MovieChat Forums > ThreeTenToYuma > Replies
ThreeTenToYuma's Replies
This isn't surprising, as it is well known that Democrats and liberals despise America, especially white America. Despicable people with a despicable agenda.
I have never denied that the vast majority of Trump voters are white. Do you have a problem with that? Are you racist against white people?
If you think a mob of black Trump supporters spontaneously materialized in a deep blue Los Angeles suburb, I have some Detroit real estate I'd like to sell to you. Translation: You aren't very smart.
Except he wasn't a Republican, and he didn't target her for political reasons.
I bet you were happy when that leftist nutjob tried to assassinate Scalise.
A Trump voter in Los Angeles? Get real. It was a black woman.
She looks more like an Obama voter, for obvious reasons.
This coming from a guy who openly admits to being an admirer of the Chinese government. Despicable.
No proof. Sorry to burst your bubble.
They are targeted at red states for the purpose of influencing elections. That's meddling.
There is absolutely no proof that the Russian government meddled in the election. None. Zero.
China is using tariffs to interfere in the 2018 midterms. Why don't you care about the Chinese government meddling in our elections?
The Chinese are using tariffs to interfere in our elections. Why aren't you outraged?
"So, you have a problem with the retaliation but not the actions that spurred the retaliation"
Correct. My allegiance is to the United States. Why do you support the People's Republic of China?
They also support foreign adversaries like China as they target American workers with retaliatory tariffs. Despicable people.
Why do you support Chinese election meddling?