jekporkins's Posts

The Most Forgettable Star Wars Movie Ever Made Fun movie Funniest show I've seen in ages Can't believe I'm saying this, but it exceeded my expecations Christian Slater's hair in this Really shows what San Francisco was like in the 1970s It's actually a lot of fun Seriously needs to do a Family Addams movie as an adult Wednesday Forest Whitaker crushes it in this So what was Bradley's backstory? A review from a regular old movie-lover The older I get the more I appreciate this one How did the Tooth Fairy get the letter to Lektor? From script to direction to casting to acting to music to editing... what are some 'perfect' movies? If you like Burt Reynolds you'll love it Matthew Broderick is fantastic First impressions right after the first episode Maybe I missed it but didn't he get shot in the leg? See you on the seesaw, Cindy The woman has 3 kids and is 57 years old and still looks incredible