MovieChat Forums > Ranb > Replies
Ranb's Replies
Roberts wrote an obscure little book that hardly anyone paid any attention to. Why should Hathcock know about it? There are many Vietnam vets and a ton of people claim to be snipers. Roberts used Hathcock's name to give his story some support. There is just no evidence at all that Hathcock ever said what Roberts' claims in his book; all we have is Roberts' word on the matter. Your bolding does not convince me that Roberts and Hathcock ever met.
So how much will an elevated position of 50 feet affect the point of impact on a target 265 feet away? Very little I think and not enough to be a factor. The vehicle moving forward will affect it more. While you're claiming it matters, how about you show me your math?
The fact that Oswald qualified in the Marines should mean something unless you're of the opinion that Marine marksman are crap.
How do you know that Oswald's intended target was JFK's head? If he was as poor a shooter as you claim, then he would have most likely aimed for center mass.
Just because Hathcock and Roberts were in the Marines does not mean Hathcock was aware of Roberts or his book.
Yes, I got the math wrong. 15 fps limo speed would cover about 2 feet. Any forward motion of the target will drop point of impact when shooting from an elevated position.
Your link to the rifle shooter says a vertical elevation change of 15 degree would make a 96% difference in the yardage. So this would change Oswald's effective distance from 88 yards to 85 yards. This is really not much difference at all when a bullet is moving 2100 fps.
I don't know what kind of shooters you're used to meeting, but I work at a rifle range and know that most people would be unable to do what Oswald did, but anyone with the kind of training that Oswald got should be able to.
Oswald shot a 212 (sharpshooter) in 1956 and a 191 (marksman) in 1959. A score of 220 was required for expert. Being able to shoot well enough to qualify in the Marines means he doesn't suck.
The human torso is a large target at 88 yards. If the target is 16" wide and at least as tall, then at 88 yards, it only takes 18 MOA accuracy to hit it.
Do you have any evidence that Hathcock was even aware of Robert's claims about him? Just because Roberts is a trained shooter does not mean his foolish claims have any merit. You never heard of a person lying to sell a book? Like I said, Roberts is a whore, he makes up crap for money.
The slight angle I'm talking about is line of sight from the 6th floor window to the street and along the line of motion of the limo. Take a look at a map sometime.
When your target is moving away from you while shooting from an elevated position, you will need to hold over. A 6.5 mm bullet moving at 2100fps will take about .14 seconds to travel 90 yards. A vehicle traveling at 5-10 mph will move 7-14 feet in that time. When shooting from a higher elevation like Oswald was, he would hit lower on the body unless he held over.
Just because Oswald had a hard time qualifying, does not mean he never did. A person who not have to be a good shot to hit a large target at short range.
Actually that is not a quote by Carlos Hathcock. Craig Roberts is just making an unsupported claim that Hathcock said this.
There is no evidence at all that Hathcock ever participated in any recreation of the JFK shooting.
Craig Roberts is prostituting himself for attention when he claims that he, as a trained sniper, could not hit a large target moving slowly away from him at short range; up to 88 yards.
Roberts claims of a drastic angle and dealing with elevation are lies. The street angled slightly away from the sniper's nest. Shooting from an elevated position at a slowly moving target just means you need to lead and hold over a bit.
Even a person like Oswald who did not shoot as well as some of his fellow Marines is still going to be a far better marksman than the average American. As I said, it is no big deal to hit a large target moving slowly away from you at short range.
Carlos Hathcock is a hero to the Marine Corps. He did not deserve to have his reputation dragged through the mud like Roberts does in his book.
You can read my review of Roberts book "Kill Zone" here;
It is the review that is titled "Sloppy and inaccurate".
As a work of fiction it is interesting. If a person understands that they are trying to explain an actual historical event, it is childish at best. Too much "artistic license" and false claims.
Well, his superior officer (who knew about his ptsd) kept him in the job and promoted him because she was setting him up to fail.
The bad guys usually win in real life; especially the rich ones.
Did you miss the part where Potter finds and keeps the $8000 that Bailey lost then calls the police to swear out a warrant for George's arrest for a bank short-fall? Yes, bad man.
There are three books in the series.
A Dog's Purpose (2010).
A Dog's Journey (2012).
A Dog's Promise (2019).
A Dog's Way Home (2017) is a separate series with a sequel due out in 2021 called a Dog's Courage..
Every GOAT has their day in the sun, then it sets, for every one of them. I don't recall anyone losing their shit over Ali calling himself the greatest. Biles is good, she knows it, she says it. So do her peers.
Just as I thought, you're making it all up. No one contributed billions to Biles or the US Olympic team.
Educate yourself at these links.
Our cartoon? Who is this "our" you speak of? The Little Mermaid story is public domain. Disney owns the rights to the cartoon they made and are free to exploit it in any manner they wish.
A racist is one who believes that one race is superior to another. What makes you think that a white little mermaid is superior to a black little mermaid? You're the one acting like a racist.
Well, I'm fairly certain Disney is not trolling for the racist demographic; so you don't need to watch their shit. :)
You are aware that this film is a remake of a cartoon that was based upon an Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale? What skin color did he intend his fish to have anyway?
The characters of Ariel, Scuttle, Flounder, Ursula, Triton, Sebastian and Eric are represented by two black, one asian and four white actors. Are black people stopping you on the street to tell you how disappointed they are that two of the main characters are miscast as black instead of white?
Why are you backing the idea that Trump is not a gun grabber?
BS, Trump was still busy denying that covid was real back then. Blocking some flights or travel is nearly the same as blocking none during a pandemic. I could care less what his political enemies said about him.
Trump's bluster and claims did not create covid vaccines. It hardly matters if anyone claimed it would be 2-3 years to develop a vaccine if companies like Pfizer just went ahead and did it with financing from Germany.
Get off your high horse; everyone else is living through these events too.
You are a coward who is unwilling to give a direct answer to a question.
If I see an untruth, I engage the person spreading it. Integrity means something to me.
So you tell me what the truth is Abed303. Does it mean nothing to you?
Do you just make up your own facts?
The Corona Task Force was created in January of 2020.
Trump did not stop all flights from China; American were allowed home. People who were infected and flew to other countries were also allowed into the USA.
While Trump's Operation Warp Speed purchased vaccines, those vaccines were developed by private companies without funding by Warp Speed.
Trump and the GOP in Congress did not think the capitol riot was an inside job, or that BLM were the ones threatening them. Trump said he loved the rioters; which probably means he did not think they were BLM.
So why didn't Trump go after the dirtbags in BLM? Trump has claimed several times he could do anything he wanted per the constitution. I guess he wanted to leave BLM and antifa alone.