AckbarsCorpse's Replies

reported You suck If Adolf Hitler is guilty of this terrible World War II thing, then they should put that guy in jail for a long, long time! this whole hitler buzz. I think the guy was a real jerk. not funny ok All of this Jake Skywalker stuff could actually have worked if the new lead characters would be likable. But they're not. guess they're gonna rename death star into Life Star and Starkiller Base into Star Things Base. Thoughts? As if Hamill would give a flying f** to appear as a bore ghost Yeah but what would have been the alternative? An entire new trilogy with everybody sitting on the porch and drinking lemonade? Not a franchise but remakes of ALL Kubrick movies. Imagine that boring and tedious Space Odyssey rebooted by Disney. Or that lame and pretentious Clockwork film. Awesome. You gazed too long into the abyss. Now the abyss also gazes into you. Another short answer. The rest of the movie around the scene is better. Hans Ingruber lol, Mr. 1645 posts. Yesssss!!!!!! So proud!! Inhansgruber didn't get the part. End of story. Who cares about this han solo impersonator. the movie's gonna suck anyway. get over it. true dat That guy (ingruber) is an impersonator not an actor. Might as well make a cgi harrison ford with mark hamill dubbing his voice. what happened to all these people? because we can