Galilguy's Replies

What point is that? all you're doing is throwing around petty insults and non sense. Typical Leftist troll. It's because he is a gutless piece of shit loser. If we did get into a conflict with Iran he would screw it up like he has with everything else he has been involved with. No more wars until the people in the USA are willing to accept the fact that war means you do the most harm to your enemy as you can.. You either have a meritocracy or you don't. You can get away with DEI hiring in large corporations at least for a while. Nuclear reactor management, brain surgery, and flying jumbo jets- not so much.. Taiwan's election is over, and Bozo reiterates the US DOES NOT SUPPORT TAIWAN'S INDEPENDENCE, which has been the official position since Nixon tossed them under the bus to cozy up to the mainland. Only 13 nations recognize Taiwan as an independent nation, and what a collection of nonentities. So explain to me our schizophrenic "Policy", we sell them arms to maintain what? We talk war with China to maintain what? An independence WE DO NOT RECOGNIZE? All while we adhere to a "one China policy" officially? Once again, Xiden proves his undying loyalty to the CCP.. I hope not, I fly internationally twice a year and appreciate qualified pilots and airline staff... It's proof he was a government plant. The FJB Admin & FBI & DOJ & Capitol Hill Police are up to their eyeballs in this thing. We know the Left is going to cheat. But by how much this time? Well, if the System really has no intention of sending the illegals back to where they came from, then I suppose the next best thing is to have the blue-blooded, yuppie scum take them in. Let them have a dose of that DIEversity they're always crowing about from the safety of their gated neighborhoods. Sit down kid, you got nothing. There's no shortage of Leftist imbeciles. If it uses quality practical effects I would.. Won't happen unless all questions are submitted ahead of time and approved, and Joe is given the answers to all questions.. Funny how they call Trump all these names like extreme, Hitler, fascist, etc., yet never give examples of why. They just keep blurting it out there hoping it sticks and unfortunately it does with gullible and naive low information voters. Macron is just trying to out-woke the USA. The government is no longer concerned about hiding what they're doing. The incredibly out in the open double standards with this administration on full display. Why are they treating him with kid gloves, when there are many rotting in jail who did far less? Hopefully, the SCOTUS protects the Republic from the Dems and Rinos' law fare, but I do not trust Roberts. I believe it will be a 6-3 decision for Trump. The three women on the court always vote against the Constitution. The Democrats certainly hate Democracy. The people decide for whom they wish to vote.. Nothing ever coherent or convincing from the Loony Left. They bragged about their compassion with their open borders and sanctuary cities. They called those who wanted secure borders and sovereignty, racists. Now, they are begging Biden to close the borders after he allowed eight (8) million illegals to cross. This is more than the individual population of 38 states. I think the bussing of Illegals to Northern Dem cities by Abbot and DeSantis maybe the single best move by the smoldering remains of the GOP in the last couple years. Make them live their policies... China Joe is on a roll printing out money like a drunken Marxist. As the Loony Left say, "Thanks Biden!" Now everything else costs an "ass load" under Biden.. This made my day. She earned every moment of shame. Shortest tenure ever. One down, and who knows how many hundreds more like her to go...? American academia is thoroughly INFESTED with frauds, cheats, and "poseurs" of many kinds. This is what happens when organizations hire high-level personnel based on any criteria EXCEPT excellence and superiority. Surely there were much better qualified applicants to occupy that lofty position at Harvard University..