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Arghhhh's Replies
"You shouldn't wear that body"
He did drama/crime, war and comedy. Not quite as diverse as Kubrick. Great director though - didn't realise the Lost Weekend was his.
Froggy me old mucker, thanks muchly for bumping my post!
I'm not sure there is any point in replying to your bizarre ramblings but I personally believe that it's important to challenge the delusions of the mentally ill lest they be forever lost inside of them.
Firstly, it's a little, how can I put it, [i]misogynistic[/i] of you to downgrade the role of the story group to that of merely being assistants. From the New York Times article:
[quote]With their ideas shaping each character and setting, they don’t see themselves as gatekeepers but as partners furthering the stories their creators want to tell[/quote]
The group is there to - as the name suggest - guide the stories. No, they're not writing the scripts but they are meant to be shaping the overarching narrative of the Star Wars universe and RJ worked with them extensively on TLJ.
As you clearly enjoy stalking me I'd be grateful if you could point out the "women bashing" or indeed any lie I've ever told. And why is it that a post that somebody makes criticising a group which consists of both women and men is misogynistic? The only issue with that Reddit Post is as that as you say it omitted some of Pablo's experience (and one of the top replies mentioned this omission) and Pablo - as far as anyone is aware - identifies as male... It's is also common knowledge that the old EU was a mess of contradictions which is why many Star Wars fans were happy to have it all wiped away - especially if there was going to be a new trilogy to replace it - though none of us expected the amateurish clusterfuck that has replaced it. Even if the story group is solely responsible for cannon, they've totally failed in that respect, probably because they have less experience in managing complex Science Fiction sagas than you do in not being a total weirdo.
To conclude.
Nobody outside of the bizarro cult of IdPol acolytes such as yourself give a flying fuck about the topography of somebodies genitals.
Now go away.
So what? Cuba Gooding Jr won an Oscar. On the run paedophile Roman Polanski won an Oscar. Marisa Tomei won an Oscar for My Cousin Vinny.
Maybe in Team America.
Well aren't you an obnoxious little twerp?
Here's a tip, if you want to get your point across saying things like "You need things spoon feeding" and insulting your fellow poster's intelligence is a pretty stupid way to do it.
As for your actual point:
The cult leader had to explain to the demon lord at the end *who* he was and what they had done so bang goes your "deliberately hiding" theory.
And my point about Charlie being more 'demonic' wasn't to spoon feed anybody anything (The cult leader actually just flat out states the plot in one or two sentences at the end of the film, so there's more than enough spoon feeding already) it was to make the characterisation fit better within what we know about the story and to give it MORE of a twist, not to make the story simpler or explain things to the audience.
Yes it is hilarious and sad in equal measure.
It went something like this:
Someone: "TFA is terrible, here's 27 reasons why."
TFA apologist: "No, it's amazing, and all those issues will be solved by the sequel".
TLJ happens. None of the problems are solved. Many are made worse.
Someone: "Now do you believe me?"
TFA apologist "No, it's still amazing, it set everything up beautifully and it's all Rian Johnson's fault."
IX is going to come out and it's going to be a clusterfuck because A: after TFA/TLJ you would need a master story teller to salvage something from the wreckage and B: JJ isn't *any* kind of story teller never mind a good one. What we'll get will be a couple of vague ret cons, lots of lens flare and explosions and some hooks to dangle for the next trilogy. It'll be shit but it the apologists will love it *because* it wasn't the last Jedi and so the logic will become:
TFA gets a pass because the sequel will fix it
TLJ gets hated because it failed to fix TFA
IX gets a pass because at least it's not TLJ
JJ will then move on to plunder Star Gate or Battlestar Galatica. I mean, his buddy Lindlehoff is going to do Watchmen. Jesus titty fucking christ how did the crown jewels of popular/geek culture end up in the hands of these talentless hacks?
That's interesting but to be fair to JJ those words are only rumoured and to be honest, I don't think he actually cares about things like that, about making Star Trek 'his', I actually think that would require more artistic intent than we've seen from the guy.
What he is, is a nostalgia strip miner. He finds IPs that are currently undervalued, knocks out an empty, hollow rip off - but one that is guaranteed to generate a certain Pavlovian response - and then buggers off before people realise they've been duped. He's essentially an asset stripper. And I think he knows it. This is why he doesn't stick around, he's too savvy. He's not deluded that he's some great artiste and that he has a "bold new direction for Star Trek/Star Wars", he's not Rian Johnson, he's a modern PT Barnum only with none of the charm (or song and dance skills).
I find it so hard to believe that there is anyone alive on this planet that can defend the guy given how many empty promises he's made...
You've got Lost - "This is all going somewhere". Oh, no, it wasn't.
You've got Star Trek - "It's all an alternate time line, the original stories are 'safe'". Oh no, they're not.
You've got Star Wars - "Here's part VII". Oh, no, my mistake, here's part IV version 2.0.
And now you've got people hoping he's going to 'fix' Star Wars with part IX. Fan's of JJ (not that he really has fans, fans of the IP's he's trashed I suppose) remind me of people trapped in an abusive relationship, "He's changed! He's promised me he's quit drinking and rebooting other people intellectual property!". It'll all end in tears. Or mass delusion. Just like the last 20 times.
The fact that it was intentional doesn't make it any better.
Yes, fair point and you're right: it's not Luke's failure that's the issue so much as his reaction to it (especially given his journey in the OT).
Oh but he can!
It was JJ that sent Luke off into hiding it, was JJ that made Luke fail (off screen!) in creating the new Jedi order, it was JJ that had luke fail in training Kylo...
RJ's treatment of Luke makes sense given what we know from VII, and he also had to explain exactly why Luke didn't show up during VII (or the preceding years) in order to help fix his mistakes.
What didn't make sense was his compulsion to murder his nephew for thought crimes but again, here RJ is trying to shore up TFA shoddy writing by giving Kylo some kind of motivation other than a Vader fetish.
Totally agree.
JJ essentially wrote a joke without a punchline in TFA and then expected RJ to come up the punchline that would make everything that came before it work. But it's not that easy, and why should RJ have had to write a story backwards? So he just 'subverted' everything JJ did by junking it. This said TLJ has many of its own issues but it would have taken a herculean effort to make a satisfying VIII after the disaster of VII.
It's a very interesting point you make above - that she hired them because somebody gave her the same break... At least that makes sense as I'm struggling to understand who the stewardship of the story line to the world's most beloved Sci-fi story ended up with a bunch of interns.
Mark my words there's going to be documentaries and case studies based on LFs implosion for years to come. It's the creative industries very own Enron.
Yes - I did say they are there to 'help' put together the story lines. RJ ran all of his TLJ ideas through the group constantly and there is no way we'd have ended up with the film we did if any of them had any actual writing chops.
Because I don't like going to the cinema by myself. I like film watching to be a social experience.
None of my cinema going friends were interested in going and my wife isn't a fan of these types of films. As she recently gave birth to our first child I've been taking the chance to 'catch up' (while she sleeps). I'll be watching Thor next - 7 year long hold up for that one...
Well they might be like me in that they just saw it.
And now I can happily tell you that yes - it was mediocre. Exceptionally so. (And I was looking forward to seeing it).
So the proof that it's good are all the posters saying it's no good...?
Okee doke.