Skavau is right on both counts. Bubbagutt is much more
ignorant than I ever imagined. That's the kind of
misinformation that would come directly from mainland China.
> The United States switched diplomatic recognition from
> Taipei to Beijing in 1979 and has long said it does not
> support a formal declaration of independence by Taiwan.
> It does, however, maintain unofficial relations with the
> self-governed island and remains its most important
> backer and arms supplier.
If the Chinese were to attack and take the island, the result
predicted for be that the US would bomb Taiwan's
semi-conductor industry. We have allowed Taiwan to take
over the chip manufacturing technology, though almost all
of the hugely expensive precision machines that enable the
technology come from Europe or the US.
We are desperated and expensively trying to duplicate
chip manufacturing plants in the US now retroactively.
I don't know how the US is stupid enough to continuously
find itself in these scrapes where we are dependent on our
enemies or countries threatened by our enemies for this
There is a Pacific nation alliance to protect against China's
expansion to Taiwan and elsewhere. Japan feels under
threat as well.
Skavau might pounce at my opinion that the Pacific threat
from China was/is orders of magnitude greater than the threat
from Russia, particularly now that we have driven Russia
into China's sphere.
Bubba belongs in prison where he will soon be able to
harass Trump like he harasses the truth here inline.