DonaldejTrumpow's Replies

A true masterpiece. It had it's share of rosebud scenes. It was strenuous and rough, but she made it through the movie. [quote]The Chinese girl who cries all the time finds a holotape which proves that Admiral Ackbar was a bad military leader[/quote] ... and probably gay. I liked the one with Nicholson - Wolf (1994) Trailer: [url][/url] Hmm... Maybe, but it's certainly not canon. Agreed! It was a great fight scene ([spoiler]in a badly frequented bathroom[/spoiler]). ROFL What are your feelings towards the Harry Potter movies? Super cool, thanks. Alan Hunley. (The) Guardians of the Peace-Galaxy. [url][/url] ---- To Russia? What a mess! ... and blasphemy! I can't believe this is happening. This is true madness. Lock him up! But what about Thor-Man or Captain America-Man? What's that? It's blue light. What does it do? It turns blue.