MovieChat Forums > Yinky > Replies
Yinky's Replies
They ALMOST died. Lol. They all survived. Capt Spaulding was executed in the beginning (probably because Sid was dying--he looked really bad). I loved DR. I think "playing it straight" was fine, for that movie. 1000 & DR are completely different. I can't say which I prefer, but if I had to choose I would say 1000. Still, DR is awesome.
This one he "plays straight" as well, but it's just....stupid. I hate to say it. Even stupider than Lords of Salem, which I tried really hard to like but it was just plain dumb. 31 was ok, not great. But 3 from Hell is a waste of time.
When in Texas Chainsaw Massacre did the cops storm the house and attempt to capture the family of killers? I don't remember that happening in TCM at all. Did you actually see The Devil's Rejects?
He is creative, sure. I just watched 3 from Hell and maaaaaaaaan did it suck. Don't get me wrong, I am a die-hard fan of Corpses and Rejects, but he needs to stop. This movie shouldn't have been made. Weak script, gratuitous profanity (really got sick of the word mf-er), rehashing the same old stuff. Baby's character was really, really stupid. Bill was great of course, but had very little to work with. It had a couple good moments, but overall, I think he's lost it.
Late to the post but I don’t see it. Tra La La was a whore. A prostitute. Jessica’s character was a misunderstood (or bored) military wife. Apples & oranges. Both fantastic actors.
Of sorts. See my post above. It's a lovers-on-the-run flick that's been done a million times. I even cited B&C, and mentioned that while they were criminals, and Q&S aren't, it's the same old s***.
That's the whole point of the movie? Really. Well in that case I will keep my $10 and just turn on the news.
You obviously are refusing to entertain the idea that a movie, even if it has black folks in it, can be a tired old cliche. Black people can being boring too. Just saying.
Sadly, I totally agree with you. Once she gets her hands on the book, you REALLY have to suspend your belief in realism. Everything fell into place a little too perfectly. And you’re right—we never actually see the crime happen, and that had to be done for a reason. Still, with the subsequent gun shot, it sure seems like he was guilty.
I was around five stars up until the finding of the book. Then it went from four to three. Good flick, not great. Definitely a heartbreaker. The kids’ acting is fantastic—they got tears out of me.
And Naomi, with her Botox-free forehead. She rules.
I see. Well, Blackness in America is ONE of the themes, and I have no problem with that. Another theme here is Wrongly Accused and on the Run. That's what bores me about it. I'm not saying it's a bad movie, just on-the-run movies are passe. I can't think of anything happening in it that hasn't been done a million times. I could be wrong, but this kind of movie doesn't interest me.
I suppose I should add not all the movies above are about wrongly accused people, just people on the run who are supposed to be seen as heroic. I'm just tired of that.
Why are you "not sure" this is a repeat theme? Are you saying it isn't a repeat theme? This movie has been countless times. Re:
Bonnie & Clyde
Natural Born Killers
Wild at Heart
Gun Crazy
The Getaway
Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry
Legend of Billie Jean
Thelma and Louise
...and these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.....
Oh, you're right, the James Ingram song was Luke and HOLLY.
The Luke and Laura song was Come to Me by James Ingram....I don't think it was that song....I'll have to check.
Maybe. Sounds as logical as anything else in this flick! lol
Of course it is. But I think Nic really doesn’t care about awards anymore. I think he likes overacting because he’s cracking himself up. And he loves the surreal. He’s got enough money where he can do exactly what he wants. And I think that is what he does.
I'm desperate. You have to pay for Y&R now. General Hospital is still on, but I liked this show better....
When I was in college, I had male and female roommates, and I got every single one of them hooked on AMC!
That's a bummer. I have always like Soaps, day or nighttime, because they are hilariously over the top. I still want to be Erica Kane when I grow up (and I'm 56!)!
lol...what things? Dying quicker? what are them things good for? At least in Hellraiser, Julia was getting laid....
I thought the same thing!
Fat? Seriously?!