MovieChat Forums > Ranb > Replies

Ranb's Replies

It appears that they just decided to say "screw it" fire a certain number of people from nearly every federal program. Some of those jobs are really important. And now that they have stabbed some people in the back, they're not going to be able to get them back to work. The NRC has been involved with Chernobyl in the past, not sure what they have to do with it now. You try again. Are you dense? Trump never said those exact words. Even the MAGA are not stupid enough to support Trump if he says he is going to let Putin invade the USA so he can make a buck. Trump wants to ease into things. He wants Putin in the USA slowly, but surely. Maybe she should include 1st Amendment rights and how they preclude favoring one religion over another. How about lessons from the Gnostic bible? Does she get to choose what parts of the bible to include in her lesson plan? Perhaps if she emphasized the moral teachings, such as love, compassion, and forgiveness? Would she get in trouble for teaching about the incest and erotica in the bible? Jim Jones fed his cult Flavor-aid. Yes, of course. This is only my opinion. But has Walsh ever done anything more than talk? Talk would include video productions. We need farmers, soldiers, doctors, teachers, police and truckers much more than talkers. The former produce what we need to have a functioning society. People like Walsh tell us who we are "supposed" to hate. Walsh adds nothing of value to our society. So sad. Forever soiled. Everyone grab a rock. That is what was supposed to happen; surely Zachary Levi was not stupid enough to think otherwise?. The cult members are not supposed to question the cult leader's actions. Is the MAGA going to tell him to stay in his lane? Does this explain why it was a good idea to fire some of the nuclear safety workers and then beg for them to come back? Trump's actions speak louder than words. You are the perfect example of why Trump loves the uneducated. The war started in 2014 when Russia occupied Crimea; the full scale invasion started in 2022. See how easy it is to declare something is true when you ignore certain facts? I suppose by the time Trump gets out of office, you will excuse his horrible conduct by claiming there never was a war? Do not be impressed by my service. I needed a job and did it, fairly well. I am far from unique as many other Americans have done the same or much more. Walsh is a talking marshmallow. The people who are impressed by him are, unimpressive to say the least. The closest Trump has come to opposing Putin is claiming, without evidence, that Ukraine would not have been invaded if he was president back then. Trump is acting like Putin's puppet and you are not objecting to that at all. Trump is saying he will never oppose Putin even when it puts the USA at risk. I cannot refute that. Born in Africa? You will receive. The Trump deals. I can do better than that. [quote]Think of it, a former game show host, Donald Trump, talked the United States into electing him to a government position that he was wholly incapable of performing properly. The United states spent billions on an ineffectual war in Afghanistan and Trump's most meaningful impact was to broker a peace deal that released 5000 Taliban terrorists so they could continue to kill Americans. Then he drew down troop strength instead of taking them all out of the country prior to leaving office so he could leave a sh*t-show for his successor We got nothing out of Afghanistan other than misery and killed/wounded solders. Trump is a wanna-be dictator who is assuring us that we don't need to worry about elections in 2028, because they will be fixed. Instead of ending, as promised, the Ukraine war 24 hours after he was elected, he is attempting to extract concessions for mineral rights from a country that was invaded by our long time enemy. That is how he "loves" Ukraine? Trump should be blaming Russia for the invasion instead of Ukraine, but his Russian puppet master will not allow him to do so. And so it continues.....[/quote]