MovieChat Forums > Galilguy > Replies
Galilguy's Replies
One of the biggest deterrents is the fact that anyone can be armed anywhere except schools, banks etc. That's what prevents most shootings, the bastard criminals always think twice. There's always nut-cases but our ability to arm ourselves legally is paramount with preventing most of these atrocities.
I keep hearing that there are more Jewish people in the USA than there are in Israel. If the Islamic jihadists want to exterminate the Jewish people, they are eventually going to have to go to where they are. That would be here, in the USA.
I just cannot understand why the Jewish people here in the USA do not see the threat, and keep voting for the party that enables and encourages their potential extermination. Biden talks tough, but talk is cheap. It is Democrats who have organized the pro Hamas demonstrations. It is Democrats sending billions to Iran and millions to Hamas. Just like Biden not enforcing the borders and letting terrorists in, he has also failed to enforce the sanctions placed on the Iranian sale of oil. This is all on Democrats, not just Biden. Biden has to have people wipe his butt; he decides nothing. Democrats in lockstep are behind what is happening.
Pedo ... check.
Spousal abuse ... check.
Restraining order ... check.
Mental illness ... check.
Previous threats ... check.
Obama voter ... check.
I read this guy is an "independent". Yeah, in Maine, they don't really have conservatives or constitutionalists. This guy is a liberal.
The interesting twist for me is the "yellow flag" gun law in Maine. It's an example of legislators trying to get a gun law accepted, but then working around the law to grab even more guns in an end run around. The "yellow flag" law in Maine is different from "red flag" laws" elsewhere and in Florida in that a medical professional (doctor) has to sign off before the judge can issue a confiscation order. So what does the good government of Maine do? They hire their own medical professional who is authorized to do a tele-health interview by phone to get the authorization to bring before the judge! Democrats are sneaky bastards!
The mental health system and gun laws failed again, but legal gun owners will be blamed.
I realize the people of Oregon are hopelessly stupid but unfortunately, for Oregon, Americans aren't. This has nothing to do with race. It has to do with schools that in twelve years the students do not acquire basic competency in reading, writing, and math. I realize the racist Democrats want to think blacks are inherently inferior but that's not the case. The schools are failing and not the students.
So what does handing out diplomas to everyone who shows up do for black students? It gives them a diploma that is just as worthless as the ones the other students get.
That's Democrat EQUITY. Isn't that fair and the teachers unions prefer teaching anal sex...
The Democrats are gripped by destructive Marxist ideology and the Rinos are just greedy and corrupt beyond belief.
Democrats stayed in their seats when he said the US southern border must be addressed.
Democrats stayed in their seats when he said inflation had to be brought under control by reining in on govt spending.
Democrats stayed in their seats when he said he would be known for decentralizing govt power - and the R's weren't so excited.
Democrats generally sat silently. A few times on que from their D masters they clapped or stood.
Overall, a good speech. He made a few indirect subtle jabs at the Democrats. Sounds like he might push conservative issues and sink Democrat issues. We'll see..
The beast isn't used to being called out by anyone..
Why is she still on the national scene? right, the guy said it, they are driving us towards WW3. If not WW3 another 108 billion.
TC is a thin skinned snowflake..
All this tells me is how weak the cases are, and how rigged the court is. "aiding and abetting false statements"? What the hell is the definition of that speech crime? Where is the 1st Amendment when you really need it??
These people aren't rich. They want to get on with their lives. As far as testifying against someone else (Trump), what can they say? "He aided and abetted our false statements."?? give me a break. It's a lawfare political operation. Take the plea bargain or risk bankruptcy and prison. This is all a farce..
I was expecting a Babylon Bee article. The arrogance of some of these people is staggering.
A classic
To sane people, yes it is.
My thoughts as well. I never got the hype with MM and a slow walking serial killer.
If only more would follow her lead.
I think the OP might be the most naive person I've ever seen.
She also said she'd "blow her own brains out" if he got elected. BB guns aren't all that hard to find..
I love Christmas and I love eggnog. Cheers
I stand with Isreal and not with barbaric savages.
He's a piggy bank to everyone except American citizens..