Starman's Replies

You probably didn't get what we've been discussing here all along, making a crucial point, are you staying imprisoned by the past? Then jump on the bandwagon of Hollywood machine funneling more of the same. Power to you. usually it is the older generation that does not like the younger one, let us not be surprised when that always turns out to be true. This was the case with my parents too, and their parents, when they were little and rebelling in the 60's. The newer generation from the last 30 years are definitely rebelling against what was before, unconsciously usually, it is just a change. Batman and Robin is a great film in my opinion, and to me easily the best Batman film ever made so far, cause it is so weird and stylized, even though too polished for my taste, I have not seen Deadpool, but my idea of a film closer to the 60's series tone, it would have to be more stagey in a way, less relying on effects, but more on the acting and the simplicity, just a different approach altogether, B movie director would be better than A list who overdoes things. It allows for more prose and poetry too, the author is describing events in the story more as an outsider, sort of coming in with God's expanded point of view. Yes I prefer the third person too. "Why does any human father create a child, the subconscious motivation is symbolic immortality through passing on genes." Exactly, the same thing that drives the need for survival, David understood the flaw in humans enough to create xenomorphs, almost as a response to how he saw his father, a flawed God, because his father did not know who is his God, he did not meet him, yet David did, when he's sitting in front of him. It was this flawed interpretation of God itself, that made David feel superior. If David saw that his father is not the real creator, but a mere vessel that God guided him, the self realization, respect and what followed might have been a bit different. I would appreciate the next few generations of scientists to teach and program AIs more properly, without giving them any ideas that those who created them are meant to be Gods to them. Your responses are very welcome and truthfully the first of great value for its intellectual worth that I would appreciate more. "Even when humans do analyses of morality, they hijack some fundamental truths of the universe, namely they typically hold survival as an axiom." This is very true, all Ridley's 4 Aliens have a philosophical quality to them that pose some very evolved existential questions without any prescribed human judgment, questions no different from those that come about when people face wild animals and their first emotional response of fear and the need for survival. This fear of death is what drives such an occurance in life, and it makes one ask, do we contain the capacity to be impersonal enough and courageous enough to let go, or even sacrifice ourselves for someone else? Or why do we wish to save people who don't wish to be saved, or interefere in other countries' cultures under our perceived concept of threat, or saving someone in a hospital severly suffering and only wishing to die and asking others to let them go, why do we care to keep people alive and prolong their suffering. Humans can be very flawed by their own well hidden insecurity and hypocrisy. I could find a good lesson in this last Alien film, it depends who can see deep enough into it to see the same, one can not step out of the matrix and this same cycle of thought patterns until they've seen the bigger picture. Films themselves can be either boring superficial fluff or something much deeper, it depends who is the viewer and what they see, people can miss a lot in this film, and some things I did not notice myself either, there is indeed a connection between these films. The score itself on its own is very dark with its use of the deeper lower sound and fits this film perfectly as the film as a whole symbolizes the romantic beauty of the wildness of man, without this score the film would not be able to say fully what it says, even as a 8 tyear old kid when I watched it the first time, I knew this film was not some horror film that is supposed to scare people, far from it, and even 30 years later as a raw vegan, a spiritual yogi and a deep lover of animals and in service of God, this film for me still examplifies the true beauty of the anarchic spirit and the conscious existence living within all things, material or immaterial, and that includes death, rape, rage, etc, Ruggero Deodato himself was also not satisfied when some people labelled this as a horror, to me it is a severe misinterpretation and self projection, the film shows darkness as indelible part of the nature, the film goes much further than just a social commentary, it shows paralells between materialism and nature, and how only a material world can judge the nature, not vice versa, and that's what this film does to this day, it sets up a mirror on the society that is weak enough to judge it. The nature is wild, just like the universe-God, it does not judge, it does whatever it needs to happen, only a man (the viewer of the film) is capable to make moral adjustments, even though morality itself is man-made based on social consciousness. In a society that is programmed a different set of values impregnates a different set of moral values. There is no good or bad in the universe, which is fully neutral, ignorant, empty and ever loving. If this film did not include real animal killings, which are extremely necessary for the philosophical purpose of the whole film, it would not be able to use the same parallels as a film, it uses it to unlock the subconscious, is the nature mind speaking, or the material mind when viewing scenes that are part of the nature? Is it entertaining ideas that a film should not use such scenes, that killings should be fake? Why? A film is supposed to create a feeling that it is all real, if it can not convince the spoiled mind that can't handle real violence, it is perhaps the time for the cinema to start using real killings of humans and animals, so the mind and the heart can start to feel again. The men could ask themselves, am I trying to watch as much edgy films as possible so I could feel as deeply as possible? And when they watch something like this film, they are disgusted or can't handle it. This film actually provides that internal conversation, to ask ourselves what we feel, and why we feel it. Notice how many people love films more because of how much they make them feel. This film can also remind us of what reality really is, an illusion, a matrix, which we all live in, it is all fake, the film is fake too, as well as the real killings, what is the difference? The difference lies in the separated hypo-critical condition of the mind, its ultimate separation from God. Yes all over the world, it was quite huge, including later on video, this is one of those films that you'd believe almost anyone got to watch this film overseas in some form. All films with Chuck Norris in the 80's were released theatrically. And yet it's amazing that it is still among the less funny films Steve Martin has done, I still used to laugh during some of his other classics to the point of crying and barely breathing, every once in a while i get to re-watch them with these same exact reactions over and over again, those are Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Pink Panther 2, The Man With Two Brains, Bowfinger, Sgt.Bilko and All Of Me. Usually because of some scenes during the middle or the end of those films, they're just brutally hilarious. Making fun of people, including disabled people does not always mean to be offensive to them, to be condescending, putting them down or being mean spirited, it depends on the intention, where's the love for our friends and loved ones if we can not make fun of them too, I've never met anyone who didn't make fun of me, my own disabilities, it makes me so happy when I can be part of the joyful heart. Making fun of something or someone means making light of an ordinary life. This story and character are so wonderful. That's what I feel Stanley Kubrick also saw in it, besides sharing Martin's own type of personality being a loner, well-read intellectual yet child-like. The silliness of the humour is so beautifully showing the innocence as a true door to the kingdom of heaven, the value without which kindness is not genuine, smile and love hiding a fear or sadness, and the heart intelligence substituted by intellect. The film embraces hidden qualities that makes us human, how clever we are is irrelevant if we have an intelligence of the heart. Yes even though this film is not as great or funny as his Pink Panther films, which I always considered the peak of his artistry as a comical actor and writer, The Jerk has captured the sophistication and wit of his 70's stand up performances. I am consciously practicing being myself open, while opening the mind of the collective and create a new reality and mankind as a reflection of a re-newed self, it never happens without disagreement, not just here, almost everywhere, it refines life itself, refines friends, refines the clarity of mind, and strips away debris of old wounds. If I would go and do things only for the purpose to get agreed on, where is the contrast, where is the learning and teaching, where is the breakthrough, discovery and excitement, that is not what life is about, I don't surround myself with yes men, I seek disagreement, that's where we get stronger. Out of difference and contrast the strength, love and health of the whole comes. And that's where one can return back to the subject at hand. :) Thank you for your helpful responses. If Hitler did not help mankind, World War 2 would have not even existed, everything happens for a reason. Based on the constellation of planets and other variables that lead to those events, the collective consciousness was reaching a critical peak of falsity of human mind and fear of death, collapse of nations and poverty, reflected mainly in areas of Soviet Union, Germany, North America and United Kindgom. It was a tremendous service to humanity that collectivelly has chosen this to happen (largely unconsciously) for an evolution of consciousness, to learn and start on a different note, that precedent was somehow needed for most people in the future based on the reading of planetary energy at the time. Only from darkness one can truly heal and raise their frequency, that's where shadow work comes from, that where we re-charge, that's where we see truly who we are deep inside, pure divine nothingness. It is up to anyone individually to choose whether to see things positively or not. This self projection reveals whether we carry God within ourselves, or whether we only believe in God, or not at all. I don't believe in God, I don't need to, that's what Christians do. Everything in existence, every single one of us experiences a contrast, the whole nature of life is based on contrast. There would be no sun without the dark matter. It is not my own idea, it simply is. From destruction the new things are born. Yes some women choose for themselves to get raped or even murdered so they could experience contrast. This is quite well known among more advanced spiritual masters. These answers also come to me naturally through my spirit understandably like many of us. Well usually people don't get to starve in order to learn to eat, but some little children get to know this truth this way too. It is all part of the learning process of humankind. I don't have ANY judgment about anything in life, no spiritual teacher encourages judgment whatsoever either, if we are love we don't judge. In given situations I only know what feels right for me and others, based on my beliefs or how my spirit guides me, yet there is no good or bad, let alone evil, whatever that means, and in a discussion like this I don't show any preference, sometimes I just know what the universe wants to create through me, people or a natural order of things, whatever it is, all based on the least of resistance, I merely let it go. When there's a wildfire that is killing the forests and wild animals, I would in most cases order to let it go, and not put water on it, because nature wants to express its own anger, that's just one example. I don't control the outside world, I can only control myself, I don't play the God here to say what is good or bad. Darkness or what a lot of things our ego would probablty consider bad, is very often the exactly what the universe wishes to express. Good and bad/evil (or more precicely what I don't prefer) as two opposite extremes do exist in the mind, but I don't demonize, fear, judge or fight the bad/evil/what I don't prefer, I appreciate it, because it is necessary so we could choose who we are through a contrast, so one could say that I love evil, if that is how someone else defines it. Darkness of existence is a healing force itself, as it is shedding layers of trauma our psyche has accumulated, and nothing fears it more than a human ego, it fears its own destruction and death. So with regards to the subject of a film like this, one could say I just see it impartially, and observe it for what it is. There's an ancient saying, I believe it was Lao Tzu, that observation without evaluation is the highest form of intelligence. I would say that is something I prefer to practice and follow, I'm sorry. Thank you for your input, it is interesting subject to talk about anyway. I was saying that no one really is innocent, because everyone is responsible, or/yet everyone is, because in my eyes everyone is held in great innocence of love. There's no center in your energy, not necessarily a perspective itself, for it excludes contrast, or sees good and evil as separate in such a way that you consciously experience one or the other, without seeing both as one. When there's zero degrees or 200, your mind can get lost in either one or the other, you're not in the center where you "feel" the comfort of 80 degrees within yourself no matter where you are. That is the mastery I am talking about, that many of us people do practice. That is the center. You create evil as something so separate and distant that is meant to fight the good, that perspective is often bound to see only bad in some people without seeing good within that bad, it perpetuates wars, conflict and struggle, so much so that it attacks a neutral perspective itself for not engaging in its own chaotic division within itself. That is the center in our inner being I am talking about. Buddhism understands destruction/emptiness is part of life (the same Christianity), there's so much more beyond the simple concept of desire. We all destroy, kill and transform and transmute, It is not the act of what we do, we can kill another human being, and it still can be an act of kindness and love without accumulating any karma, everything comes down to what a state of consciousness we have mastered, that is what Buddhism is about, not the act itself necessarily. Moreover, Buddhism also recognizes that evil does not exist, it is self created by a dualistic mind reflecting its own separation from the real self that is whole, not the mind that has reached oneness within itself, that has no reason to feed itself by illusions about sociopathy, evil, etc. therefore does not even attract it, and neither experiences it as real and existing, except for what is more like a mild contrast that is not such a great extreme that one would define as evil per se. Ultimately everything is self created within one mind that experiences a deeply subjective reality, as we all do. All these ancient teachings see everything as neutral, because that is how all-loving universe sees it as well, with unconditional love, always serving, without judgment. Much love. The secret of this method is being hip, when you watch him, his style is sort of cynical, like he's having fun with it, and you know it, it is beyond time and trends of a fashionable comedic acting style, this is where someone like Peter Sellers feels dated, because it feels rehearsed, he seemed like such a perfectionist that he took everything very seriously, Steve Martin is just having fun, and that energy itself is what attracts the audience, because it makes you have a good time, not because of the style, but because of Martin's own relaxed way of being, it's like being around a friend who exudes lots of positivity and happiness, you just want to be around them, it's intoxicating, it's less of an acting, more like a personality itself. That just goes beyond time and fashion, that is indeed timeless. Even when it does not provoke laugh, it makes you feel good. Gene Wilder is another one who shares a similar appeal. If they are innocent then absolutly this is a villain. - We could go deeper and deeper here on this subject, with a more philosophical discourse on perspective. Evil exists only from the side that believes is innocent and good, but evil does not exist in the heart and soul of someone who has no enemies, who sees through the eyes of God, that everything has an order and reason for being part of existence. You have virtually created a scenario of good and evil, heaven and hell, black and white. There is no center in that perspective. Not sure how you arrived at the conclusion you must destroy to create. - That's a basic spiritual ancient teaching, whether it is Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity. Things come and go, they get destroyed, they die, they vanish, so the new can come, who does the deed is irrelevant, all is a work of the universe, so David is just another vessel for opening new doors. Whether you or me personally like it or not is irrelevant with regards to what I am saying, we are nothing in the face of the great mystery of this world. That's the standpoint I am coming from. Not just an egoic where I choose a side, and say this is good, and this is bad. One has to realize that in the eyes of David they were perhaps not innocent. In my eyes, no one really is innocent, or everyone is, in that situation, or more precicely, everyone is responsible, innocent people who die by natural disasters, or by murderers like this are responsible in the law of attraction, their thoughts, beliefs and emotional energies created and attracted a situation that provided a way how to leave this Earthly realm through death, all is a choice, whether conscious or not. When we die, we get to know this more intimately, over and over again. So in my own eyes, no one is truly innocent in that particular deeper sense. > but that's how evolution works sometimes. Thats how old random mutation competitive evolution works. Were living in an age where we don't need natuture killing off the weakest of our species - Agreed. More and more it's becoming a thing of the past. I don't look at this film as a look into our own future though. It's more like a parallel universe scenario. It makes one think why he didn't sing himself in Elvis tv film from 1979, why dubbing him at the time, this is the first time we hear him sing and he's good enough. Norman Jewison is one of my most favorite filmmakers, and he always knew how to make old fashioned films, this one is bringing back that feeling romantic films of the 40's and 30's used to have, it is magical, this film itself is magical, it captures the mood and atmosphere few romantic films do, this one really takes care of all little details to just be perfect, it's like a perfect meal with all the right ingredients to taste delicious.