charliekelly's Replies

The best answer I've heard is that it's the sun or sunlight. Like the earth, she uses it to feel better/to heal/to grow. Exactly. Remaking films with minorities and/or women just for the sake of having "brown" and/or pussy involved, to placate modern radicals, is just as ridiculous as the actual whitewashing that happened back in the day. So wait, are you saying that the new DeLorean will run on vibranium? That's gonna be even tougher for Doc to "rip off" than plutonium. Renner, Olsen, Bridges, and Foster all do some really fine acting IMO. I found the plot of Wind River much more intriguing. Wind River - 7.5 Hell or High Water - 6 That's good because I've forgotten everything I read about the plot. Mystery/Neo-noir is just my favorite genre. That's why it's on my list. Definitely, well-written humor. Sopranos Semi-spoiler: [spoiler]I know the viewer is supposed to despise him, but Ralphie Cifaretto kept me laughing throughout his run.[/spoiler] Those have been in my watchlist for about 6 months. Glad to hear they're good. I've always really liked his work. Yep. And when Doc says the classic line, "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.", the new script will have Martina McFly say, "You don't get to tell me what I need, white man." Can't wait for them to remake this classic. You may be right. I was hoping they could turn it around/save it, but Lizzie might have been a metaphor for the whole series. Doing a bunch of random, crazy shit that doesn't really make sense to the rest of us. It might have been time for "The Walking Dead" to look at the flowers. Good stuff. Yeah, it's really dumb to keep hinting at "Eugene making ammunition" being a major plot point, when everyone on all sides just keeps spraying rounds around like there's an infinite supply. Fully with you on the Army or government, too. Everything you say is perfect, Waitress. Wow. So, needless to say, you must be really looking forward to Fear... Yeah, and even if they said the heat was the reasoning for the doors and windows being open - even in the winter, why isn't there always at least two people awake, standing guard? I realize you could nit pick just about anything, if you wanted to, but other shows (including this one in the early days) are able to make things happen in more natural ways to generate plot progression. Oh yeah, the "deep" dialogue. You're right about that, as well. Tobin made me realize this thing they always do, even with small characters like him. They might have one line all series, something like, "Damn good potatoes, Mary" or mumble some affirmation of a leader's orders, and then, all of sudden on their death bed, they're going on with this Great Value version of some Gandhi or Buddhist monk type stuff. Man, you nailed it. Exactly what it needs, and well-worded. King Ezekiel was a big one for me, too. To me, his character seems like something that may work really well in the comic world (haven't gotten there yet), but just struggles to translate to television. A show that heavily relies on the viewer taking it serious, as if it's some form of our reality, is really hurt by a character that absolutely would not exist in our reality. And if he did exist, I don't think people would take to him that well, let alone follow him as a leader. Great points. I think I agree with all of them. I just don't want it to abruptly end, without even a real attempt at a lab and a cure (other than the guy at the CDC in season 1), or it being revealed that either the walkers win out or humans restoring some sort of order and having some system of dealing with people turning after natural death. Anyway, some official ending at least. I hate shows getting cancelled, especially after this long. His smile too. I absolutely wore the reels out in my copy of "The Sandlot", as a kid. You're terrified of this shady dude that's sure to be some kind of killer or something, and his beast of a dog, only to find out that the bellowing voice belongs to a gentle giant with a heart of gold. Then he shines that huge smile, gives the kids some awesome, free baseball memorabilia, and the movie reveals that just like "The Beast", he too was just misunderstood. A small role, but no one would have suited it as well as Jones. I don't think that's what he says either. At least, I don't think that's all of what he says. It seems longer than that to me. If that was it though - I've heard others also say that it gives the impression that they will reunite in the future, but I never took it that way at all. I take it to mean "I have to be leaving (I'll never see you again), but I won't let that come between us (but that doesn't change or discredit our connection). Ok?" So you thought "Luther" wasn't any good either? That sucks to hear. I had heard good things about it before. I was excited to watch it one day. “I have to be leaving, but I won’t let that come between us. OK?” - That's what I've heard most people say it is. I'm still not sure about it though.