MovieChat Forums > Chomsky89 > Replies
Chomsky89's Replies
I've always wondered why that concept never got more seasons.
The more unique without offending potential fans, the better.
James Smith: To Normal. GAME: Better. Scrappy pappy: Best out of these 3.
The description fits with Mean streets Aswell. That's not a comedy though.
This is probably a 90s segment. I watched it in 98 for the first time.
Obviously sound very much like one of the terminator movies, More specifically the first one. but I will be very surprised if you're actually looking for one of those.
Have still not identified movie #2, Or the tv series.
I don't know where he stands at everything, but he seems to agree with a lot of the stuff that's happening in countries that rank highest in happiness?
Seems reasonable at first glance.
I have legally done a selection of soft drugs. (cannabis,salvia, shrooms). Legal is nice, because you don't get in contact with possibly shady people, wanting you to try harder stuff. And of course you can be 99,9% sure of what you are getting and no cop-paranoia is also nice.
even though I am a heterosexual man, I can see why certain men are conventionally pretty according to women. But Tatum, Matthew mc, and Clooney have always looked " slightly above average" to me. I think for instance Tatum is very far away from 10/10 Facial Aesthetics.
For women: Jennifer love Hewitt And Penelope Cruz. Even though i have a thing for innocent looking brunettes, Hewitt always looked average to me.
I don't think this is a trend.
I made a kind of similar thread recently, and I didn't get many suggestions.
Even though Scarface fits your title, I don't think it fits with the rest of your picks( that I have watched)
The difference is that they did not step outside the usual "protagonist-limits" in Scarface.
Criminal-protagonists has alway been allowed to hurt people who have chosen a criminal life, or know they might have something coming.
You might not personally love everyone of this movies, But unlikeable the protagonist are indeed:
-American Psycho
-Natural Born Killers
-Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer
-Ichi the Killer
-Clockwork Orange
-Funny Games
-Man Bites Dog
-The way of the gun
-MR. Brooks
I'm from Norway, the country you just sold Call of duty planes(f-52)
I have seen In Bruges once, only have a few foggy memories.
I don't know if you can call overpopulation an event, but Most problems have to do with overpopulation, even though it's not a popular thing to say.
intercourse, will of course continue to be popular, and that might kill us all in a lot of ways. So my scenario would be Event X caused by overpopulation.
Take Bangladesh, Scientists estimate at least 10 million will soon have to flee from Sea level rise. Where are they going to go? We might sort that out some way, but i don't think its obvious that we can just move that amount to a new location on this earth, without causing a major negative impact in some way. I don't think this issue will kill us all, but the problem is not the sea level, its the number of people.
Not offended, just wanted to inform. I wish people could knew immediately, but then again most people probably figure out quickly.
Are there any user nation statistics available? Would be nice to know If it's like 90% Americans or close to 50%.
I really don't how any idea.
English is not my first language, those errors will happen.
By the way, I don't think there are less serial killers. But I think the serialkiller types have changed drastically.
Massacres primarily in the form of school and church shootings didn't happen once a year in the 80s, at least not in the western world. Those guys are also serial killers of course. The worst massacre-serial killer to date went on his spree in 2011.
"Could video games (usually blamed for training violent people) actually be therapeutic?"
Where i live, youth crime is much lower than in the 80s. Academics are giving video games primarily, the credit for this.
When it comes to previnting serial killers though... I really don't know what the factors are.
It would be the busiest day/month in my life.
I would have to collect all the food I can, and then freeze it down wherever I could, even though I should be safe for atleast another 6 months on food from cans alone, I'm in very much hurry anyway to maintain the other types of existing food.
I would also change to a new home, located on a big hill with a big yard. This would give me a ideal visibility on possible wild animals, looking for food
When there is no more food to collect, I would have to collect wood instead. Since the powerplants ain't going to last very long without anyone monitoring them.
I have an interest in criminology, psychology etc. or you could say I have an interest in how the mind works.
if what I said really sounded that weird to you, I would recommend "perv" by Jesse Behring.
This is going to sound VERY disturbing, but I don't really have much choice, if I'm going to give a fulfilling answer
So There are many reasons to why adults may want to engage in sexual activity with a child. One of the obvious ones is that you are sexually attracted to various kids(pedophile) But there are Many other as well.
Boys have a window in their sexual development between 8-12, if something "Sexual stuff" Happens during this time, that might be a turn off for the rest of your life.
I'm not sure if there exist online articles from this case, but there was some guy wich only molested redheads, in the woods behind his elementary school. This guy had no pedo-network, no kiddieporn found eighter. Im pretty sure he was not a clinical pedophile. most likely something happened between him and a redhead at that school. He was probably after recreating an earlier experience as close as he could.
There are other reasons as well, but id rather stop now, this is very difficult to chat about.
But remember, Having sex with someone does not necessarily say anything about your sexual orientation, Humans are not that simple.