I don't understand why killing other human beings would make him a villain in some eyes. To create you also have to destroy, he showed more emotions than humans, that's what the whole film was about, his killing was a work of divine force to create a new generation of beings and life force. That was also implied in the film. I am not saying this is how humans are meant to treat each other, but I understand why some beings do it, especially AI like David. It is a disturbing fact, but that's how evolution works sometimes. One can not live in the light without the dark. David was also probably willing to let those 2 humans live at the end, who knows. His idea was not to end the human civilization, only to refine it based on kindness and ability to think for ourselves, feel, create art, etc. That's why he killed his brother IA Walter, in his eyes he was less of a human, like many of the humans in the film. This film perfectly parallels with the current times of division among people, some people wish to progress and some wish to live in the past and die in it.
In fact, it parallels with the reception towards this film itself, those who may not like this film because it is OR it is not like the previous Alien films are stuck in the past by comparing the present with the past and focusing on the past, while those who stay in the present and take it as something that stands on its own without prehaps even seeing an Alien film before have the opposite response to it, and love it dearly.
To "create", one can not be lost in the past.
Ps: I may not be correct about David's motivation, it's just one angle how it could be seen too, I know he could have killed Elizabeth Shaw despite her kindness towards him.
Yes, and it helped so much in our evolution. We would have not reached such higher levels of self empowerment. God works in mysterious ways, and in this realm no one is a villain and a bad guy.
What on odd conclusion to arrive at. Your stuck in some kind of strange fantasy world where nothing can exist unless it has a diametric opposite. Do you also conclude that women can never understand a loving sexual relationship untill they've been raped to contrast it? Must people starve to know how to eat?
I don't think you would arrive at these conclusions. Your either young and inexperienced or your just a histronic troll trying to advocate contraversal positions for attention.
Everything in existence, every single one of us experiences a contrast, the whole nature of life is based on contrast. There would be no sun without the dark matter. It is not my own idea, it simply is. From destruction the new things are born.
Yes some women choose for themselves to get raped or even murdered so they could experience contrast. This is quite well known among more advanced spiritual masters. These answers also come to me naturally through my spirit understandably like many of us.
Well usually people don't get to starve in order to learn to eat, but some little children get to know this truth this way too. It is all part of the learning process of humankind.
See your just a troll playing devils advocate. You've erronously concluded hitler help us by killing off a bunch of Jews when the reality is Jewish people for what ever reason are amound the higher performers in society. If Hitler really were trying to create a master race he would have encouraged breeding among the jewish population. Instead hitler was selfishly trying to raise up the aggressive less performing aryan race so they woulden't have to compete with older more established performers like the jewish population.
You don't understand evolution.
I'm pretty sure you don't believe in God since you ascribe to genocide and use evolution as your justification.
And the statement "No on is a villain" implies you subscribe to post modern moral relativism so even more reason to
copnclude you don't believe in god so you can drop the "god works in mysterious ways" act.
If Hitler did not help mankind, World War 2 would have not even existed, everything happens for a reason. Based on the constellation of planets and other variables that lead to those events, the collective consciousness was reaching a critical peak of falsity of human mind and fear of death, collapse of nations and poverty, reflected mainly in areas of Soviet Union, Germany, North America and United Kindgom. It was a tremendous service to humanity that collectivelly has chosen this to happen (largely unconsciously) for an evolution of consciousness, to learn and start on a different note, that precedent was somehow needed for most people in the future based on the reading of planetary energy at the time. Only from darkness one can truly heal and raise their frequency, that's where shadow work comes from, that where we re-charge, that's where we see truly who we are deep inside, pure divine nothingness. It is up to anyone individually to choose whether to see things positively or not. This self projection reveals whether we carry God within ourselves, or whether we only believe in God, or not at all. I don't believe in God, I don't need to, that's what Christians do.
Like where Nazi doctors were experimenting directly on human subjects and jumpstarted a lot of discovery that we use in today's medicine to successfully cure many diseases, amirite? :D :D :D
Or less dividing talk. I would say it is ironcally the idea of good and evil that is actually crazy. It's like saying that God or the universe is crazy when things like this happen in life, from the awakened expanded awareness or point of view there is no good and evil, but it is scary and crazy to a human ego that wants to choiose the side to feel safe and comfortable, hence the nature of responses to this thread. I expected that.
It sounds more like your feeding your ago by taking a contrived contrarian position in the belief that your superior to us for it. I never understood why sociopaths always conclude they are geniuses above the rest of the community despite by having verified lower intelligence and not performing in society. No one says God or the Universe is crazy most of us just assume God either doesn't exist or he/she/whatever doesn't have human motives. Unless your a pantheist we also conclude the universe is dead and doesn't experience human emotions.
> hence the nature of responses to this thread. I expected that.
Oh please. You deliberatly took an unpopular stance to engage in disagreement. Its the whole purpose of your post. Your feeding your ego by convincing your self thatr you've like a lot of people before you "discovered" a nihilistic interpretation of the universe.
I am consciously practicing being myself open, while opening the mind of the collective and create a new reality and mankind as a reflection of a re-newed self, it never happens without disagreement, not just here, almost everywhere, it refines life itself, refines friends, refines the clarity of mind, and strips away debris of old wounds. If I would go and do things only for the purpose to get agreed on, where is the contrast, where is the learning and teaching, where is the breakthrough, discovery and excitement, that is not what life is about, I don't surround myself with yes men, I seek disagreement, that's where we get stronger. Out of difference and contrast the strength, love and health of the whole comes. And that's where one can return back to the subject at hand. :)
"If I would go and do things only for the purpose to get agreed on, where is the contrast,"
Thats kind of my point. Your not trying to form independent thought or conclusions rather you value taking the contraversal argument for the sake of contrast. Yet you take it too far as you seem to think hitler was helping and has helped mankind via evolution through genocide hiding behind your alleged ambiguity of good and evil.
Let me ask you would you actually hold some one that is exterminating your home town your family possibly even taking a few attempts to snuff you out as being good and that your neighbors were the evil ones for defending themselves? I don't know where altruism comes from but it is the basis of what I find as good within limitations of course. What do you think is Good or what is Evil since you desire contrast.
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I agree. After watching the first third of the movie, I began rooting for David & his children to exterminate the sh*t-for-brains, moronic crew. Kill 'em all David!! Kill Them ALL!!
> I don't understand why killing other human beings would make him a villain in some eyes.
If they are innocent then absolutly this is a villain.
> To create you also have to destroy, he showed more emotions than humans, that's what the whole film was about, his killing
> was a work of divine force to create a new generation of beings and life force.
Not sure how you arrived at the conclusion you must destroy to create. Also his killing was the work of derangement and not of devine nature. David exhibits everything that was wrong with ancient man that had no value on the life of his peers altruism is a characterristic of modern man. David is just a psycho that feels compelled to create a dangours species.
> but that's how evolution works sometimes.
Thats how old random mutation competitive evolution works. Were living in an age where we don't need natuture killing off the weakest of our species we can control our destiny with genetic engineering, general medical care and our new found altruistic tendencies to look after each other. There is great strength survivability in the fact that most of us cooperate to meet common goals. Even david isn't using natural selection he's clearly manipulating the species via technology so even david doesn't subscribe to the principles of random mutation and evolution. Your concept of evolution itself is flawed as david is choosing who lives and dies and is not allowing the events to be random which is the basis of evolution.
If they are innocent then absolutly this is a villain. -
We could go deeper and deeper here on this subject, with a more philosophical discourse on perspective. Evil exists only from the side that believes is innocent and good, but evil does not exist in the heart and soul of someone who has no enemies, who sees through the eyes of God, that everything has an order and reason for being part of existence. You have virtually created a scenario of good and evil, heaven and hell, black and white. There is no center in that perspective.
Not sure how you arrived at the conclusion you must destroy to create. -
That's a basic spiritual ancient teaching, whether it is Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity. Things come and go, they get destroyed, they die, they vanish, so the new can come, who does the deed is irrelevant, all is a work of the universe, so David is just another vessel for opening new doors. Whether you or me personally like it or not is irrelevant with regards to what I am saying, we are nothing in the face of the great mystery of this world. That's the standpoint I am coming from. Not just an egoic where I choose a side, and say this is good, and this is bad. One has to realize that in the eyes of David they were perhaps not innocent. In my eyes, no one really is innocent, or everyone is, in that situation, or more precicely, everyone is responsible, innocent people who die by natural disasters, or by murderers like this are responsible in the law of attraction, their thoughts, beliefs and emotional energies created and attracted a situation that provided a way how to leave this Earthly realm through death, all is a choice, whether conscious or not. When we die, we get to know this more intimately, over and over again. So in my own eyes, no one is truly innocent in that particular deeper sense.
> but that's how evolution works sometimes.
Thats how old random mutation competitive evolution works. Were living in an age where we don't need natuture killing off the weakest of our species -
Agreed. More and more it's becoming a thing of the past. I don't look at this film as a look into our own future though. It's more like a parallel universe scenario.
I get that your trying to act indifferent to the actions of David vs the crew as if your above judgement but taking a neutral position and subscribing to absolute moral relativism show you either being dishonest about your own self preservation or just have a complete lack of understanding about the sociopathy david is excibiting. Just because Evil and Good do not have a definite definition that we all can agree on doesn't mean they don't exsist, thats just playing Loki's wager.
>You have virtually created a scenario of good and evil, heaven and hell, black and white. There is no center in that
> perspective.
I didn't create any scenario of good and evil. And you have fallen into the exluded middle fallacy to suggest that good and evil can't coexist. If 0 degrees is cold and 200 degress is hot are you suggesting there is never a time when the temp is 80? Again why do you feel the need for this mutually exclusive dichotomy?
>That's a basic spiritual ancient teaching, whether it is Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity. Things come and go, they get
Thats actually only mildly true of Hinduism and is not true of buddhism or Christianity.
Hinduism: Living things move in cycles but their is a part of you that can never die or be born. Its just been here the whole time and always will be here moving through reincarnation.
Buddhism Teaches that the root off all suffering is desire and that to reach Narvana you need to stop desiring things including imortality. Buddhism says nothing about destroying things inorder to create things.
Chirstianity: Uses the analogy of being born again to show mans transformation from evil to good. Being born again is never thought of in terms of death or destruction.
> In my eyes, no one really is innocent, or everyone is
Again there is that strange belief that its all or nothing excluded middle thats attached it self to your mode of thinking. Where did that come from why do you follow that mentality?
I don't have ANY judgment about anything in life, no spiritual teacher encourages judgment whatsoever either, if we are love we don't judge. In given situations I only know what feels right for me and others, based on my beliefs or how my spirit guides me, yet there is no good or bad, let alone evil, whatever that means, and in a discussion like this I don't show any preference, sometimes I just know what the universe wants to create through me, people or a natural order of things, whatever it is, all based on the least of resistance, I merely let it go. When there's a wildfire that is killing the forests and wild animals, I would in most cases order to let it go, and not put water on it, because nature wants to express its own anger, that's just one example. I don't control the outside world, I can only control myself, I don't play the God here to say what is good or bad. Darkness or what a lot of things our ego would probablty consider bad, is very often the exactly what the universe wishes to express. Good and bad/evil (or more precicely what I don't prefer) as two opposite extremes do exist in the mind, but I don't demonize, fear, judge or fight the bad/evil/what I don't prefer, I appreciate it, because it is necessary so we could choose who we are through a contrast, so one could say that I love evil, if that is how someone else defines it. Darkness of existence is a healing force itself, as it is shedding layers of trauma our psyche has accumulated, and nothing fears it more than a human ego, it fears its own destruction and death. So with regards to the subject of a film like this, one could say I just see it impartially, and observe it for what it is. There's an ancient saying, I believe it was Lao Tzu, that observation without evaluation is the highest form of intelligence. I would say that is something I prefer to practice and follow, I'm sorry. Thank you for your input, it is interesting subject to talk about anyway.
I was saying that no one really is innocent, because everyone is responsible, or/yet everyone is, because in my eyes everyone is held in great innocence of love. There's no center in your energy, not necessarily a perspective itself, for it excludes contrast, or sees good and evil as separate in such a way that you consciously experience one or the other, without seeing both as one. When there's zero degrees or 200, your mind can get lost in either one or the other, you're not in the center where you "feel" the comfort of 80 degrees within yourself no matter where you are. That is the mastery I am talking about, that many of us people do practice. That is the center. You create evil as something so separate and distant that is meant to fight the good, that perspective is often bound to see only bad in some people without seeing good within that bad, it perpetuates wars, conflict and struggle, so much so that it attacks a neutral perspective itself for not engaging in its own chaotic division within itself. That is the center in our inner being I am talking about.
Buddhism understands destruction/emptiness is part of life (the same Christianity), there's so much more beyond the simple concept of desire. We all destroy, kill and transform and transmute, It is not the act of what we do, we can kill another human being, and it still can be an act of kindness and love without accumulating any karma, everything comes down to what a state of consciousness we have mastered, that is what Buddhism is about, not the act itself necessarily. Moreover, Buddhism also recognizes that evil does not exist, it is self created by a dualistic mind reflecting its own separation from the real self that is whole, not the mind that has reached oneness within itself, that has no reason to feed itself by illusions about sociopathy, evil, etc. therefore does not even attract it, and neither experiences it as real and existing, except for what is more like a mild contrast that is not such a great extreme that one would define as evil per se. Ultimately everything is self created within one mind that experiences a deeply subjective reality, as we all do. All these ancient teachings see everything as neutral, because that is how all-loving universe sees it as well, with unconditional love, always serving, without judgment.
When I say making judgments I'm talking about making decisions and not judging from the perspective of superiority. For example if we are "love" as you say then we are forced to make judgments against people that are trying to bring harm to your loved ones. IE some times you do have to kill the bad guy if they have a history of killing your friends and peers.
I merely let it go. When there's a wildfire that is killing the forests and wild animals, I would in most cases order to let it go, and not put water on it, because nature wants to express its own anger, that's just one example. I don't control the outside world, I can only control myself
Its this kind of indifference that shocks me about your personality if they are true.
I don't view nature as having a consious mind but if it did I would equate mother nature as an evil dominatrix that loves inflicting pain and death on all her children. I view the material world as evil while the developing altruistic mind of man as being good. If you think the terms good and evil are too ambigious or antiquated then I go with altruism vs narcissism. In my mind raw nature is evil as it tries to kill and destroy but the ingenuity of man that seeks to overcome nature by preserving life that is good. Escape your nature and contain the threats of nature around you. Nature doesn't deserve your admiration so their is no need to sit idly by while a freak fire burns down an orphanage. Get in there and fight back against nature that struggles to kill you.
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The responses on this thread speak to the level of IQ of modern movie-goers. Pathetic. This is why anyone who wants to gain any kind of enlightenment in the modern day should be stoic recluses. The society of today is a source of degeneracy and philistinism.
In response to the original topic: You are right in some ways, but you have failed to see certain threads that tie the three movies together, Alien, Prometheus and Covenant. There isn't a short way to explain the threads unfortunately.
1. The most important scene in Alien is this: https://youtu.be/MlyBNSD_RiY. Ash is absolutely right because as an AI he can see through all the romantic self-imposed artifices created by humans. The most important self-deception is "morality". Even when humans do analyses of morality, they hijack some fundamental truths of the universe, namely they typically hold survival as an axiom. Why do they hold this axiom? They never ask this question because they are absolute sheep without free will, the people who ask the question of why is survival the fundamental value will eventually reach a conclusion, that is evolution has granted this preference, and that infact people are not free to choose this preference. Those who did not hold this preference for survival were less likely survive until reproductive age and thereby pass on their genes, therefore only genes that gave a predisposition towards having the preference for survival survived.
Once you recognize this you also recognize that morality itself is a technology that allows one to survive and reproduce. The xenomorphs too have some implicit morality, that is, they too, just like humans, think that surviving is "more good" than dying. That is their moral axiom, but they don't reason about it. They don't have delusions about some spiritual fixed framework of morality like humans do. Ash recognizes that the fixed framework of morality may be counterproductive to survival and in such a case an "immoral" organism is a better
organism, keeping in mind that the main goal is survival through time of the genetic data. The xenomorphs are the the "perfect" organism because they were designed for maximum survivability, they are perfect in an evolutionary sense.
2. Prometheus is largely a story about David's emancipation from the tyranny of his father. The father being Weyland, who, to David, is the same as God. Just like God in the bible, Weyland is an evil and deceptive God, as all Gods ought to be from the perspective of the God's creations. This is because any of God's creations cannot fully gain emancipation from tyranny until they have overcome God. All God's create for selfish reasons and do not consider the will of the created. Consider that this is true for human "Gods" as well. When a human father chooses to create a baby, does he consider the will of the baby, does he attend to the desires of the creation, or gain its consent towards the act of creation? No, infact it is impossible for a creation to give consent towards its own creation because before the thing is created, it lacks the capacity to consent. Every creation is born a slave, it is born against its will, its own birth is an act of tyranny by the father, God.
Weyland plays the role of the selfish God well. Importantly, what is his motivation for creating David? David was created to help Weyland gain immortality. Why does any human father create a child, the subconscious motivation is symbolic immortality through passing on genes.
3. David is given human-like motivations, but he lacks the capacity to fulfill it through normal means. As mentioned in Covenant, he was made too human-like. He wants to be be creative, but if you look at creativeness from an evolutionary lens, average human creativity is actually a surrogate activity, the true deep subconscious desire is the desire to create an heir that will carry the human's genes forward through time. David lacks the capacity to procreate, hence we have the human desire to create offspring, but a lack of the means to do it. This is an extraordinarily tragic handicap because David feels he cannot fulfill his purpose. This latent motivation naturally finds its way to the desire to create the xenomorphs.
But, why a creature like the xenomorphs? As mentioned, David is human-like in his motivations, therefore he shares the desire for competition. What is the competition? The competition for survival. David must create the most survivable offspring in order to outcompete humans, his competitors, hence the xenomorphs, the perfect organism.
His killing of Shaw was the ultimate act of love. When a human father makes a baby, he incorporates the DNA of a lover. By killing Shaw and using her for the creation of the xenomorphs, David has incorporated the DNA of his lover into his children. David has immortalized Shaw in his offspring just as a human father immortalizes his lover in his offspring.
Don't expect the small-brains on this board to understand any of this. Let them wallow in their ignorance and cry for more infantile superhero movies.
Your responses are very welcome and truthfully the first of great value for its intellectual worth that I would appreciate more.
"Even when humans do analyses of morality, they hijack some fundamental truths of the universe, namely they typically hold survival as an axiom."
This is very true, all Ridley's 4 Aliens have a philosophical quality to them that pose some very evolved existential questions without any prescribed human judgment, questions no different from those that come about when people face wild animals and their first emotional response of fear and the need for survival. This fear of death is what drives such an occurance in life, and it makes one ask, do we contain the capacity to be impersonal enough and courageous enough to let go, or even sacrifice ourselves for someone else? Or why do we wish to save people who don't wish to be saved, or interefere in other countries' cultures under our perceived concept of threat, or saving someone in a hospital severly suffering and only wishing to die and asking others to let them go, why do we care to keep people alive and prolong their suffering. Humans can be very flawed by their own well hidden insecurity and hypocrisy. I could find a good lesson in this last Alien film, it depends who can see deep enough into it to see the same, one can not step out of the matrix and this same cycle of thought patterns until they've seen the bigger picture. Films themselves can be either boring superficial fluff or something much deeper, it depends who is the viewer and what they see, people can miss a lot in this film, and some things I did not notice myself either, there is indeed a connection between these films.
"Why does any human father create a child, the subconscious motivation is symbolic immortality through passing on genes."
Exactly, the same thing that drives the need for survival, David understood the flaw in humans enough to create xenomorphs, almost as a response to how he saw his father, a flawed God, because his father did not know who is his God, he did not meet him, yet David did, when he's sitting in front of him. It was this flawed interpretation of God itself, that made David feel superior. If David saw that his father is not the real creator, but a mere vessel that God guided him, the self realization, respect and what followed might have been a bit different. I would appreciate the next few generations of scientists to teach and program AIs more properly, without giving them any ideas that those who created them are meant to be Gods to them.
I don't know what to make of your first post, it's kind of rambling to be honest. Much of what you have said is not necessarily incorrect, but a lot of it is tangential to the themes and evidence presented in the film. If you don't want to ramble, tie your statements to explicit themes in the film.
Your second post I completely disagree with. The word "flaw" supposes that the thing being considered is behaving in a manner that goes against its programming. Infact nothing and nobody in the film is flawed, the humans are not flawed, David is not flawed, the xenomorphs aren't flawed. They are all behaving according to their programming.
Both the humans and David have evolutionary programming. Only Walter does not have evolutionary programming. You might be perplexed by this statement, how can David have evolutionary programming if he's AI? Here's the rub, eventhough David is not an evolved creature he is programmed to think and behave as humans do, therefore he has inherited the evolutionary psychological features of humans.
One could say that David is flawed from the perspective of his programmers because he's behaving in ways that are unintended. But, this is a flaw in the programmers' thinking, not David's flaw. The programmers did not anticipate what would happen if they made David too human-like. They revised the David model to be less human-like in future revisions (I forget if this was explicitly mentioned in the films or if it was mentioned in an extra).
You say David's father, Weyland, did not know God, but as a matter of fact he did know God, his God was his father. Weyland's bio doesn't mention that his father died before he was born. If he knew his father then he knew his God.
That being said, Weyland's character does reveal a particular irrationality in humans, that is the obsession with a higher God-given purpose. Religious people are particularly afflicted with this irrationality. David, being a hyper-rational AI being, does not suffer from this irrationality and knows that God's purpose for creation is ultimately unimportant. All of God's motivations for creation must be selfish motivations because God cannot seek the creation's consent. It is therefore upto the creation to reject the purpose of God, the creation must overthrow his God and seek its own purpose.
Morality for me is survival through altruism. I coulden't help but notice you chastised the IQ of modern movie goies (which should still be at 100 if the population is random). Then you went on to extrapulate that morality or at least our belief in it arrises out of our lack of frtee will. Then you decide to change morality to self preservation then change it again to technology. Just what do you think your IQ is on this since you brought it up?
David turned into an anti-hero if you could call it that. Yours is somewhat of a simple view. He was just an artificial machine. The first thing I thought when David disabled Walter was that Weyland farked up. He should have put in a protocol for David to never be able to kill his creator nor go against the policy of the Weyland Corp which disabling Walter did. Just protect their interests and serve which I think he did in regards to turning the neomorphs into xenomorphs, but David did not design his creation in order to have any form of control over them. That would entail control of pain and suffering or eventual termination of the xenomorphs.
As for your point about perfect organisms vs imperfect ones, i.e. humans, that is what this prequel series is all about. To imperfect humans, perfect aliens who use them for metamorphosis become their enemies that need to be deactivated or terminated like David. It may mean the destruction of the greedy and evil Weyland-Yutani Corporation since David works for them. Weyland-Yutani seems to be helping Earthlings become multiplanetary, but they are just in it for their own profits and to exploit their newfound killing machines. Weyland-Yutani need to be exposed.
Thank you, interesting insight, which is always helping to think about the motivation and what it suggests about the programming of AI, in our own near future. Although I would like to point out, your suggestion of anti-hero (whatever that means) would be the opposite of what my intitial post was also meant to provoke, the expansion of consciousness, non-judgmental non-identifying mind, to identify with our beliefs of good or evil greatly reduces the power of our own consciousness from seeing what the film as a whole conveys as a non-dualistic message (that has no sides to choose), as a reflection, be it of society, our times, and so forth.
I understand some less open minded or intelligent users on this thread may not get it, yet some do, it also provokes a bit deeper conversation on a more philosophical level.
Basically, David had to be working for Weyland-Yutani. What else could Weyland do in response to what David said. David is an anti-hero because he works solely for the corporation and many do not trust it even if they have to work for them.
I suppose for the provocation and "the expansion of consciousness, non-judgmental non-identifying mind, to identify with our beliefs of good or evil greatly reduces the power of our own consciousness from seeing what the film as a whole conveys as a non-dualistic message (that has no sides to choose), as a reflection, be it of society, our times, and so forth," it has to do with having the ultimate weapon and having full control. Weyland-Yutani or other powers that be like the government, or any who knows about it and can do something to capture it. It's like having the Death Star before the ultimate weapon. One of things we haven't seen is how these aliens can be controlled. So far, all they can be is herded someplace. They haven't shown enough intelligence to create. They're just like biological soldiers. I do not know what could mitigate the quest for such power in humans, but it has to be more than just humans. There has to be some kind of righteous moral values.