sunshine62's Replies

Most likely Cookie died from the blow to his head and King Lu was shot dead while he was sleeping next to Cookie. That said, I prefer to think Cookie died due to the blow to his head and Lu from fatigue rather than ending up being tracked down and shot dead. I love how the film started of finding the skeletons and then went back to tell who they were and why they finished up in the forest. I'm not familiar with Kelly Reichardt's movies. I will checkout her imdb page. I saw this film cause it was free on you tube . I just watched the first 2 season.. this is my thoughts on Beth’s hatred for Jamie. Beth should have told Rip she was pregnant and face her father’s anger. She was no poor lost teen without any options, she just wanted to avoid disappointing her father. So she wanted to get rid of the problem and she involved her teen brother Jamie. She chose to kill her unborn child , Jamie could easily have thought it was no deal if she couldn’t have any more children. Deep down Beth knew she was the only one to blame but she made Jamie pay his whole life for her bad choice. She acts so tough but she didn’t even have the balls years later to tell Rip she killed their child. She was a disgusting human being. @ to Hydracubus. Europe is democratic and Moviechat is based in Los Angeles California .. which is part of America which is democratic. . So I’ll post here as much as I want. Zelensky thinks he is playing a game of chess and when he loses he can reset the chess pieces and start over again. Real people are dying. The Ukrainian army has been decimat. Zelensky’s patrols officers then started to pick up civilians off the street , and forced them to enrol. Read the comments. Now Zelensky wants Europe to step in with troops. Zelensky should go to the frontline and fight and die or lose a limb for his Ukraine. He isn’t even President anymore , he refused to have elections. Very undemocratic. I have provided valid links that explain in detail who and why this war was provoked. And why continuing this war is madness. If you don’t do your homework it shows how narrow minded you are. Instead of wasting time attacking my persona , explain why according to you it is in Ukraine’s best interest to drag on a lost war? I can see why the US military industrial complex wants this war to continue, the sales last year touched the record $238 billion. @ to Hydracubus. Why should I stop I have the right to say my opinion and if that contrasts with yours bad luck. It’s called democracy. Until Zelensky continues with the charade saying:” we can win this war, we just need more money more weapons” (and now more troops too) the onslaught will continue. Not even Biden thought this war could be won .. but that was not his goal to begin with. Ukraine has lost this war already in September 2023. And If Ukraine continues it will lose more territory. More lives, ( and money ) wasted on a lost war. Why are you not concerned about these losses? Could it be that you are part of the US multi-billion dollar military-industrial complex? Are you a US arms dealer making billion-dollar weapon contracts with rich Ukraine oligarchs? That would explain your indifference. By Hydracubus So here's the situation: Your fellow Kremlin troll calls other people pukes. He pretends to be American, insults other Americans, then has the nerve to tell other Americans what to do as if he is American himself. He lies shamelessly. When he's confronted with his lies, he merely lies again. Most kremlin trolls are like this. Then you show up, again, pretending to be American or someone not on the Kremlin's payroll. You defend and become an apologist for a dictator who has murdered political opponents and joked about it. You then defend his invasion of another sovereign country under the lie that it's defense. People like yourself then promote the audacious lie that if Ukraine wants peace, they have to allow the Russians to take over part of their nation. That because the Ukrainians are fighting back against an invading force killing their people, that somehow they are evil for fighting back. Further more you implant these lies ad nauseam, ON AMERICAN SITES THAT DO NOT EVEN DEAL WITH POLITICS. After all is said and done, you play victim despite all this. Do you see why the world is sick of you? sunshine62 reply: Never said I was American. Never said Ukraine was evil because it was fighting back I said that if Ukraine continues to fight a war already lost last September it will just lose more territory and more troops will died for nothing. Biden is well aware that the war is over but he wants it to drag on as he doesn’t want to declare defeat with the election coming up. Hence the new $ 61billion aid package on the way to Ukraine .. a black hole that has swallowed already $ 115 billion USA dollars . I wouldn’t even give Zelensky my daughter’s piggy bank to hold for a day. Zelensky is corrupt to the bone , on the 20th of May he is no longer the president of Ukraine as his mandate is up. He refuses to have elections cause his popularity has sunk and he would not win. It’s very likely that one of his own will do him in. To Hydracubus I read that people resort to insults and name calling because they have no arguments to discredit the other person’s points nor to back up their own when put up for debate. John Mearsheimer ‘s ‘ explanation on what caused the war in Ukraine makes sense , of course it puts America in a negative light. That doesn’t make me an extremist or a Russian troll. I look for facts which has nothing to do with being for any side. @ to TimeTunnel No this Larry Johnson Don’t just read their credentials take time to listen to what they have to say and make your own mind up. @ to Hydracubus: I was aware and you are very narrow minded. I still encourage you to listen to his words which echo those of the others 4. John Mearsheimer , Larry Johnson Douglas Macgregor Raymond McGovern I’m sure you didn’t even bother to check them out. By Hydracubus: I can talk big, because even Putin knows he won't step with us like he tries to bully his neighbors. @ Putin will just leave Biden and his ilk bring America to ruin and the EU leaders do the same in Europe. Here is a list of people who offer insight into the Ukraine war ..I’m talking about FACTS which have nothing to do with being with or against either side. John Mearsheimer , Larry Johnson Scott Ritter, Douglas Macgregor Raymond McGovern @ to Hydracubus. Of course living safe on the other side of the globe you can talk big. America helped Afghanistan too and then pulled out practically over night and left Afghan women in the hands of the Taliban again. Like I said America USED Ukraine for its own agenda. And it cost Ukraine 400,000 soldiers. And I m sorry they died in a war America from the get go knew Ukraine could not win. I never said Putin was not corrupt or a saint but their economy is thriving. And it will leave America and Europe ( including my country ) in the dust. America is nosediving and when the castle of cards falls, American will think the 1929 Depression was a joke. So I suggest you start worrying for your countrymen and women, dire times are ahead. @ to Hydraculus. With the 61 billion on the way , America will have spent some 165 billion dollars on a war that should never have been fought. That money could have been used to help Americans in difficulty. Putin never had intentions to take Ukraine and then go for Europe. He never wanted to rebuild the Soviet Union. That was the lie America spread to start this war. Putin simply didn’t want NATO bases at its doorstep just like America didn’t want Russian military bases in Cuba. Biden and his ilk USED Ukraine and don’t care a hoot the Ukraine army is dead and buried. Biden is now just dragging the war on cause in 6 months there are the elections. Zelensky should have kept Ukraine neutral , a bridge between the West and Russia …if he continues on this destructive path more Ukraine territory will be lost. And I shudder at the destruction ahead if Europe sends troops. The European people , me included, don’t won’t a war leaders like Macron and that idiot Cameron are instigating. A percentage of the weapons America sent to Ukraine were sold on the black market to criminals and terrorists. Ukraine will never qualify to become a member of the EU ( if it survives) because it’s so corrupt. Ukraine ‘s rich soil is contaminated , its precious grain has traces of arsenic and mercury. Zelensky ‘s mandate is over.. in a democratic country there would be elections but he knows he would lose so no elections. Zelensky’s time is up , I think he is a dead man walking and his own people will dispose of him. @ to OnanTheBarbarian. I totally agree. In 1962 Russia tried to install missile in Cuba and America was having none of that .. fair enough. Already in 2008 the Russian foreign minister said Ukraine had to remain neutral for obvious reasons but America just ignored the warning. Biden was already using his influence as vice president under Obama , to guarantee contracts in America to the Ukraine oligarchs for hefty pay-offs. These $ 61billion will buy Biden time but Zelensky now needs an army and wants Europe to send troops. Cameron saying Ukraine has a right to attack Russian soil and Macron threatening to send troops for the last two months is just fuelling an already incandescent situation. Putin is fed up. People need to understand that Biden always knew Ukraine would not win the war against Russia. Biden’s plan was to used Ukraine to weaken Russia’s military and economy, hoping the Russians would actually outs Putin eventually. Well the plan obviously backfired. The sanctions against Russia instead destroyed Europe’s economy while Russia’s economy now is thriving and so is the new currency Brics. Russia found new profitable deals with other nations and the next Brics summit is in Kazan this coming October. America instead has a $34 trillion debt and yet it sends more billions to Ukraine for a war already lost last September. ( Part of that money as you mentioned will be used to keep hospitals and offices going , pay wages and government pensions) In the meantime, America’s economy has nosedived and George Soros’ open society vision is not helping; since Biden took office the borders were left open and 7.2 million illegal have entered. Biden and his ilk have done a huge disservice provoking a war against Russia When will this nightmare and this madness end , I ask By Hydracubus: Serious question, how much money does the Kremlin pay people to post like this? ….. @No one paid me and I’m 100% with OnanTheBarbarian. When Zelensky went to power in May 2019, Ukraine was the second most corrupt country in Europe. When the war began in Feb 2022 the corruption was still thriving . Why? because Zelensky was and is still part of it. The Spring and Summer counterattacks in 2023 were disasters and by September 2023 the war was over. The senate said : No more funds to Ukraine at the end of September cause the war was lost. But now with the election in 6 month, Biden somehow got the Senate to approve a 61billion aid package for Ukraine. Biden wants the war to drag on cause he fears he will lose the election if he declares defeat now. So more billion of dollars and lives will be wasted. Zelensky instead prefers to lie and say they can still win if they get money and arms. He will do anything to stay in power even sacrifice his people and country. Of course there would be the issue of : where is he going to get the troops? Less than two months ago on our national tv channel Zelensky had the guts to say that only 31.000 Ukraine soldiers had died since the start of the war. Zelensky doesn’t even show respect to the 400,000 Ukraine soldier actually killed. And he doesn’t care to send soldier to died for a war already lost since September 2023. If he really cared about Ukraine , he would acknowledge the defeat and sit down and listen to Putins demand. Putin wants a neutral zone between the West and Russia. He doesn’t want all of Ukraine. This month there should be elections in Ukraine but Zelensky has said no cause he knows he won’t win. He is a liar and is corrupt and his mandate is coming to an end .. wouldn’t be surprised if someone close to him turns on him. by fc31: But I think they destroyed those machines with some kind of laser beams, the worms did not show up in those attack scenes. @.I confess the battle scenes right now are somewhat of a muddle in my head..I would need to watch the films a second time. I do remember after an exchange of fire in part two , a thumper ( found the correct word) was placed right next to a pile of dead soldiers. A worm emerged with its mouth open and swallowed them up. So I do believe a worm would attack any target the Fremen want as long as said target is pinpointed by a thumper. @ to fc31 Sometimes when I binge-watch I miss details but not in this case seeing you too are wondering how the carriage was transported onto the worm's back..also I don't see Paul's pregnant mother making the jump either. Q. Then why even bother to attack those giant spice collecting machines, why not just call the worms to attack those machines @.Maybe they wanted to insert that device that attracts the worms as close as possible to the target/the harvesting vehicle. To accomplish that, they had to attack and close in. Thanks PersistentViewer for taking the time to reply.😐 Yes it’s all about the journey but after 10 long years I do think the public earned the right to know who Reddington really was. It’s obvious the writers didn’t have a plausible answer to give. Or worse, they never had intention to reply. They cheated and fooled viewers. Anyways, James Spader is a fine actor .. I binge watched the 8 season of the Practice about 4 years ago and then moved onto Boston Legal. Maybe you can fill me in ? I binge watched the first 4 seasons and watch 5 and 6 on TV . Then gave up. Got tired waiting to know who Reddington really was . James Spader as Reddington was brilliant but I personally think the writers should have wrapped up much earlier. I read that Elizabeth died without knowing who Reddington was.. that sucked. Does Reddington’s true identity ever get explained? I googled : Reddington’s death scene. Reddington is killed by a bull? Was he walking in that paddock intentionally, did he have a death wish? Was Ressler looking for Reddington to arrest him ? I recognise the Gypsy Kings in the back ground strntz posted: **Medical examiners and independent experts testified in the Chauvin trial that while Floyd suffered from heart disease and hypertension, and toxicology tests showed recent use of the two drugs, none of these was the cause of Floyd’s death on May 25, 2020. Medical examiners ruled the death a homicide because law enforcement officers compressed Floyd against the road in a way that starved his body of oxygen, known as asphyxia, leading to cardiopulmonary arrest."** @ Had Floyd been healthy he would not have died when Chauvin pinned him forcefully down with his knee. He might have found it hard to breathe but he would not have died. The weak heart , the ipertension and recent use of drugs in his system , these three factors contributed to his death when Chauvin pinned him down .. That said: The dude was face down ,handcuffed , had two other policemen keeping his lower part of his body down , Chauvin was in no danger… he should have eased his knee lock when he heard Floyd pleading and saying he couldn’t breathe. By foster: Beth was boinking Rip, and maybe a couple others in the bunkhouse, just a couple years after her mother dies

As happens she got pregnant

She asked Jaime for help 

HE took her to a reservation health clinic where he was told they could do the abortion but would also do a hysterectomy, HE said OK and took Beth inside. @. Beth was desperate to get an abortion and Jamie being a teen didn’t understand the severity of a hysterectomy. Jamie regrets what he did but Beth has no intention to stop abusing Jamie physically and mentally. Beth made the wrong choices and puts all the blame on Jamie. Beth was no ran away teen with no money, she should have gone to Rip , instead she opted to lie and say she had made a mistake and she wasn’t pregnant. Or She could have gone to her father… but she didn’t like that option because she wouldn’t be daddy’s girl anymore. I don’t feel sorry for her , she got rid of hers and Rip ‘s baby and it was a choice she alone made.