MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump would be stoned for this?

Trump would be stoned for this?

Trump praises Bible literacy classes in schools amid legislative proposals in states

Numerous states introducing Bible Literacy classes, giving students the option of studying the Bible. Starting to make a turn back? Great!

This clown has never read the bible and proved it when he could not even recite a single verse from it when asked which was his favorite.


It depends on whether the classes are taught with the permission of parents or without.

And if other religious classes are also available, or if teachings and understanding of other religions is also in the class, otherwise I think it is religious discrimination.


It's not even an "option". My wife is a high school teacher and HAS to incorporate the Bible into her classroom environment, and has already gotten in trouble for not doing so. This is at a public school, not a private or Christians school. And look, we both agree that Christians should be able to teach their kids whatever, the same way ANY religion should. But at a public school, forcing this sort of education in non-religious classes is RIDICULOUS.


Does she get to choose what parts of the bible to include in her lesson plan? Perhaps if she emphasized the moral teachings, such as love, compassion, and forgiveness? Would she get in trouble for teaching about the incest and erotica in the bible?


This is a very interesting question!


If it is not optional, and without the consent of parents, then it is going backwards in a serious way.


Maybe she should include 1st Amendment rights and how they preclude favoring one religion over another. How about lessons from the Gnostic bible?


This clown has never read the bible and proved it when he could not even recite a single verse from it when asked which was his favorite.

The clown has never read a book (much less written one) and proved it when he could not answer question on last book he read.
He went with "I'm reading my own book because its so great" , predictably
