advantage of the situation the city was in and proved to be that type of person who could easily turn from a peace protesting hippie to a mob boss, given the right conditions. Of course he would have some of his hippie personality still engrained in him. Stop banging your nose